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Chapter 105: You Have a Good Daughter!

"Ning'er?" Mrs. Wen pressed her chest with one hand. She felt as if her son's words had triggered angina, and she could hardly stand still.

Fortunately, he was supported by the maid on the side in time. She pointed at him with trembling fingers and said coldly: "You should just hope that I am dead first!"

"What are you still doing here and embarrassing yourself? Why don't you leave quickly?"

By the time they returned to the original courtyard, all the Qiao family had left without even leaving a word.

Only Old Mrs. Wen sat in her seat with a livid face, quickly twirling a string of rosewood beads in her hand.

Seeing her daughter-in-law and grandson coming in, Mrs. Wen sneered first, pointed at her daughter-in-law and cursed: "This is the good son you raised!"

Mrs. Wen's mouth was full of bitterness, and she scolded Qiao Yuning in her heart, but she could only try her best to smile, "Mom, this matter is our good son's fault, but how to remedy this, I still have to come up with something."

Here’s an idea!”

"Repair? Are you thinking of remediation now?" Old Mrs. Wen was also so angry that she almost wanted to hit the two people with big-eared melon seeds. She snorted coldly, "Don't ask me, ask him."

Go ahead! Go back!"

After giving the order, the group immediately went out and returned.

When the Wen family left Daxiangguo Temple, the Qiao family had been walking on the road for a while.

Qiao Yuyan leaned against the carriage carriage with her eyes closed, no expression on her face.

Although she didn't open her eyes, she knew that Qiao Yurong opposite her was scratching her heart with cat paws and looking at her curiously.

She didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but this matter only caused trouble when she got home! She had to recuperate first.

But she really couldn't stand the feeling of the other person's eyes being glued to her face, almost as if her face was peeling off.

She opened her eyelids and met the searching eyes across from her as expected. She sighed helplessly, "Aren't your eyes sore when you look at me blindly?"

"Oh, my heart is scratching like a cat's claws. Sister, what happened? Why is grandma so angry?

And looking at the second sister, it was so scary. Aunt Zhao even asked the maid to gag her and cover her with a cloak, but I saw it all. Something terrible must have happened to reach this point.

Tian Di, do you know the inside story here? Tell me quickly!"

She spoke in a crackling voice, almost without pausing. Qiao Yuyan spread her hands helplessly, "I really can't say this, but... you should know it when you get home."

"I promise I won't tell anyone!" How could Qiao Yurong hold back and wait until she got home? Then she would have to be suffocated to death!

Qiao Yuyan thought for a while, "It's not that I can't tell you, but if I tell you, you won't believe it, and you might even think that I'm slandering your second sister!"

Qiao Yurong disagreed in her heart. Her impression of Qiao Yuning now was completely different from before.

The private appearance of my second sister seems to be a bit far from what I think in my heart.

But even so, when Qiao Yuyan told her what she knew, Qiao Yurong still couldn't believe it. She opened her mouth slightly and was stunned for a long time. In the end, she could only remain silent.

When the old lady left Daxiangguo Temple, she arranged for someone to call Qiao Weisheng back from the Yamen. As soon as she got home, she asked Mrs. Xu to come to Ninghetang. After giving the instructions, she thought for a while and added, "Let's

You wives, be prepared and don't be scared."

After saying this, Mrs. Xu couldn't sit still, so she hurriedly came over holding Grandma Liu's hand.

When I saw my daughter sitting safe and sound, I breathed a sigh of relief.

But the expressions on everyone's faces were a little strange, which made her suspicious, "Old lady, what happened when I went to the temple today? Why are you in such a hurry to call your wife over?"

The old lady's eyes fell on her belly, which was already showing her pregnancy. She ordered Pearl to bring an armchair and put a thick and soft cushion on it, "Don't be anxious first. Once you are pregnant, don't panic if anything happens. First

Take care of yourself.”

The more she said this, the more uneasy Mrs. Xu felt, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions. She glanced at the people present and suddenly asked in confusion: "Where is Sister Ning? Why didn't you come back together?"

Qiao Yuyan hurriedly stepped forward and helped her sit down, "Mom, don't ask anymore. Something happened today. Grandma couldn't deal with it privately, so she asked you to come with her father. Everything happened.

Grandma and father are here! Please feel at ease first."

Yao didn't recover much along the way. When he saw Xu's appearance, he comforted her.

After all, this person has always regarded Qiao Yuning as her daughter, but when it comes to today's incident, she usually can't speak anymore, so her words today are inevitably a bit dry.

While talking, Qiao Weisheng had already come over, still wearing official uniform, "Mother, what happened? Are you in such a hurry to call your son back?"

Probably because he was anxious after hearing the news, he braved the heat on a hot day and rode back. At this time, there was still sweat on his head, and his collar was dyed dark with sweat.

Normally, the old lady would have asked him to take a breath and drink some cold drinks, but today she didn't care.

"You gave birth to a good daughter!" the old lady laughed angrily, "I am already half dead, but I never thought that such a shameful day would happen!"

As he said that, he couldn't help but clapped his hands. The tea that had just been served on the table was accidentally thrown to the ground and immediately shattered into pieces.

The son knows best what kind of character the old lady is. Such anger is really rare.

Qiao Weisheng quickly knelt down and admitted his mistake, "No matter what happened, mother must take good care of her health!"

When Mrs. Xu saw it, she wanted to stand up, but the old lady waved her hand, as if she couldn't speak, and turned to Aunt Zhao, "You tell them."

Aunt Zhao was an old man who had been following the old lady all the time. She still had such a face in front of the master's family, so she objectively told what she saw at that time in as calm a tone as possible.

In fact, the old lady didn't just arrive there. Chinese Valentine's Day went by just as quickly as the old lady arrived. She happened to hear what Qiao Yuning said about Qiao Yuyan, so she simply stopped to see if her granddaughter could still survive.

How to confuse right and wrong.

Although she knew there was something wrong, she still wanted to see what else the girl she had raised could say, and then she would suppress the matter before others found out. Who knew the eldest wife of the Wen family would come quickly?

, so I opened the door.

Who knew that there was such a scene inside the door!

Qiao Weisheng and Mrs. Xu were also stunned, and the couple could not say a word.

Xu could still sit still, but when she stood up, she seemed to be unsteady.

She hesitated for a long time before speaking, "Is this... is this true?"

"Bring me that evil obstacle," the old lady didn't want to waste any more words on it. "Now that she has arrived at her home, I want to see what she can say! If today's incident spreads far and wide,

Just one word, I'll kill you!"

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