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Chapter 49 Reluctance to accept

On a moonlit night, the breeze was blowing, and the cicadas sat on the treetops and sang to their hearts' content.

In the small courtyard, a charming figure stood there for a long time, her eyelashes twitching slightly, her eyes fixed on the brightly lit room, her hands clasped together in front of her chest, and she kept mumbling something.

Next to Jiang Ran, Jiu'er kept wandering anxiously, and from time to time would lie down at the window and take a look inside the house.

Sun Yufu was very calm, sitting on a chair with uneven corners and drinking a small drink.

Not long after, an old man wearing a lotus-colored gown came out of the house and said to the two women: "I have detoxified them both. It won't take long for them to wake up. Their diet should be light for a while."

Lord, tomorrow I will grab five sets of medicine according to this prescription, and you will be completely cured after drinking it."

Jiang Ran reached out to take the prescription, took out a tael of silver from his sleeve and handed it over: "Thank you, doctor."

Cao Jin did not accept it. Instead, he looked at Sun Yufu and said in a hoarse voice: "Old Sun, you owe me a favor."

"I know, I'll treat you to a drink later." Sun Yufu put the wine gourd aside, stood up and sent the other party out the door.

Jiang Ran walked into the house with wine, glanced at the two people lying on the bed, and saw that their faces had improved a little, and Tang Ji's wound was no longer bleeding. He felt relieved and sat upright on the couch.

Waiting for them to wake up on the bench.

Half an hour later, Tang Ji's eyelids rolled up, sweat broke out on his forehead, and he murmured: "Help me, help me!"

In an instant, he sat up from the bed, breathing heavily and looking a little dazed.

This was the second time he saw this memory of a little girl dragging a little boy who fell into the water. This time there were more clips than last time, but he still couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

Jiang Ran, who was sleeping lightly with his head propped up at the table, noticed the movement. When he found Tang Ji woke up, he immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

Tang Ji adjusted his breathing and drank all the water in the cup. He suddenly recalled the incident of being chased during the day. He looked around and found Li Yu lying at the end of the bed, and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

At this moment, Sun Yufu opened the door and walked in, explaining: "You were poisoned. The old man originally planned to chop off your arm, but this kid stopped him. He also helped you suck out the poison."

, and ended up lying here."

Tang Ji lowered his head and stared at his wound. Unexpectedly, the assassins' knives were smeared with poison. He slowly turned his gaze to Li Yu. Fortunately, this guy had a conscience. He didn't want to lose an arm for no reason, but he remembered the identity of the other party.

, asked: "Is this guy okay?"

Jiang Ran shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the doctor has detoxified you."

Hearing this, Tang Ji immediately breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to a prince here, none of them would be able to escape. He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He turned to Sun Yufu and said, "Thank you, senior, for saving me."

"I just happened to be passing by. Since you're awake, the old man will leave first." Sun Yufu flexed his muscles and walked out of the house.

Jiang Ran followed him out in strides. After sending Sun Yufu away, he was about to close the courtyard door when he was startled by the arm that stretched out. After a closer look, he realized it was Song Xiao.

"Miss Jiang, let me come to see my young master." Song Xiao took back his hand and nodded.

Jiang Ran responded politely, opened the courtyard door again, and brought the other party into the house.

The first thing Song Xiao saw when he entered the room was Li Yu lying on the bed. His expression suddenly changed. He held his sword tightly and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Tang Ji adjusted himself, leaning on the bedside in a more comfortable position, and roughly explained what happened during the day.

Jiang Ran was slightly surprised to hear him tell Li Yu's true identity.

Song Xiao felt guilty for not protecting the prince well. He clenched his fists and said to Tang Ji: "Mr. Tang, my prince will be left to you. Those assassins are so bold that I will inform the governor and conduct a city-wide search."

After such a long time, the assassin should have run away long ago, and the search probably wouldn't reveal anything, but Tang Ji didn't stop him and nodded in agreement.

Song Xiao came and went in a hurry, and soon left Jiang Ran's courtyard.

Later in the evening, Jiu'er cooked a bowl of noodles for Tang Ji. The latter was indeed hungry, so he got up and walked to the table, immediately picked up his chopsticks and started to eat.

Just when he was halfway through eating, Li Yu, who was lying at the end of the bed, woke up in a daze. He raised his hands and rubbed his eyes. Apart from being unable to exert any strength, he didn't feel any other discomfort. He sat up with his body propped up.

He got up, saw that Tang Ji was safe and sound, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you today."

"Indeed, so don't pester me anymore." Tang Ji finished chewing the noodles in his mouth, lowered his head and took a sip of soup.

Li Yu seemed not to have heard what he said, blinking and asking: "Now that you know my identity, aren't you afraid of me?"

Tang Ji picked up a small dish with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, and replied leisurely: "Mr. Accountant is a human being, and the prince is also a human being. Why should I be afraid of you? Didn't you say that we are friends during the day?"

"I have indeed seen you right, you are different from others!" Li Yu looked extremely excited, but his stomach growled unsatisfactorily. Seeing that Tang Ji was eating so deliciously, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva and continued: "

Give me a bowl of noodles too!"

Tang Ji reached out and grabbed Jiu'er's skirt and whispered, "Go and cook him a bowl too."

"Okay." Jiu'er wasn't naughty today, she was very well-behaved.

After a short meeting, Li Yu ate the delicious noodles. Then he remembered something and took out ten taels of silver from his sleeve and put it on the table.

Seeing this, Tang Ji, who was drinking soup, almost choked. Ten taels of silver for a bowl of noodles was a bit extravagant. He had cheated this guy several times, and he was embarrassed to cheat him again. He said, "You should take this silver back."

"You just said we were friends, but now you don't even dare to ask for my money?" Li Yu put down his chopsticks, tilted his head, and stared at him closely.

The corner of Tang Ji's mouth twitched, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment. He seriously suspected that Li Yu had any tendency to be deceived. After thinking about it, he asked tentatively: "Then... I reluctantly accept it?"

"It must be accepted!" Li Yu nodded firmly.

Tang Ji stopped writing and put the money into his pocket.

He used to think that in this world, it was easier for the rich to make money, but now it seems that it is even easier to make money for fools.

Tang Ji ate the last bit of soup in the bowl and looked at Li Yu who was still giggling: "Eat quickly, otherwise the noodles will become lumpy."

"Okay!" Li Yu regained his thoughts and started eating hungrily, not forgetting to give Jiu'er a thumbs up and praise the delicious noodles.

Jiu'er didn't care so much. Seeing that their injuries were getting better, Jiu'er pulled Jiang Ran towards the master bedroom, wanting to try on the new clothes Tang Ji gave her.

At the same time, the originally peaceful Yunhuai City became restless. The four major city gates increased their troops. Every once in a while on the streets, officers and soldiers holding torches could be seen searching house to house. I don’t know which unlucky drunkard was found guilty of this.

I was arrested for loitering outside during curfew time and taken to the county government office.

Everyone in the city is in danger, and a force that has just emerged has shrunk back again.


This chapter has been completed!
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