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Chapter 155: Surprise Change

It was impossible to say that Qiao Yuyan was not worried about Zhang Lun's incident, but when the incident with Princess Jinghe happened later, she knew that for herself, this matter was over.

I didn't expect that the old lady would give such an order today, but considering Qiao Yurong's usually noisy character, it seemed understandable, but the old lady was obviously overly worried.

Today's Qiao Yurong has changed a lot compared to before.

Although she is sometimes a bit willful like a little girl, she can definitely handle important matters clearly.

Since coming back that day, she has never heard her say even a word related to it.

But since the old lady asked me, I naturally still have to go.

But he found the person on Xinglong Street. The two shops next to each other on this street were the second rooms allocated by the old lady.

One shop sells dried fruit preserves, and the other shop sells some bamboo utensils for daily use. The shopkeeper is very experienced in traveling all over the country, and he is a good hand at collecting and selling goods. It was the old man who spent a lot of time to find them.

Although the items are not expensive, the income is not low.

When Qiao Yuyan arrived, Qiao Yurong was sitting in the bamboo shop asking questions to the shopkeeper, looking very interested.

Seeing her coming, he was stunned for a moment, and then he greeted her with a smile, "Why are you here, elder sister?"

"I happened to be passing by because I had something to do, and I just happened to come in to see if you were there, and sure enough, I caught you."

The shopkeeper's wife was also a sensible person. After seeing the situation and saying hello, she asked the waiter to bring some food and a pot of good tea, and then left with the others.

Qiao Yuyan looked at the various brochures in front of her and joked: "I really don't know how you persuaded my aunt to ask you to come and mix in the shop."

"How can I convince you?" Qiao Yurong curled her lips, but her face couldn't help but show a look of disdain, "I just said that I learned from you that many shopkeepers in these shops will deceive and hide the income of these two shops.

Yes, even if the guarantee is not complete, there is a possibility.”

As she said this, she smiled, "Don't you know my mother? She said she didn't care, but in her heart she took money very seriously, and she immediately became a little anxious. But she has been very upset by my grandmother and the others recently.

Are you energetic? I told her to let me go. Firstly, she wouldn’t look at her. Secondly, it would be better than letting people from the Yao family see her coming in and out. Thirdly, it would save her some trouble."

Qiao Yuyan was just asking casually, but when she heard what she said, she felt that her cousin seemed to be smarter than she thought, and she also felt that she had changed a lot now.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Qiao Yuning seemed to have seen what she was thinking, and spoke her own thoughts, "I used to be right, blinded by a leaf, and always thought that some merchants smelled like copper. Now I understand.

, In fact, money is really fragrant. Look at the Yao family, the promised scholarly family, Qingliu family? The face they show to my mother now. And those noble ladies who get together on weekdays, who doesn’t?

Are you secretly comparing each other's clothes and jewelry? If you don't have money, what can you buy with it? It is noble for scholars not to value money, but if they look down on business people because of this, it is short-sighted."

Unexpectedly, the Yao family's incident had such a great impact on Qiao Yurong. Qiao Yuyan felt very comforted in her heart. It was naturally a good thing that her cousin could become more transparent.

The two sisters felt that they were closer to each other in their hearts, so they stopped talking about what was going on here and just started doing household chores.

Although this was an inner room, it also had a window facing the street, and the two sisters were sitting at the table by the window.

While looking at the bustling crowd outside, drinking tea and eating snacks, Qiao Yuyan rarely has such leisure time nowadays.

Holding the tea bowl in both hands, she was looking at the two siblings buying buns in the bun shop across the street. Then she casually mentioned things about the Song family and the old lady's instructions.

Qiao Yurong was also attracted by the pair of cute children, and said with a helpless smile: "Grandma looked down on me too much. Even though I was ignorant before, I definitely didn't know about this accident!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the two sisters felt a flash of silver light in front of their eyes at the same time. Before they could realize what happened, they were knocked to the ground at the same time.

They looked up almost at the same time and saw a silver dagger stuck on the wall of the house.

The one who knocked them down was Shi Ye who had been standing next to Qiao Yuyan.

After picking up leaves and standing still, he immediately picked up the two of them and placed them in a corner, with himself lying in front of them.

After a brief period of chaos, the street fell into a terrifying silence. Qiao Yuyan's heart was pounding uncontrollably, but she forced herself to look out over Shi Ye's shoulder calmly.

The bustling crowd just now had completely disappeared. The streets were gleaming with knife lights. A group of people in uniform black uniforms surrounded several men with their faces covered.

"What...what's going on?"

Qiao Yurong's teeth were chattering and she asked in a low voice with a trembling voice.

Qiao Yuyan looked at it and shook her head. In fact, she was not much better. Even though she had lived two lives, she had never experienced such a terrible thing.

A man outside suddenly said loudly: "The shadow guards are handling the case, and everyone else is waiting to avoid it."

Qiao Yuyan thought about it subconsciously and realized that she knew nothing about an organization like Shadow Guard.

If she were in her previous life, it would be normal for her not to know about the various institutions in the imperial court, but after her rebirth, she went out of her way to learn about them in detail.

Of the twenty-six personal guards of the current dynasty, I have never heard of such a name.

"Girl, let's go back, it's not safe here."

Shi Ye whispered and protected them from the window. When the two of them retreated to a safe place, Qiao Yurong immediately collapsed to the ground, but the shopkeeper's wife came over to support her.

"Why did something like this happen today? I've been looking at shops here for many years, and I've never seen such a battle before."

She was about two years older than them and had seen a lot of things. The shopkeeper's wife was much calmer than them. She didn't dare to speak loudly and only complained in a low voice.

"I'm afraid there's going to be a fight later. They are outside the window. I'll go and close the window." Shi Ye glanced at the people in the room and seemed to be sure that no one could protect themselves, so he bravely

He walked over in front of him.

When the windows were closed, everyone felt relieved again.

"Let's go to the back! There are a lot of officers and soldiers! There are only a few people there, nothing will happen." The shopkeeper's wife greeted the others and entered the backyard together, and the movement in front could not be heard much.

It took more than an hour before someone knocked on the gong, indicating that things outside had calmed down.

Qiao Yuyan and Qiao Yurong were both so frightened that they didn't dare to delay, so they immediately got on the carriage and hurried back home.

Although someone has already dealt with it and few traces can be seen, there must have been blood here just now.

The air was filled with the smell of blood. Qiao Yuyan felt that it was a mistake to park the carriage in the alley when she came. She felt that she could smell the smell along the way and was afraid that the carriage was contaminated.
This chapter has been completed!
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