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Chapter 160: Whose girl is it?

Shiye didn't know what she was going to do, but she never tried to pry into Qiao Yuyan's thoughts. She just agreed and started to do it immediately.

Qiao Yuyan actually didn't know what this meant, but she felt vaguely that something was happening.

The incident with the Song family was like a hook, pulling out many things, but it was so cloudy and foggy that people couldn't see clearly.

Even though Senior Brother Long now has certain connections in the capital, it is not easy to inquire about the affairs of many powerful people. For a while, no news came.

However, the nine-day autumn examination ended as scheduled. Due to the previous round-up incident on Xinglong Street, the somewhat gloomy atmosphere in the capital became much lighter.

Qiao Yuyan picked up an inconspicuous carriage and left the house early in the morning, and guarded the gate of Beigongyuan.

When we arrived, the place was already crowded with carriages and passers-by.

When the gong sounded, the yamen guarding the door opened the gate of Gongyuan, and the candidates who were bored in the waiting room came out one by one with empty steps.

Qiao Yuyan had never seen the appearance of candidates walking out of the examination room after the imperial examination. While it was novel, she could not help but feel horrified.

In such hot weather, taking exams for nine consecutive days, even though I could leave the exam room on the third and sixth days, was still a physical torture.

What's more, I have been concentrating on the exam these past few days, exerting both mental and physical energy.

Those scholars who usually pay attention to their neat clothes were now pale, dull, and disheveled. Some of them fell to the ground just after they walked out of the door.

Of course, there are also many noisy voices coming to greet their relatives, calling for children and brothers.

Qiao Yuyan did not get off the carriage, but she still wore the power fence. She just raised the corner of the carriage curtain and looked at the entrance of the Gongyuan.

In fact, she shouldn't have come today. After all, Wen Tingyuan is a member of the Wen family. Wen Liang is going to end up this time. The uncle and nephew are taking the exam together. The Wen family will not only care about one person anyway, not to mention that they are still in the same family.

In the examination room.

But after thinking about it for a long time last night, I still felt uneasy and decided to come over anyway.

I thought I would just watch Wen Tingyuan come out and then go back quietly without letting the Wen family see him.

Nowadays, she cherishes people who are kind to her in this world more and more. Even though Wen Tingyuan often makes her feel a little strange now, he is still Uncle Wen who has doted on her since she was a child.

It wasn't until the people inside gradually dispersed that Qiao Yuyan saw him coming out, but it was with Wen Liang.

However, their faces were completely different. Wen Liang's face seemed to be a little embarrassed, and he seemed very uncomfortable walking next to Wen Tingyuan. On the contrary, Wen Tingyuan's face was as calm as ever, not even tired at all.

Seeing his son coming out, people from a carriage not far from Qiao Yuyan immediately came to greet him. It was the person the Wen family was waiting for.

Only then did Qiao Yuyan realize that Mrs. Wen had come in person.

"Brother Liang!" Mrs. Wen rushed over and grabbed her son's hand, "How are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

No wonder she would ask this. Wen Liang's condition at this time was really not good. His face was pale, his eyes were swollen, and his hair was a little messy, which was very different from his usual appearance.

But compared to most of the people who just went out, their condition is pretty good.

"I'm fine, I'm just too tired and want to take a good rest."

Mrs. Wen nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, don't worry, everything is ready at home. You can take a bath first and have a good sleep. We can wait until you wake up to talk about anything else."

The mother and son were talking as if they hadn't seen Wen Tingyuan at all.

It wasn't until Wen Liang was about to follow him into the carriage that Mrs. Wen looked at Wen Tingyuan with a hint of apology, "Look, I was so nervous for a while that I forgot to ask Uncle Six if everything went well?"

"It's okay." Wen Tingyuan nodded, and then said calmly, "I have some things to do outside, so I won't go back with you. Please tell my sister-in-law to my family on my behalf."

Even after such a long distance, Qiao Yuyan could clearly see that Mrs. Wen's face relaxed a lot after hearing his words.

"If you have anything to do, just go and do your thing! I'll tell you what to do at home."

Even though what he said sounded very polite, the look on his face and the tone of his voice didn't mean much.

After Mrs. Wen finished speaking, she took her son directly into her carriage and left in a hurry.

Qiao Yuyan felt a little depressed when she thought about the Wen family's affairs.

In the previous life, who in the Wen family dared to be so cold and indifferent to Mr. Wen Liu? Everyone was trying to curry favor before it was too late!

It's just that she never met Wen Tingyuan in her previous life, and she has no idea how Mr. Wen Liu suddenly became so powerful.

But what is certain is that Wen Tingyuan did not take the imperial examination in his previous life.

I don’t know where Wen Tingyuan’s fate went astray in this life, and he ended up taking the imperial examination.

Will he still be as dazzling in the future as he was in his previous life? Will the Wen family still treat him like a god as they did in his previous life?

Just as she was thinking about these things, the car curtain suddenly moved, and a tall figure came in. Seeing her dazed look, he reached out and scratched her nose, "What are you thinking about? Are you so absorbed?"

Qiao Yuyan finally came to her senses and asked, "Why are you here?"

Wen Tingyuan raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you here to pick me up?"

"No... Bah, yes, but how did you know I was in this carriage?" Qiao Yuyan was puzzled and asked directly.

He seemed to be in a good mood and gave her a sly smile, "Guess."

After speaking, he knocked on the wall of the carriage, and the carriage started to move.

How could she have guessed this, but that was not the point. Seeing that his expression was so relaxed and he looked no different from usual, Qiao Yuyan's mind immediately turned to serious matters.

"How was it? How do you think you did in the exam?"

Wen Tingyuan leaned on the carriage and closed his eyes to rest. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and glanced at her, then smiled faintly, "It's not bad!"

Qiao Yuyan thought for a while and didn't know how good he was at this level. "Do you think... you can pass the exam?"

"It should work!"

When he said this, his tone and demeanor did not change at all, and his slightly closed eyelids did not even move. Qiao Yuyan was a little confused, is this autumn exam really that difficult?

Why does he seem so easy?

"What did you take the exam? How did you answer it? Otherwise, you tell me, and I will go back and ask my dad. He was ranked seventh in the top two at any rate!"

The girl's voice in the carriage was a little soft, which made people feel soft and warm.

As the carriage moved forward, the wind blew and the curtains were rolled up. From the teahouse outside, only the power fence blocking the face could be seen.

The girl wearing smoky purple clothes frowned, "Go and find out who that woman is."
This chapter has been completed!
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