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Chapter 515: Miss Husband

I have to say that the name Jin Yiwei is really useful. Not only can he sneak out of the city smoothly, but he can also run rampant without hindrance in this place.

Zhao Jinghai almost didn't even look at them, he just showed his badge, and the person guarding the door automatically let them in.

After walking into the Daxiangguo Temple, Zhao Jinghai explained to her, "During this period, many of us came here to investigate the case."

She understood at this moment that for such an important matter, a joint trial by the three departments was indispensable, and Jin Yiwei's investigation was even more indispensable.

The outside is tightly guarded, but after entering the gate, the inside looks too clean.

If it weren't for the lack of monks coming and going, this place would be almost the same as before.


There was still a difference. Qiao Yuyan raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the Sutra Pavilion. The majestic and exquisite pagoda-shaped building that originally stood to the east of the Daxiangguo Temple seemed to have been slashed in the waist, and the upper part fell to the side.

"Where are you going now?" Zhao Jinghai pointed in the direction of the Sutra Pavilion.

Qiao Yuyan looked away and shook her head slightly, "Master Abbot, you should still be here, right?"

Zhao Jinghai gave her a strange look, but didn't say anything, but led the way, "Follow me!"

It’s still there!

Master Abbot was still in his courtyard, but there were two more armed guards guarding the entrance. Seeing Zhao Jinghai, they seemed to be very familiar with him, so he let them in without even asking a question.

Master Abbot is wearing a gray cassock and is meditating in the inner room.

Zhao Jinghai brought Qiao Yuyan and then went to the reception room on the east side. He seemed to be very interested in the scriptures on the bookshelf.

However, Qiao Yuyan took a second look and retracted his idea, because he saw that Zhao Jinghai just picked up two books at random, flipped through them casually, and threw them aside.

Looking at the abbot, he didn't seem to mind his behavior, and even had a distant smile on his lips.

Qiao Yuyan walked in, put her hands together and saluted, "Master."

The abbot's eyes fell on Qiao Yuyan's face, and after a while he said: "Donor Qiao."

I remember her identity when she was at her parents' home.

Qiao Yuyan sat down on the futon opposite her, "Master is an outsider. I don't want to suffer such an unreasonable disaster."

Master Abbot's eyes swept over Qiao Yuyan, and he smiled slightly, "Although he is from outside the country, he still lives in this world of mortals. It is normal for him to be tainted by some cause and effect in this world of mortals."

There was no trace of embarrassment in the way he spoke at this time, and his demeanor was still the same as before when he was trying to answer the questions of the faithful men and women who came to him.

"The master's cultivation is indeed profound, and his state of mind alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people like us."

The abbot master didn't take Qiao Yuyan's flattery seriously and asked as usual: "I wonder what the donor wants to ask when he comes here today?"

Qiao Yuyan sighed, "Although times have changed and things are turbulent outside, I believe that a woman is just an ordinary person, and what she is thinking about in her heart is just a little bit of worldly thoughts.

The husband of Believing Girl has not been home for many days. Now the situation is unclear and I am really worried about you, so I came here to seek peace of mind despite the heavy snowfall."

The situation outside is already so serious, and it's snowing so heavily. You break through the layers of defense at the Daxiangguo Temple and come in, just for peace of mind that your husband has not returned home?

The speaker is talking nonsense with his eyes closed, waiting to see how the listener responds.

Qiao Yuyan only heard Master Abbot say in his usual calm and mellow voice: "I am a Buddhist. Buddhism emphasizes cause and effect. I don't dare to say anything about the donor's husband, but I look at the face of the donor. He must be a blessed person."

Your honorable husband will return home soon."

After he said this, Qiao Yuyan did not answer immediately, but looked into the other person's eyes with a serious look. After seeing the smile in his eyes, her heart truly dropped.

"Well, speaking of it, it's really a pity that the Sutra Pavilion in your temple, which has stood for hundreds of years, has fallen down."

Upon hearing this, Master Abbot glanced towards the Sutra Pavilion, with a mysterious smile on his face, "Everything has its destiny, maybe its cause and effect has arrived."

Now that the imperial court is so rigorously investigating the Prime Minister's country for the collapse of the Sutra Pavilion, what else can he say about the cause and effect here?

Qiao Yuyan took out the things Qiao Yuning gave her from her arms, "I don't know if I can still visit the temple normally, but I really miss my husband. This is a poem written to my husband. I originally wanted to enshrine it in front of the Buddha."


Master Abbot's eyes fell on the paper in Qiao Yuyan's hand, and his expression became a little solemn. After a while, he raised his eyes. He still had that gentle smile, but his eyes were a little more serious.

"The Buddha will be able to sense the sincerity of the donor, and there is no need to stick to some red tape."

Qiao Yuyan put away the papers on the table and looked at him very seriously, "Is what the master said true?"

"Donor, don't worry."

After receiving these words, Qiao Yuyan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but her face was full of joy, "Thank you so much, Master. It's windy and snowy, so I won't disturb you too much, so I'll take my leave."

The master abbot was very polite and stood up specially to express his gratitude.

Zhao Jinghai also walked over over there, his eyes flickered between the two people, and finally he clasped his hands and said, "Excuse me."

After walking out of the abbot's courtyard, Zhao Jinghai did not show any politeness and directly extended his hand to Qiao Yuyan.

This action made Qiao Yuyan stunned for a moment, "What?"

"I am also a commander of the Royal Guards. Although I sent you here today because I promised you, you can't ignore me like this, right?"

The expression on Zhao Jinghai's face was a little playful. Qiao Yuyan curled her lips and handed him the poem, "You were just next door, and you heard what I said. It's just such a poem, but my writing is limited. Please worry about it."

That’s all I wrote.”

Zhao Jinghai looked back and forth at the thin piece of paper several times. After making sure that nothing was missing, he glanced at Qiao Yuyan suspiciously, "This word..."

Qiao Yuyan had a bit of shyness on her face, "Master Zhao also knows that Liu Lang and I have not been married for a long time. He has gone out because of something. It's only natural for me to miss him in my heart!"

You tell lies with your eyes open, but you are still unable to refute.

After all, it was Zhao Jinghai who agreed to her matter. It was not easy to delve into it at this moment, so he returned the piece of paper to her. "Mrs. Six is ​​very interested."

Isn’t that a lot of fun? Braving the wind and snow, passing through countless blockades, just for such a trivial thing.

Neither of them said anything, they just went back as if nothing happened today and they still came together.

It took a whole day to go back and forth. When we reached the city gate far away, we realized that things began to change.

This chapter has been completed!
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