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Chapter 427: Give me a sweet date

"You have to try it before you know whether to eat or not," Qiao Yuyan drank tea carelessly, "This girl has too many ideas, she needs to sharpen her skills."

Qixi came in from outside and picked a basket of fresh pine needles to make a pine needle pillow for Grandma Wang.

Qiao Yuyan asked her to put the frame on the table and everyone would cut it together.

"I don't know if a wild cat escaped in the garden. I only heard about it two days ago, but today I actually ran into it."

Qixi said as she packed the things, "It didn't rush towards me. I looked at it from a distance. It was so big and it ran very fast. My wife should be more careful when she went back to greet the old lady."

This wild cat has a difficult temper and if it attacks someone, it is no joke."

"Why would a wild cat come in if everything is fine?" Qiao Yuyan was a little confused.

"Who knows! I don't know where it came from," Qixi said unconcernedly, "There is everything in the garden. Winter is here. Isn't it better to spend the winter in a place like ours than outside? Even the birds in the forest are enough.

It jumped."

Qiao Yuyan nodded, "That's true. Let's just be more careful. She still knows how to avoid people and won't get in the way. Anyway, she's mostly recovered after picking up leaves. It's time to go out and walk around. She follows me every day when I go out, so don't worry.


The three of them finished pruning the pine needles while talking and laughing, and took advantage of the good sunshine on Chinese Valentine's Day to take them out to dry in the sun.

Naier over there also finished kneeling.

Qiao Yuyan winked at Pinlan, and Pinlan went to the courtyard gate to call for help.

The road in front of Tao Ranju's house was paved with pebbles. After kneeling down for an hour, Naier felt that her knees were weak. She tried to get up several times but could not get up smoothly.

In the end, it was Pinlan who reached out to help her stand up slowly, then called two maids to support her, "Now that the punishment is over, go and thank your wife!"

Naier immediately raised his eyes to look at Pinlan, but she had already turned around and gone back into the house.

Gritting his teeth, Naier entered Qiao Yuyan's house for the first time with the help of two little maids.

Seeing their master and servant nestled on the Arhat bed, the room was burning silver charcoal, the stove was filled with precious spices, and the decorations everywhere were exquisite.

The wealth and wealth in this world are nothing more than this.

Naier's heart was filled with hatred.

But this time, she learned the lesson and immediately knelt down again after entering. Fortunately, the floor of the room was covered with lichen, which made her feel much more comfortable than before.

"This slave has received your punishment. Come and thank your wife."

Qiao Yuyan quickly called to the two little maids, "Quickly, help your sister Naier up. You finally finished kneeling, why did you kneel down again?!"

Naier looked at Qiao Yuyan in confusion, but saw a completely friendly look on her face.

"You! You still don't know my temper. The most important thing when working under me is to be obedient. What about your temper? I also know that capable people naturally have a more arrogant temper.

Do you think I really want to punish you? Look at this whole yard, who have I punished? I'm going to make you kneel today, firstly, to let you know my temper, and secondly, to show everyone else in the yard.


She sighed softly, and then asked Qixi to go to the cabinet to get the medicine, "Just take a closer look at the maids in my house and compare them throughout the house. Which one have I treated badly?

As long as you work in front of me down-to-earth, can I still make you inferior to others?"

After saying that, she asked Pinlan to hand the medicine to her, "This is the blood-activating and blood-stasis-removing ointment I brought from my parents' house. You should keep it as a tribute. Don't let others see it. Just have a good rest these days."

!When you get better, I will assign you some work."

Naier looked at Qiao Yuyan suspiciously, and seeing that she was planning to just expose her, she obediently bowed and left.

When he returned to his room, he immediately sent everyone else out, and then he was so angry that he hammered the bed.

I accidentally touched the ointment that was still on the bed just now, and I subconsciously wanted to throw it away, but when I touched the bottle, I was a little reluctant to part with it.

She was not someone who had never seen good things. As soon as she got her hands on this ointment, she knew it was not a cheap thing.

But if Qiao Yuyan wanted to win her over with this little thing, he would be treating her too lightly.

I was rubbing the ointment bottle in my hand, but I didn't want to throw it out. I turned it over and uncorked it, and carefully applied some on my knees to try.

A fresh fragrance immediately hit her nose, but the place where it touched her skin began to slowly heat up. The heat flowed into her knees as if they were alive. Her knees were numb and numb due to long-term kneeling pressure.

The pain was relieved a lot immediately.

This medicine is indeed extraordinary.

But not only did Naier feel no gratitude at all, but she thought over and over again of what she had just seen in Qiao Yuyan's house.

Why can she live in a house like that, with so many people waiting on her, and the things she throws out are things she can't buy even if she has money.


Isn’t it just that he comes from a better background?

If not for birth, how could she compare to him?

Just wait! She will always find a chance. No man can escape her grasp! Not even the Sixth Master.

It’s just a newlywed, it’s just a fresh picture, it’s still a long time!

Completely opposite to Naier's mentality were the other maids in Tao Ranxuan. When it came to Naier being punished, almost everyone felt that Qiao Yuyan, the mistress, was too arrogant.

There is no other reason, because two days later, Qiao Yuyan started to use Naier.

He no longer left her aside and ignored her like before.

Mrs. Co-author is trying to use Sister Nair, so she deliberately dampens her spirit first!

Didn’t you see that your wife has called Sister Neier several times today?

On weekdays, only a few maids can be so valued by my wife. In the past, everyone had misunderstood my wife's intentions.

There were even a few maids who were usually close to Nel who came to please her, saying that she had now gained the favor of the madam and hoped to take care of her more in the future.

Qiao Yuyan has always been generous in employing people. Anyone who does something well will be rewarded in another way.

Hairpins, bracelets, and clothing materials are often available, and her things are better than others.

It makes people feel that she is favored now.

But Naier was so angry that she thought Qiao Yuyan was showing off to her.

But as a slave, she couldn't say anything. She could only put on a smile and say thank you, madam.

However, Qiao Yuyan really felt that she had done a good job in the job of being a female celebrity. She looked at the handkerchief she presented and was amazed, "A small thing can be made so delicately. Nair's skills are hidden deep! I will ask for my things in the future."

Otherwise, I’ll leave it to you!”

When Qixi heard this, she pursed her lips and said, "Madam, do you think it's bad for me to be a popular girl?!"

Qiao Yuyan chuckled, "Forget it, I'll make your Qixi sister jealous, but I can let you go for another thing."

This chapter has been completed!
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