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Chapter 281: Something happened to your aunt

In the night wind, the silence in the room sounded even quieter than before.

"Don't, don't listen to his nonsense, he's just deceiving us." The same thin voice was still speaking, but this time, his voice was obviously trembling.

"I remember one time when we came back from Jiangzhou and took a boat, and there were no cabins, I slept with you, and you both talked in your sleep!"

A voice that didn't speak much suddenly asked the other two people, "You..."

"Ha..." The man sneered before they could argue, "Former Jiangzhou Inspector Chu Tianqi."

After this sentence, the three people did not speak again, but Qiao Yuyan clearly heard the sound of cups and dishes hitting each other in the room, as if they were being struck by something vibrating.

"Although you didn't tell me everything, I've heard a lot about your sleep talk in the past few days. Come on! Who said that?" The man's voice finally had a slight ups and downs, and he seemed to have a smile.

, but this smile is a bit creepy on a night like this.

No one answered him, so he continued to talk to himself: "It's such a big deal, do you think you still have life?

You probably also know that if you tell me this, your lives will really not be saved, so you bite your tongue and don't say anything, because you will die anyway.

I will give you a chance now. Whoever speaks first, I will spare his life. Don’t say anything that you won’t say even if you die. These words are not valuable now, but your life is still valuable, such as to your family members.

Let’s talk.

You don’t think that you will never be able to find your family, do you?”

After saying this, there was a sudden "clang" sound, which was clearly the sound of a long sword piercing the stone floor.

"I...I said, I said..."

When one person spoke, the other two immediately rushed to speak first.

Since there is no possibility of living anymore, even a tiny bit must be grasped.

So the three people spoke almost at the same time, pouring out all the secrets that had been hidden in their hearts for a long time.

The person opposite them has always been very calm. When he hears three people talking about the same thing, he will carefully catch the loopholes in their words.

If you have any doubts, you will ask them calmly and calmly.

It was probably the desire to survive that drove the three shopkeepers, and they knew almost everything that the other party asked.

Qiao Yuyan stood next to Wen Tingyuan and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

It was very quiet here, and the people in the room did not lower their voices deliberately. The content of their conversation fell on Qiao Yuyan's ears almost word for word.

When she heard this, the first thought in her mind was, can the Xu family... still be saved?

Suddenly, there was warmth on her shoulders. Qiao Yuyan turned her head and saw a slender and strong hand covering her shoulders.

Qiao Yuyan turned to look at him, her eyes a little red. At this moment, the person in front of her was Uncle Wen in the small yard of the Xu family again, "Uncle Wen..."

"Don't be afraid!" Wen Tingyuan's face remained calm, his eyes looked at her softly, and his voice was unusually soft.

After those people had finished vomiting all their words, Qiao Yuyan was led out of the yard by Wen Tingyuan.

She didn't even know how she got into the carriage. It wasn't until he took her hand and rubbed it that she realized that her hands and feet were so cold that they were numb.

"Uncle Wen, is this... is this true? How could they know such a thing? Grandma wouldn't act so laxly, not to mention, this happened a long time ago."

After saying these words one by one, Qiao Yuyan realized that her mind had actually been thinking just now, but she had never realized it.

Wen Tingyuan gently patted her warm hand, and then handed her a cup of tea, "Believe me, nothing will happen to you. Now, go back and have a good sleep. I will take care of you early tomorrow morning."

I'll go find you and don't think about it."

Although he still had such a gentle expression, Qiao Yuyan saw determination in his eyes and suddenly felt a sense of security.

She took a few deep breaths, then nodded heavily, "Yeah! I'll be fine."

However, I still had to write a letter to Jiangzhou, but the letter couldn't leave from the inn, and I had to find a safe person to deliver it.

Even if she trusts Senior Brother Long, it still matters a lot.

Then we can only find Shi Ye, or Grandma Wang's son.

However, although Grandma Wang's son is alert, he has no power to restrain a chicken. If there is something on the road, he is afraid of what may happen.

The only choice was to pick up leaves and set off tomorrow. As for how to ask, she hesitated for a while, and finally decided to write down everything that happened today.

By the time the carriage arrived at the back door of Qiao's house, it was already getting late. Counting the time, it was estimated that they had all returned.

Qixi was waiting in the back door room. When she saw her coming, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Girl, you are finally here. I have been waiting for a long time."

Qiao Yuyan was still a little confused at the moment and didn't answer. She just turned around and said goodbye to Wen Tingyuan before entering the house.

When she reached the second door, she noticed something was wrong.

Generally speaking, before the key is issued at this time, there will be three inspection teams composed of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law in the inner courtyard, patrolling back and forth.

Although these mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law can act reasonably well, they can't bear to talk nonsense. At this time, when all the servants and wives are at their leisure, everyone can't help but think about it and come out to chat for a while.

So it used to be very lively, but at this time, it seemed too quiet.

"What happened?" Qiao Yuyan frowned and turned to ask Qixi.

Qixi opened her eyes wide, shook her head and said, "I don't know! I didn't come much earlier than the girl. The old lady and the third girl have gone back, and the servant is waiting for you in the concierge."

"Let's go to the Furong Pavilion first!" What Qiao Yuyan fears most is that Aunt Pei will play dirty tricks. Now Xu's stomach is tight and she is about to reach full term. If something happens at this time, it will be very dangerous.

Before they arrived at the Furong Pavilion, they saw Madam Xu walking out in a hurry, holding on to Grandma Liu's hand, with an unusual look on her face.

"Mom, why did you come out? What happened?"

Just after Qiao Yuyan finished speaking, she heard Qiao Weisheng's voice, "Does the old lady know?"

Mrs. Xu's face turned pale as she said, "Now that you are here with us, why not go to Ninghe Hall?"

The couple had obviously not communicated with each other for this period of time, but now they suddenly got better. The most important thing is that Qiao Yuyan did not understand their conversation at all.

"Dad, Mom, what happened?"

Mrs. Xu had already walked over, holding Qiao Yuyan's hand and walking forward together. Hearing her words, she didn't even look at her, but still moved forward anxiously, "Something happened to your aunt."

This chapter has been completed!
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