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Chapter 450: Don't give face

"Starting from tomorrow, I will ask the eldest lady to give you some of the gifts in the house, and you can take the opportunity to walk around the house.

Your concubine sister, the person behind it, may not have left any hidden stakes in other places in the house. Just try to find out if you can, just find it out, tell me the details, and I will deal with it."

Qiao Yuyan knew that he had good intentions and quickly agreed.

When we went back, the sky was already bright, and Shi Ye was waiting outside. When he saw her coming out, there was obvious worry on her face.

Qiao Yuyan just shook her head slightly, indicating that she was fine.

When I returned to Tao Ranxuan, I found that everyone was awake and waiting for her to come back.

Grandma Wang was the first to come up to her and looked her up and down, "How come this disaster keeps happening, girl?!"

How could something like this happen in such a good house? If you ask me, the second girl has really gone too far. We have forgotten about it. If she still insists on it, she deserves to be struck by lightning one day!"

Originally in Wen Qiongyu's study, Qiao Yuyan didn't feel tired at all after listening to what he said.

After walking all the way and digesting the things in my heart, I felt that I couldn't open my eyes and my brain was very foggy.

Then he waved his hand and said: "You all go and have a rest! Prepare some hot water for me, I will just wash up and go to bed."

I slept right through until the afternoon of the next day.

My head is still dizzy and I feel uncomfortable with day and night reversed.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Pinlan walked over and told her in a low voice that Mrs. Sun's mother was here.

Qiao Yuyan was suddenly startled and got up immediately.

Pinlan was shocked, "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

This sound brought Qiao Yuyan back to her senses. Zheng was stunned for a while, then suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

When Pinlan saw her sitting back again, seemingly thinking about something, Pinlan couldn't help but feel surprised and looked at her suspiciously.

Qiao Yuyan murmured, "I'm sleepy", and then she stood up holding Pinlan's hand.

Didn't you feel sleepy? Too many things happened last night, and the things you know are too complicated. When you woke up just now, you didn't expect anything.

When I thought about it carefully, I remembered that I seemed to have had many dreams, some confusing fragments about my past life.

Therefore, when Pinlan said it, her first reaction was still from her previous life.

At that time, when the eldest lady came to see her for something, she would ask Mama Sun to come over.

As usual.

After waking up, Qiao Yuyan asked someone to greet Mama Sun first, thinking that she was here because of what happened last night.

She didn't waste any time, told Qixi to move quickly, tidied up a bit, and went out to meet people.

"Mother Sun is a rare visitor. Come here now. I'm afraid there is something important?"

Mother Sun saw the maid preparing Qiao Yuyan's meal and said quickly: "I have something to do, but I'm not in a hurry now. I want to ask Mrs. Six to go to Wenzhuxuan with the old slave after eating."

Qiao Yuyan knew what was going on, so she nodded in agreement and asked Grandma Wang and Grandma Shen to sit with Mama Sun while she went into the compartment to eat.

Before this meal, we went up to the yard of Wen Qiongyu's outer study last night.

After all, it was originally a family dinner, but no one finished it. The three of them ate a bowl of noodles together before entering the study.

When Qiao Yuyan woke up now, her chest was already touching her back.

It was absolutely impossible for her to go to Wenzhuxuan hungry.

Wenzhuxuan was the place where Mrs. Wen usually gathered her mother-in-law, maids, and stewards to discuss matters. In her previous life, this place was actually where Qiao Yuyan came often.

Qiao Yuyan didn't know how much money she had to pay in compensation when she went to this house on the pretext of letting her be the housekeeper.

Just like this, before she even got a good word, Mrs. Wen kept picking and choosing her, and it seemed that no matter what she did, she couldn't do it.

Only later did I realize that it was clearly a form of suppression.

What can she do as a new daughter-in-law? She can only work harder and harder to do things well, and fill in the unbalanced accounts with more money.

In this way, it became a bottomless pit, and the whole family lived happily. Mrs. Wen was the one who praised her, and she was the one who did the things behind the scenes.

If she thought about what happened in the past, Qiao Yuyan would never care about this matter again.

But what Wen Qiongyu said last night was something she couldn't refuse, not to mention that what he said made sense.

Besides, she is no longer the same person as she was in her previous life. How can she be deceived like in her previous life?

Mrs. Wen was obviously not in a good mood. Even though she was covered with a layer of powder, she still couldn't hide the fatigue on her face.

When she saw Qiao Yuyan coming over, she seemed to be trying to force out a smile, but she failed, which made the look on her face look a little weird.

"My brothers and sisters are here, please sit wherever you like!" She took a sip of tea, then closed the stove in her hand, "Early this morning, your uncle came to me and told me that you had always been very capable in your parents' family.

There are a lot of things going on in the house now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of them all by myself, so I asked you to come and help me with the housekeeping."

She took another sip of tea as she spoke, then her eyes fell on Qiao Yuyan's face, "What did you say?"

Qiao Yuyan did not look at her, but looked at the ground in front of her with lowered eyes, "I just came to our house, and I don't understand many things here. Everything depends on the arrangements of my uncle and sister-in-law!"

Mrs. Wen's eyes were piercing Qiao Yuyan's body. She originally said this because she hoped that Qiao Yuyan would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Who would have thought that she said she didn't understand in the first sentence, and then said it all depended on the arrangements. She was not following any arrangements, but was deliberately throwing the difficult problem to her. It was really cunning.

When Wen Qiongyu told her about this matter, she felt really angry. Was he denying her ability?

Just because of what happened last night?

Why didn't he think of telling him about his son's situation first, and why he called the third son's bitch and the sixth wife's daughter-in-law last night, but refused to say a word to him?

It was because they, mother and son, were in his eyes!

But what can she do?

Wen Qiongyu's temperament has always been like this. If she wants to make a fuss, I'm afraid things will get worse.

Her son is still locked up, what can she do? She must satisfy the man first!

Qiao Yuyan sat still and let Mrs. Wen look at her.

In fact, she can do whatever she is assigned to do, because Wen Qiongyu will definitely show up in the end, so why should she try to hide from Mrs. Wen at this time? She has a reputation of competing for fame and fortune.

Mrs. Wen finally looked away and seemed to exhale a long breath, "In this case, sister-in-law, just take care of the sewing room!

I heard that you have been doing well in your mother's house. There are relatively few things to do in the sewing room, so it is more leisurely. You can also try to get started first, and when you are proficient, I will assign other things to you to do. "

Before Qiao Yuyan had time to reply, a notice suddenly came from outside, "The master is here."

This chapter has been completed!
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