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Chapter 462: The Sutra Pavilion Stands Forever

The seventh prince had already knelt so hard that his knees were numb. Hearing these words, he became very angry. "If you fall, you will fall. This is nothing compared to the death of your father..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped talking, "What did you say?!"

The old eunuch's face was pale and his voice was trembling, "I don't know why, but the Sutra Pavilion collapsed suddenly. Counting the time, it was... it was the time when the Holy Master Long Yu passed away!"

It wouldn't matter if an ordinary building collapsed, but the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion in Daxiangguo Temple is of extraordinary significance.

Emperor Zu's unification of the world was not smooth at first. During the final decisive battle in the capital, he was almost killed because of the betrayal of the spies around him. If he had not escaped by hiding in the Sutra Pavilion in the Daxiangguo Temple, there would never have been anyone else in the future.

The kingdom of great enlightenment.

After the ancestral emperor succeeded to the throne, he personally inscribed a plaque for the Sutra Pavilion and issued a message that the great enlightenment would last forever and that the Sutra Pavilion of Xiangguo Temple would be established forever.

This was originally meant to give Daxiangguo Temple dignity. Basically, from this time on, Daxiangguo Temple established its unique position in Daqi.

But these words changed as they were passed around, and became the standing of the Sutra Pavilion, symbolizing the undying destiny of the country.

Even children know this saying.

Daxiangguo Temple was afraid of getting into trouble, so it simply locked the Sutra Pavilion. No ordinary people were allowed in or out. It also attached great importance to the maintenance of the Sutra Pavilion. It was repaired almost every year, and there were always people inside to look after it.

In addition, it is originally located on a higher terrain and has a steeple-shaped building shape, so it can be regarded as a landmark building in the capital.

Later, the country's fortunes prospered, and all walks of life in the capital also developed rapidly. However, no matter what kind of building was built, everyone seemed to tacitly agree not to let it exceed the height of the Sutra Pavilion.

As a result, the Sutra Pavilion can be seen in most places in the capital.

According to the practice in previous years, the Sutra Pavilion has entered the twelfth lunar month, and at night, Qifeng lanterns will be lit on each floor of the Sutra Pavilion to add a touch of joy to the capital.

Although the Holy Body of the Holy One is not in danger this year, the rules of the Daxiangguo Temple have not changed.

Therefore, when the Sutra Pavilion collapsed that night, it made a huge noise. People who heard the sound and went out saw the collapse of the Sutra Pavilion at a glance.

The key point is that the building did not fall sideways due to the imbalance caused by the subsidence of the underground foundation, but it fell directly halfway down.

This is really thought-provoking. Suddenly, only half of the originally magnificent Sutra Pavilion was left standing there. The upper section was missing out of thin air, but the lights were still on the lower section.

There was a sudden snowstorm tonight, and the Sutra Pavilion collapsed. At this moment, the Holy One passed away...

It doesn't look like a good sign.

After the seventh prince figured out the joints, he suddenly started to sweat profusely.

"It's so good, why did the Sutra Pavilion collapse? Who did it?!"

How could the old eunuch answer such a question? He could only mutter and kneel down, unable to speak.

The seventh prince wanted to kick him over, and then asked: "Where is that person? Why is no one coming?! My father has passed away, what's going on with these ministers?"

"I have just gone to see it in person. It was really windy and snowy tonight. The palace gate was covered with ice at first, so it took a lot of effort to open it.

Then on the way out of the palace, it was also very difficult to walk quickly. In addition, most of the ministers were attracted by the collapse of the Sutra Pavilion and had already gone out to the direction of Daxiangguo Temple. Naturally, it was slower.


The eunuch knelt on the ground, his head directly touching the ground, and his body was shaking, but he still dutifully explained everything clearly and clearly.

The seventh prince was angry when a young eunuch rolled in and reported, "Your Highness, Mr. Chu and Mr. Zhang are here."

The old prince of Chu is Zong Zheng who is now in charge of the clan mansion, and Mr. Zhang is the chief minister of the cabinet. When these two people come, they represent the clan and the court.

It is the key for the seventh prince to succeed as emperor.

Although there are no other competitors, the procedures that need to be followed still need to be carried out. Before that, the Seventh Prince does not want to offend these two people.

Dang even put away all other emotions on his face and fell to the ground crying bitterly.

Old Prince Chu and Mr. Zhang heard their cries before they came in.

As soon as the two people came in, they immediately knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, saluted, and then cried together.

Suddenly the whole Funing Hall burst into tears.

Seeing how much they were crying, the Seventh Prince could only cry along with them. However, he had been crying for too long just now and now he was inevitably a little weak. It was particularly difficult to cry.

After finally waiting for the two old men to cry for a while, they seemed to have some rest. Other civil and military ministers and royal family members who heard the news later also arrived one after another.

The seventh prince had to cry one after another, and he cried until dawn.

I cried so hard that I felt dizzy and confused, and I couldn't even kneel down. But looking at the people coming one after another, I didn't know when the mourning would come to an end.

Qiao Yuyan opened her eyes as soon as she heard the sound of the death knell.

After Wen Tingyuan left, she didn't fall asleep completely at all, and she always felt that something had happened.

As soon as they got up, Pinlan and Qixi came in. Pinlan walked directly to Qiao Yuyan and said, "Madam, the Holy Master Long Yu has passed away."

Qiao Yuyan's heart skipped a beat. It was really not easy for her to worry too much. Wen Tingyuan had just come back and the man in the palace was gone. It was hard for her to think about it.

"What did the government say?"

Qixi put the newly distributed mourning clothes on Qiao Yuyan and shook her head, "I don't know yet! The news has just spread. The mourning clothes were prepared half a month ago, so they were able to get them in time. As for the rest,

It depends on what the palace wants."

Qiao Yuyan nodded, "Just freshen up for me. I guess we will meet at Yi'anju."

As Qiao Yuyan expected, the old lady had already gotten up when she arrived. At this time, the genius was just getting bright, and it was still shining brightly against the heavy snow.

Mrs. Wen had already arrived when she entered. The third, fourth, and fifth wives also came quickly.

"Their men are all with your eldest master, and we are here to talk about our affairs," Old Mrs. Wen went directly to the topic, "These are extraordinary times. You must be extremely careful. No red is allowed to be seen in the house, and no one is allowed to see it.

Everyone has to mourn.

This new year must be passed in the period of filial piety, and I also told them to slow down and not blink at the things that were originally going to be sent to them at the end of the new year."

Everyone responded.

Old Mrs. Wen frowned again, "I'm afraid that starting from this morning, we will have to go to the palace to mourn. The eldest lady has a royal decree and must go to the palace with me. The things in the palace... still have to be

Only one person can host it."

This chapter has been completed!
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