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Chapter 438: The Princess Is Missing

This sentence triggered a heated discussion among everyone. Qiao Yuyan also seemed to become nervous and shrank behind the old lady, "Brother, have you been caught?"

Her words aroused everyone's curiosity, and everyone's eyes fell on Wen Qiongyu.

Wen Qionghe always maintained his image as a patriarch in the house and rarely showed his emotions.

At this moment, Qiao Yuyan was also furious.

He had hardly interacted with Qiao Yuyan, and he had never paid much attention to this sixth sibling. If their engagement hadn't been a big deal at that time, and what happened later, he might not have been able to remember this picture.


I thought he looked pretty good at first, but now that I look at him, I just think he is stupid.

But now being stared at by so many people, Wen Qiongyu said bravely, "Things are a bit complicated, others should go back first!"

This directly shows that you don’t want others to know.

Who would have thought that Mrs. Chu would speak at this moment, "Uncle, most of the people here are women and they are all family members. Is there anything you can't say? If something happens, if everyone knows about it, you will feel confident!


Old Mrs. Wen usually didn't care about the fight between the eldest brother and the second brother, but now she heard Mr. Chu speak and frowned.

The second brother-in-law has been dissatisfied with the eldest brother for more than a day or two. Wen and everyone also know what it means to leave the Chu family alone in the capital.

Old Mrs. Wen knew that a bowl of water was uneven, but she also tried to balance it, and asked Mrs. Chu to assist the central government as her granddaughter-in-law.

But at such a critical time, the Chu family still cared about the little conflict of interests between the heads of the house, which made the old lady feel disgusted.

Mrs. Zhou obviously wanted to stay and watch the excitement. The third bedroom had never had much presence and was excluded from any important matters. Now it was the excitement of the sixth bedroom, not the second bedroom of the eldest son. What did she dislike?


Just when she was about to help, she heard Lin's soft words: "Mom, eldest brother, Liu'er is still young and there was some wind and cold in the past two days. I was afraid that the maids and ladies could not take care of him, so I went back first."

Zhou didn't dare to speak for a moment, but she hated Lin so much. Why should she be so good at this time? Five Fangs had nothing to do with the world, so she shouldn't get involved blindly. If she wanted to leave, couldn't she go quietly?

Just as Mrs. Lin turned around, a dark shadow suddenly scurried past her and came directly towards her.

Lin was so frightened that she almost fell. When she stood firm, she saw that the person coming was actually the maid next to Qiao Yuyan, the one who knew Kung Fu.

Gathering Leaves came with great momentum, almost appearing from above everyone's heads. Ordinary women in the house had never seen such a posture before, and they all looked horrified.

Shiye arrived directly in front of Qiao Yuyan, and with a "bang" sound, she threw a person to the ground.

Mrs. Wen was right next to Qiao Yuyan, and she was immediately frightened and took a step back.

Wen Qiong and the people holding torches approached the ground. Only then did everyone see clearly that the person who was thrown out by the picked leaves was a young woman.

He had a plain face, stained with a lot of dust, and was wearing black clothes, with bound hands and leggings.

I don't know why, but I can't seem to move my arms and legs.

The old lady was wondering, but Mrs. Wen's face changed drastically when she saw it, "Isn't this the Mozhu in front of Aunt Qiao?"

The words caused a stir, and everyone who had seen it rushed forward to identify him.

"Yes, yes, it's her. I've seen her following Aunt Qiao, but she doesn't like to talk much."

"I've seen it too. The last time I talked to her, she ignored me."

"I seem to have seen it in Aunt Qiao's yard from a distance."


Everyone was talking about it, most of them were little maids and the like. They probably saw it while walking around.

Mo Zhu was pinned to the ground, his eyes staring at Shi Ye hatefully.

But all he saw was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Shi Ye's mouth.

Qiao Yuning immediately became the focus of everyone's attention, and she couldn't avoid it even if she wanted to.

Originally, because Mrs. Wen and other ladies were there, there were many people tightly surrounding her in front. She couldn't squeeze through, and she might be criticized if she did.

So I just secretly watched the excitement from behind.

Before she could fully understand the situation ahead, suddenly there was a crash and a path opened up in front of her, and everyone was staring at her.

When she saw the black bamboo on the ground, Qiao Yuning felt that her heartbeat had stopped. What was going on?!

She turned to look at Bizhu, but Bizhu's expression was not much better than hers.

Mrs. Wen scolded her sternly, "Come here quickly, what's going on? Why is your maid here?"

There was no trace of panic on Qiao Yuyan's face at this time. She just glanced at Qiao Yuning leisurely, and then asked Shi Ye, "What's going on? Who is this person?"

Shiye knew that he wanted to explain in public, so he said loudly: "I just went to kill those wild cats, but I got lost in the bamboo forest, and I immediately felt that something was wrong.

I heard about wild cats two days ago, but it didn't make much sense, so I rushed back in a hurry. Unexpectedly, I met this man. He smelled of blood and looked sneaky.

The slave girl immediately stopped her, and without even asking a word, she directly attacked the slave girl. The slave girl has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, but this person's martial arts skills are rare.

At such a time, there must be a reason why he appeared inexplicably in our back house, so I went to great lengths to capture this man here."

Qiao Yuyan looked at Qiao Yuning in surprise, "She is your maid? Why are you here tonight?"

When Qiao Yuning heard Shi Ye's answer, she felt relieved. It seemed that everything was done and Qiao Yuyan didn't see through it.

She just didn't expect that the Shi Ye in front of her was so powerful. Wasn't he from an escort agency?

Qiao Yuning didn't care about so much. When she heard Qiao Yuyan asked, she just looked at a loss, "I don't know anything! This girl was assigned to me by the house. She has never been very talkative, and I don't really want to use her."

, there was a dinner in the house today, so I brought Bizhu out, as for her..."

She looked at Mo Zhu with some doubts in her eyes, "Didn't I ask you to tie some pieces of red silk for the two trees in the yard to pray for the old lady and my wife? Why are you here?"

As he spoke, he looked at the blood stains on her body in surprise, "Could it be that you were the one who attacked my sister? You are such a good person, why did you go and harm my sister?"

These words not only cleared him up, but also brought the topic back to Qiao Yuyan.

What surprised Qiao Yuning was that Qiao Yuyan actually followed her words and said, "She is so good at her skills. I am powerless. If I fight against her, does Aunt Qiao think I still have a life?"

She calls Qiao Yuyan sister, but Qiao Yuyan openly calls her Aunt Qiao, which means she wants to draw a clear line.

This time, Qiao Yuning was not angry at all, "Who did my sister meet? Does the blood on your body belong to that person?"

As she spoke, she covered her lips in horror, "Sister, you... hurt someone!"

This chapter has been completed!
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