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Chapter 392: Dispute

After Jiahe finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, "In the afternoon, I saw a few sneaky people on the path from the front yard to the back yard.

These are troubled times. My father is seriously ill, and the two royal brothers have a very important responsibility. Could it be that someone wants to harm the two princes in order to harm the Zhu family?!"

These words immediately caused the face of the abbot sitting aside to change drastically, "Princess, you are worried. I, the Grand Prime Minister, have established the temple for more than a hundred years. Since this dynasty, I have always been respectful and respectful to the imperial court. I have never..."

Before the abbot finished speaking, he was interrupted by the fifth prince, "Abbott, don't be nervous, Jiahe's temperament has always been so anxious, there is no way we don't trust your temple.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have chosen this place for this blessing ceremony, but after all, the Daxiangguo Temple has been here for so many years and the place is so big, there’s no telling if someone could fish in troubled waters and get in.

Now that the seventh brother has suddenly disappeared, I and Jiahe are both worried. Even though the ceremony is important at this time, I feel that it is more important to confirm the safety of the seventh brother first."

The abbot stood up quickly and said, "Your Highnesses are right. Let's go and have a look together. If anything goes wrong, it would be a serious dereliction of duty by our temple."

This time, everyone has to follow.

Qiao Yuyan did not see the concern for the safety of the seventh prince on these people's faces, but the joy of no longer having to copy scriptures was evident in the corners of many people's eyes and brows.

Qiao Yuyan was two steps behind and stayed directly beside Qiao Yurong, "We are in the middle."

Qiao Yurong understood immediately, "Is there something really wrong?"

Qiao Yuyan looked at the people in front and behind her to make sure no one noticed them, then lowered her voice and said: "We should not mess with the dispute between them if we can. It's best to hide in the crowd."

The Zen rooms are all located in the backyard area. Generally speaking, female guests and male guests are separated, with female guests in the east and male guests in the west.

During this time, the houses on the east side were almost full, but there were few people on the west side.

The Seventh Prince and the Fifth Prince were both distinguished guests, so naturally they stayed in the two largest courtyards.

The abbot led a group of people directly to the seventh prince's courtyard.

Unexpectedly, I knocked on the door several times, but no one came to answer the door.

The fifth prince's face became even more ugly, "Is something really going to happen?"

The abbot hesitated for a moment, then called a man dressed as a monk to come over and opened the door in a few moments.

The fifth prince and Jiahe entered first, and the others filed in behind.

Then everyone saw the light shining through the room, but as the light fell into everyone's eyes, there were also some unpleasant sounds coming from the room.

Most of the people who followed were married wives from various families. Even though there were a few girls who had not yet left the court, they were a minority after all.

Everyone knows the meaning behind this sound.

Some of the thin-skinned ones blushed on the spot, and some of the older ones stretched their necks out of curiosity.

The fifth prince's face looked a little ugly on the spot, and he frowned with a dark face and said: "How... is this unbecoming."

Jiahe said: "Fifth brother, Brother Seventh Emperor is not such a ignorant person. Maybe... there is some misunderstanding. We can't just make a conclusion like this. How about we let someone go and take a look?"

The fifth prince hurriedly said: "How can this be so embarrassing?! Now..."

He choked up as he spoke, "Now my father is still lying on the hospital bed. He said he came to pray for blessings, but he actually did such a thing. I am ashamed to see him."

The brother and sister had different opinions, and the abbot was in a dilemma for a while.

I don't know who suddenly shouted, which startled everyone here, and the movement in the room stopped immediately.

Jiahe turned to look at the fifth prince, "Brother!"

The fifth prince did not look at her, but there was a faint anxiety in his eyes, "It involves the royal family's face, Master Abbot, let everyone disperse first!"

After saying that she was going to leave first, Jiahe on the side was extremely puzzled, but it was the fifth prince who always made the decision, so she had nothing to do even if she was unwilling to do so.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the crowd, "Brother Five Emperors, why are you here in the middle of the night? I even went to the main hall to look for you, but there was no one there."

Then, under the illumination of all the lights, the Seventh Prince appeared in front of everyone.

Jiahe's eyes widened, "Seven...Seventh Brother?!"

The Seventh Prince seemed surprised by Jiahe's reaction, "What's wrong, Royal Sister, I heard some movement here and came here to have a look. Why can't I come?"

Jiahe pointed to the house, "Isn't this your yard?"

"No!" The seventh prince denied it very quickly, "My yard is next door, and the wind in this place is too loud when I sleep at night. It makes me uncomfortable."

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and a young novice monk came out in a panic. He could vaguely see the figure of a woman on the bed inside.

The face of an officiating master who was following the abbot suddenly changed, "Evil! Why are you here!"

The little novice monk's face was pale, he was too nervous to speak, his clothes were in a mess, and he just kept kowtowing to admit his mistake.

The seventh prince looked at the fifth prince and Jiahe with a faint smile and said with a smile: "It seems that the fifth brother and the emperor's sister really care about the world, and the unclean things in this temple also make you so concerned.

It's just that you are worried about the world. Calling these ladies together to follow you... it would be a bit too arrogant! There are many young ladies here who have not yet left the government. When people look at it, it will be hard on their faces.


The fifth prince turned pale with anger, and Jiahe was so angry that he trembled all over. After a long while, he said: "Brother Seventh Emperor made a mistake. It turned out that Brother Five Emperors saw that you didn't come at night. Thinking that for a filial person like you, you must

There was some reason why he didn't show up.

I came here specifically to take a look because I was worried that something might happen to you. As for the ladies behind me, they just care about you, so don’t give me the wrong reply."

Seeing her trying to make up for it, the Seventh Prince nodded gently, with a smile on his face, as if he was very grateful.

"So Brother Seventh Emperor, what's wrong with you tonight? Your father is seriously ill, aren't you thinking about him all the time? Why are you missing from such an important event tonight?"

Finally, the matter was brought to the Seventh Prince's head. The Fifth Prince breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes fell on the Seventh Prince's face.

"I heard from the master in the temple this morning that there is a spiritual stone in the back mountain. I sincerely went to worship it and it was very effective. I just didn't expect that I got lost when I went down the mountain, which was a waste of time. Thank you for your concern, Princess."

After saying that, he said that he was going to make up for the previous ceremony, turned around and left.

Seeing that this was a complete misfortune, except for the Daxiangguo Temple, which was a little embarrassed because of such an unbearable thing, everyone just came out to take a breath.

The fifth prince and Jiahe looked at each other, helpless, and walked away without caring about the master in the temple who was still explaining.

Suddenly the fifth prince paused, as if he thought of something, "Not good!"

This chapter has been completed!
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