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Chapter 459: Coming and going in a hurry

The almost frightened Qiao Yuyan so late at night that she couldn't even scream.

"Scared you?"

A warm voice sounded, and Qiao Yuyan saw clearly through the faint light that it was Wen Tingyuan.

"Stop... stop the abyss?!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she fell into a slightly chilly embrace, which made her wake up immediately.

Then she heard the man's smiling voice in her ear, "I finally heard you calling my name."

Qiao Yuyan was stunned for a moment. Before she could realize what was going on, she thought of other things first, "When did you come back? Why didn't you say anything? Did the journey go smoothly? Nothing happened, right?"

As he spoke, he quickly called for someone to hold the light, but was stopped by Wen Tingyuan, "I'm leaving soon, and I don't trust you, so I came over first to take a look. I didn't expect to wake you up."

Qiao Yuyan reached out and touched his coat. Sure enough, it was still cold. He had just come back from outside.

I felt a little depressed for a moment, "Are you leaving right away? Why are you in such a hurry? It's still snowing heavily outside!"

Wen Tingyuan didn't speak for a while, but reached out to push her hanging hair back behind her ears, "Where's the hairpin I gave you? Why have I never seen you wearing it?"

Qiao Yuyan was a little confused by this question. When had he given her a hairpin? Didn't he always give her all kinds of delicious food?

However, Wen Tingyuan seemed to just say it casually. He glanced outside, smiled and patted Qiao Yuyan on the shoulder, "Go to sleep! Don't you like to sleep on snowy days? I think you'll fall asleep before leaving."


Qiao Yuyan felt some indescribable irritation in her heart because of his words. She couldn't sleep anymore, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately got up.

But Wen Tingyuan held him down, "What's wrong? What are you doing getting up in this cold weather?"

"I have something for you." Qiao Yuyan pulled away his hand, ran to the Luohan bed by the window and took out the kneepads she had just made during the day, "I thought I wouldn't use them, but I never expected you to go out again."

Wen Tingyuan lit the lamp in the corner of the room, turned around and saw the thing in her hand, took it and looked at it carefully, "Well, you did it."

Qiao Yuyan found that his eyes were fixed on the stitches, and she was immediately embarrassed. Her female beauty was average at best, and she could barely cope with it.

She spent a lot of effort to make him a purse last time, and he really liked hanging it on his body. However, some time ago, Grandma Shen saw it and laughed and said that the people in the sewing room were careless. Grandma Wang was shocked when she heard this.

Sorry, I ran over to her and told her to just let Qixi do it for me.

Originally Qiao Yuyan didn't think anything of it, but now seeing his reaction and what Grandma Wang said last time, she was a little embarrassed and immediately wanted to grab him, "Just forget it if you don't like him."

Unexpectedly, Wen Tingyuan had already put it away, "As long as it's made by you, I like it."

It was obviously the cold weather of the twelfth lunar month, and there was still the sound of heavy snow falling outside, but Qiao Yuyan felt a little hot because of these words.

As if she couldn't help his gaze, she turned around and simply looked elsewhere, "I originally wanted to make you a hood, but I was afraid that it would be too ugly and you wouldn't be able to wear it. It would be a waste of my money.

It’s time to work hard.”

"No, I will definitely wear it if you make it, and I think your job is the best, better than any of the embroiderers in the palace."

Qiao Yuyan was amused by him telling lies with her eyes open, and burst into laughter. She was not as embarrassed as before.

Finally he turned around, but unexpectedly fell into a generous embrace.

After staying in the room for a while, he no longer felt so cold, and his nose smelled the usual fresh fragrance from his body.

Qiao Yuyan guessed that he might have encountered something on the road, so he showed some emotions at the moment, which was very different from his usual self.

But being held by him like this, she felt extremely uncomfortable. She wanted to push him away, but she didn't know where to put her hands. After hesitating for a long time, she stammered: "Well...are you hungry?"

Shall I ask someone to get you some food?"

"I'm not hungry!" Wen Tingyuan not only didn't let her go, but put a little more force on his arm, as if he was afraid that she would run away, "Yan'er, I don't know if I am right to marry you rashly like this.

It's wrong. If you are homeless because of this, will you blame me?"

This was said carelessly. Qiao Yuyan failed to understand the meaning and was still thinking about it. Wen Tingyuan let her go.

In the firelight, his smile was as gentle and gentle as ever, but there was a hint of pity in his eyes that Qiao Yuyan didn't dare to look into, "I originally wanted to see you and leave, but who knew you woke up, and wanted to wait until you fell asleep before leaving, but so

It seems that I’m afraid I won’t have time, so I have to leave.”

He was obviously smiling, but Qiao Yuyan felt nervous because of this. When he took steps, she immediately stepped forward and took his hand, "You, when will you come back?"

Wen Tingyuan turned around and rubbed her forehead, "If you hurry up, I'll be back tomorrow evening. You don't have to wait for me. You can do whatever you want at home on weekdays."

After saying that, he let go of Qiao Yuyan's hand, walked outside, picked up his cloak, and went out.

When she reached the door, she still remembered to turn around and stop her from moving forward, "Don't come here, it's cold outside. If you wear such little clothes, you will get frostbite. Go to bed quickly."

Qiao Yuyan bit her lower lip, nodded with a smile, "Okay."

After his figure disappeared from the door, Qiao Yuyan remembered to shout, "Come back quickly!"

In the sound of wind and snow, I seemed to hear him reply, but it seemed that it was just the sound of wind and snow knocking on the door.

Qiao Yuyan stood on the ground, as if she had forgotten to move for a moment and just stood there.

At this time, not only the city gates have been locked, but also the curfew has been imposed outside.

He came back just to take a look at himself, so he must have been running around and came here in a hurry.

Why can you be so desperate?

Qiao Yuyan was so confused for a moment that she simply took out the hood she was going to make for him from the inner room and thought of finishing it for him, but found that she couldn't calm down at all.

The stitches that were not neat and tidy became more and more crooked, so I had to put them down.

She listened to the sound of wind and snow outside, and secretly thought to herself that after such heavy snow, it would be a sunny day!

Suddenly I heard a gentle knock on the door, and then Grandma Wang's voice came, "Madam?"

"It's okay. I got up to drink some water. I didn't call them in the snowy weather," Qiao Yuyan quickly responded, then blew out the lamp that Wen Tingyuan had lit. "Mommy, go back quickly. Don't get cold. I'm so cold."

Just sleep."

Unexpectedly, he avoided the room full of people and came to her bedside.

Qiao Yuyan lay back, her mind filled with the lawsuit, and suddenly she remembered what he just said, "You finally called my name."

This chapter has been completed!
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