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Chapter 470: Qiao Yuning Finally Moved

"Moreover, the cabinet has received many memorials in the past few days, all of which were reported from local authorities."

As he spoke, he looked at Qiao Yuyan with an unclear expression, "In the past two days since the death of the late emperor, various ominous omens have occurred in various places."

These four words made Qiao Yuyan's heart tremble slightly, and she asked as if she was repeating it unconsciously, "An ominous sign?"

"Well," his voice was still as shallow and light, as erratic as the fine snow at this time, "that is, the things that are often recorded in history books, such as a sudden eruption of a well, a large number of animals dying for no reason, or a night on the mountain.

Withering, what a sudden appearance of ferocious birds and beasts..."

He shook his head gently, "It's not surprising that such things happen one or two times. If you search carefully, you can always find the reason. If the local officials had done something better and dared to take more responsibility, the matter would have been quiet.

It passed silently."

"But with so many things coming together," Qiao Yuyan gently took over his words, "Either it's a warning from heaven, or someone is going to cause trouble. If it's the latter, it can make such a big noise.

Probably ordinary people."

After she finished speaking, her eyes fell on his face, "So, which one is it?"

Wen Tingyuan noticed her gaze and turned around to look at her with some hesitation.

Qiao Yuyan felt as if something stabbed her briefly and hard. She suddenly came to her senses and turned her eyes.

At this moment, Wen Tingyuan actually answered her, "The latter."

Qiao Yuyan suddenly stopped and looked at him in disbelief.

Wen Tingyuan smiled instead, with a hint of relief in his smile. He pulled Qiao Yuyan forward, "It's getting dark soon, go home quickly."

Qiao Yuyan raised her eyes, it was already dark tomorrow, so why was it about to get dark soon?

But after all, she felt a little better because of this answer. As expected, she leaned forward next to him, and the two of them accelerated their pace back together.

On a snowy day, the happiest thing is to drink and chat around the fire. If you can't do that, it's probably a happy thing to curl up under the quilt and listen to the sound of falling snow.

Nowadays, when everything is closed and houses are closed, and more things to do are worse than less things to do, Qiao Yuyan only sat around for a while after eating, then put away her things, washed up and went to bed.

Wen Tingyuan turned out to be a lazy scholar. As soon as he saw that she had finished washing, he followed her into the clean room.

In the past few days since he came, she still slept on the same bed. After these few days, she gradually got used to it. She wrapped herself in the quilt and rolled in, just pretending that this person was not there, and it was the same after a while.


It's just that sometimes when I wake up in the morning and find that one of my legs is pressing on the other person's body, I feel a little embarrassed after all.

He could only secretly move his legs back while Wen Tingyuan hadn't opened his eyes.

In fact, she had suspected several times that Wen Tingyuan might have actually woken up, but he just pretended to be asleep to avoid embarrassing her.

Of course, if you don't expose this kind of thing, you will treat it as if you don't know.

On the fifth day of the national mourning, which was the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, it was originally considered the end of the year, but now not only was the entire mansion lifeless, but no one was coming or going on the streets outside.

The people in the capital have always had a keener sense of politics than those outside. They hardly see anyone when they go outside.

But on Qiao Yuyan's side, something started to happen.

After returning from the meeting hall, Wen Tingyuan went to the study as usual.

Although he has been sticking to Qiao Yuyan now, he can't really ignore his affairs, so he spends more than an hour in the study every day.

Pinlan came over at this time, "Actually, it happened two days ago, but I couldn't see anything at the time. The slaves just pretended that they didn't find anything, and we'll see what happens next."

As she spoke, she pointed to the small courtyard to the west, "It has been quiet these days. There was a woman down there who deliberately abused her. Some of the food she sent there was spoiled. The slaves didn't stop them and just let them go.

, who would have expected that she endured it all the time without saying a word."

Qiao Yuning was taken over by Wen Qiongyu from Qiao Yuyan. After she was brought here, she was locked up in a small room in the West Cross Courtyard, and she was never asked about again.

Externally, it was only said that it was about Princess Jiahe that day. As an aunt, she caused trouble in the palace and was supposed to die. But after all, she was his sister, so he begged for mercy and spared her life.

Who in the house didn't know that Qiao Yuyan and Qiao Yuning had been at odds with each other since their parents' families. After they were brought here, they ignored them, so naturally they were not allowed to be abused.

Qiao Yuyan was still waiting to see when Qiao Yuning would start acting like a monster, but she didn't expect that she could endure it for so long.

"How to say?"

"There are two little girls with new hair in the yard over there. They were bought by the government at the beginning of the year. Madam initially said she was looking for two young girls, so my servant checked the roster and transferred them."

When Qiao Yuning sent it over, the personnel affairs in the mansion happened to be in Qiao Yuyan's hands, so Pinlan did such a thing easily.

"She just kept silent at first, but the two little maids were very frightened and kept staring at her every day for fear of not doing a good job."

When Pinlan said this, Qiao Yuyan smiled and nodded.

What he wants is this kind of effect. Qiao Yuning must be very cautious when she is in this situation.

It is to have something like this that has nothing to do with the whole family in front of her and let her observe it every day, so that she can relax her vigilance. This is called the encirclement of the master.

"A few days ago, she started talking to the two little maids, but she said very little. She usually gave them some pointers on small things. The two little maids didn't understand anything, and they were a little wary at first.

After I tasted the sweetness, I couldn't bear with her anymore, so I started talking more."

Qiao Yuyan nodded, "So what happens now?"

Pinlan glanced at the maids outside, then lowered her voice and said, "I don't know where she got the news from. She said that the seventh prince was about to ascend the throne, and she wanted to take advantage of the current national mourning period to deal with the people who were at odds with him in the past.

and people.

How did the two little maids know this? They listened to each other, and then she slowly gave examples. Then she talked about Mr. Zhang who was punished yesterday. This matter made a big fuss.

This little girl also heard about it from the old lady outside, so she has no doubts about it."

Qiao Yuyan said with a smile: "It's hard for her. She has really improved. As for her ability to tolerate things now, she was not as good as before."

"Today, she suddenly told the two little girls that it was going to be the Wen family's turn to be unlucky. She was afraid that the family would be confiscated and the entire clan destroyed. She told those two little girls to run away!"

Qiao Yuyan narrowed her eyes slightly. This was Qiao Yuning's point.

This chapter has been completed!
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