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Chapter 484: Weapon

Sure enough, Wen's answer was the same.

Qiao Yuyan said: "There are about two to three hundred slaves in our house. If so many people are scattered and locked up, it will be inconvenient for them to manage. Therefore, they will find a larger place to drive them away."

Go in.

I'm still not very familiar with the mansion, so I want to ask everyone, which place in our mansion is the most suitable? If that day comes, we can prepare things first so that we can avoid some evil things."

Therefore, there is strength in numbers, and a few people quickly gathered together to find a place. There was a large courtyard behind the Wen family garden, which was the residence of Mr. Wen's younger brother.

Originally, Mr. Wen didn't want the two brothers to separate, so he specially circled such a place. He thought that if his brother wanted to separate, he would just build another wall here.

Who would have known that the Grand Master's younger brother never married or had a concubine in his life. He died alone in his forties, and it was Wen Qiong and his brother who mourned him.

Since then, the yard has been vacant. Fortunately, Mrs. Wen has always remembered this brother, and she has often told him to renovate it in the past two or three years, but I have not been ruined.

Several women then discussed how to send something there and hide it secretly so that people would notice that no one was living here for a long time.

The first thing is food. When there are so many people eating, food is the most important thing.

The next thing is quilts and charcoal. On such a cold day, just eating enough is not enough.

Then there are some medicines, just in case the child gets sick or something.

After discussing, a bunch of things were discussed. Qiao Yuyan looked at the list and suddenly raised her head and asked, "Will Lin Shuncong prepare some weapons?"

"Weapon?" Wen didn't understand for a moment, "What weapon?"

Qiao Yuyan looked at a few people and said seriously: "We always have to prepare for the worst. According to the current situation outside, the men in the family probably will not be locked up at home. In other words, they are all old and weak.

Women and children, if anything happens..."

There is no need to say more about what follows. They are all women from wealthy families. They can know a lot about many things even without reading books.

Wen Shi swallowed, "I think the sixth brother and sister are right. We can't test human nature at will. Some things are better done than not done."

After things are arranged, the next step is to have people transport the things there.

Qiao Yuyan and Mrs. Chen went to that courtyard specifically. As Wen said, there were twenty or thirty houses in total, with one front yard and one backyard. Fortunately, there was a well in the yard.

Probably in order to make his younger brother live more comfortably, Mr. Wen had thought of almost everything. He even dug a cellar under the backyard.

Qiao Yuyan immediately asked someone to open the cellar and let the air inside first, which was perfect for storing food and other supplies.

I also found a room in the corner and tidied it up to store quilts.

The other areas will not be moved, so from the outside, it still looks like a somewhat old and dilapidated courtyard.

If you meet someone who wants to make things difficult, you won't be able to say anything.

After finishing all this work, the time was almost up. Qiao Yuyan discussed it with others, "This matter is just my conjecture. It's just a precaution. The old lady and the eldest lady have been tired for a day, and there are many things outside.


I'm afraid they are both physically and mentally exhausted, so don't tell them about such things first, lest they worry again, not to mention that it won't help anything."

Several people felt that what Qiao Yuyan said was reasonable.

If something happens, it will naturally be used. If nothing happens, moving things out later is just like being told to be cautious.

Telling them at this time has made everyone panic. Tomorrow they have to meet people outside, and it would be even worse to show any trace.

When they received them in front of Chuihua Gate, Qiao Yuyan keenly felt Mrs. Wen's eyes lingering on her face.

Mrs. Wen patted her hand first, lowered her voice and asked, "Have you heard about it?"

Qiao Yuyan's eyes felt a little hot for no reason, "Well, I heard about it this afternoon."

Old Mrs. Wen sighed, "It's really hard to say these days."

It was so cold outside. When Mrs. Wen patted the back of her hand, Qiao Yuyan felt that her hand was extremely cold.

Obviously there was a stove in the carriage along the way, but I was afraid it was because it had been frozen for too long.

Old Mrs. Wen herself arrived looking better than when she first arrived, probably because she had gotten used to it.

"Don't be too nervous. Now that he has sealed so many families, he probably doesn't dare to take care of them all. Then, he will have the world in his hands. Who will be able to support him?"

This was the first time Qiao Yuyan heard Mrs. Wen talk about the royal family so frankly, and she looked at her in surprise.

"I tell you this because I want you not to worry too much."

While they were talking, the sedan arrived at Yi'anju. After saying a few words, Wen Qiong and Mrs. Wen told everyone else to disperse, leaving Qiao Yuyan alone.

Mrs. Wen knew about the Qiao family's affairs and had no intention of caring about such things. When she left, Qiao Yuyan even saw a hint of schadenfreude in her eyes.

Some people are like this. Some things can be put aside and gone with time, but they are always worrying about them. Even if they hide them deeply at ordinary times, at some point, their true thoughts will still be revealed.

Qiao Yuyan didn't care about Mrs. Wen's malice toward her. She was obviously more concerned about Wen Qiongyu's news now.

"When I came back, the Minister of Rites was traveling with me. Speaking of your father, he has worked conscientiously in the Ministry of Rites over the years without any fault. He is also very cautious and will not talk nonsense outside. He is feeling confused, even

I'm considering whether to go to Shangshu to plead for your father."

Qiao Yuyan felt warm in her heart and felt proud of her father.

She also understood Wen Qiongyu's intention in telling her this matter, "So, the fact that my father and uncle were detained, and the fact that my family is sealed now are actually related to what happened back then, right?"

When Mrs. Wen mentioned this, her face immediately became sad, "I haven't seen him do anything good for the family all day long, so this kind of mess will stay."

Qiao Yuyan and Wen Qiong both knew who they were talking about, but now that Mr. Wen has passed away, they, the younger generation, could not follow suit.

Wen Qiongyu coughed lightly to resolve the embarrassment, and then asked Qiao Yuyan, "Those two paintings were taken from your dowry. Do you have any clues there?"

This chapter has been completed!
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