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Chapter 549: Let Wen Liang Participate in Chunwei


"Master Jiao, the Minister of Rites, probably asked for his body to return home after the Yuan Dynasty."

Qiao Yuyan immediately reacted, "You mean my father..."

"The cabinet has already submitted Mr. Jiao's resignation memorial. Your Majesty will stay here for the time being, probably after the ceremony."

Qiao said that he was promoted to the position of Minister of Rites. This was a great promotion, and he was naturally worthy of happiness. However, after the change of Yuan Dynasty, the changes in the court would probably not be small. Some people were happy and others were worried. It is always right to keep a low profile at this time.

Therefore, after receiving the news, I was just silently happy for my father in my heart, but did not say anything externally.

I can only wait peacefully for news from the palace.

As Wen Tingyuan said, the enthronement ceremony was held very smoothly, beyond many people's expectations.

What is even more unexpected is that the seal of the Imperial Seal was clearly stamped on the new emperor’s memorial book for his ascension to the throne, which was exactly the same as the one on the previous memorial books preserved by the Ministry of Rites.

In this way, it seems that with the sealing of this seal, the founding of the new dynasty has also been settled in the hearts of all the people in Daqi.

The new emperor changed Yuan Chengye, and in the first year of Chengye, there was naturally a big move.

Shortly after the enthronement ceremony, Emperor Chengye stated that there was a great thirst for talents in the court. The Spring Festival, which had been suspended due to the great funeral of the late emperor, was postponed to mid-April. The local state government funded the travel expenses for the candidates.

And in August this year, Enke was added.

In addition, prisoners in prison are pardoned as usual.

For a time, the whole country was jubilant.

Everyone in the Wen family was also very happy. After all, it was enough for people to be safe and sound during the change of government.

What's more, the new emperor seemed to care a lot about the Wen family, calling Wen Qiong several times to talk to him.

It's just that Mrs. Wen's body has become weaker because of the serious injuries she suffered last time.

Now it's almost April. I'm still wearing a thick cloak when I go out. I walk a little hastily and I can't control my coughing.

Of course, we can't deal with such housekeeping matters. It's always Chen and Chu who take care of the housework.

Probably because of what happened last time, this pair of sisters-in-law who had never dealt with each other before are now able to live in harmony.

Old Mrs. Wen also asked Qiao Yuyan to take charge of the house, but Wen Tingyuan came to report that Qiao Yuyan was ill the next day.

After several rounds of discussions, everyone knew that Liufang had no interest in housekeeping matters.

Mrs. Chen couldn't help but laugh, "If I were the sixth aunt, guarding that huge dowry and not needing to be an official when I came in and out, I wouldn't be too lazy to take care of this family. No one would be a few years older."

Although he said this, the pride in his eyes and brows was not concealed at all, and he ordered the housekeeper below him to do it neatly and simply.

This made Mrs. Wen cough again.

Old Mrs. Wen was not very energetic due to an illness she suffered last winter. Perhaps because of this, she liked her juniors to be by her side more and more to talk.

Sisters Wen Ruzhen and Wen Ruting were so cute that they stayed with Yi'an Juli for half of the day. Qiao Yuyan had nothing to do now and was willing to go and sit there to add some popularity to Yi'an Juli.

Old Mrs. Wen said to her, "Seeing that the sixth child is about to die, why are you running to my place all day long? It's important to work hard to serve him."

Wen Tingyuan immediately made a splash by passing the Jieyuan exam and came back. Based on the comments of several great scholars at that time on his articles, it may not be impossible to pass the Huiyuan exam this time or even pass the Sanyuan exam.

So when the old lady said this, everyone else couldn't help but look at Qiao Yuyan.

Mrs. Wen's eyes became a bit more resentful.

Everyone in the mansion seems to be very proud now. Even the widow who was guarding the fourth room has left the house. A few days ago, Mrs. Wen even asked Wen Qiong and Mr. Cong to convert dozens of hectares of land to her.

The third room is becoming more and more useless now. In the past, they dared to yell at the sixth room. After what happened last time, they all seem to want to turn their tail between their legs and become a human being.

Qiao Yuyan turned a blind eye to the hatred in Mrs. Wen's eyes. Instead, she smiled and said to the old lady: "I'm not boasting. I really don't worry about Zingyuan's homework. There is one thing. I have discussed it with Zingyuan several times, and still...

Decided to open this mouth."

Liufang has always been trouble-free, and Qiao Yuyan seems to be self-sufficient and rarely asks for anything from the house, so when she heard this, Mrs. Wen was a little surprised.

Then he smiled and said: "Just tell me what you need. We are all members of the same family. We don't need to be so careful."

Now he really regards Wen Tingyuan as a family member.

Qiao Yuyan smiled and said: "It's not that I need anything, it's Brother Liang's business."

When she mentioned her son, Mrs. Wen immediately sat up straight, having already nestled herself in. She stared at Qiao Yuyan fiercely.

If it weren't for this bitch, Brother Liang wouldn't be like this. What else is she trying to do now?!

Qiao Yuyan still didn't look at her, but looked at Old Mrs. Wen with a smile, "My eldest brother has always been upright. Something happened in the past, so he ordered Brother Liang to study hard behind closed doors and not to go out.

Originally, it was hard for us to say anything about the elder brother's education of the children, but after all, it has something to do with us. Now that so many things have happened in our family, we are still one family.

Zingyuan and I thought that with my eldest brother's temperament, even if he felt sorry for the child, he would not ask him to come out. We still had to speak up about this matter.

Now the Holy Spirit still has a general amnesty for the world! Let us not be too harsh on this matter in the past.

Brother Liang has been studying hard behind closed doors for so long, and now that Princess Jiahe is not here, it is better to go to the Spring Festival. If you can get the name, renewing your string as soon as possible to continue the family's incense is the most important thing."

When these words came out, not to mention Mrs. Wen, even Mrs. Wen was a little surprised.

After all, the reason Wen Liang was sorry for Liu Fang was not only the initial slander of Qiao Yuyan, but also the subsequent incident of Qiao Yuning framing Qiao Yuyan to kill Princess Jiahe. Wen Liang's hand was also involved in it.

Now Qiao Yuyan let him go so gently?

Seeing their surprise, Qiao Yuyan said with a smile: "After so many things, in the end it's just a matter of family and everything being together. Let the past be in the past!"

As she spoke, she stood up and saluted Mrs. Wen, "Sister-in-law, if I did anything wrong in the past, you should be more patient. No matter what you say now, I am also Brother Liang's elder. As a

Elders should always be a little more compassionate."

Mrs. Wen was a little confused by Qiao Yuyan's move. She was helped up by the maid hesitantly and returned the gift. After a while, she managed to say, "To each other."

Old Mrs. Wen frowned immediately. After what happened, the eldest daughter-in-law became more and more petty.

But seeing her weak look, the old lady didn't say anything.

Mrs. Wen, on the other hand, was full of worries and blocked Qiao Yuyan on the road when she went out, "Ms. Qiao, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. What are you thinking about what you said today?"

This chapter has been completed!
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