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Chapter 573: Enthusiastic Lingering

She didn't know if it was Qiao Yuyan's illusion, but she always felt that after Wen Tingyuan came back, her yard suddenly became lively.

Grandma Wang and her two little maids wandered back and forth in the small kitchen, while others moved flowers and fetched water.

Even on Chinese Valentine's Day, I went to the house twice, once to deliver tea and once to deliver refreshments.

With the two of them alone in a room like this, Qiao Yuyan didn't know where to put her hands and feet.

The two people are obviously so familiar, why did they become so strange because of the change in their relationship?

"It's so strange. Obviously everyone in this courtyard belongs to me. Why do I feel that they have become more attentive after you came back?"

As she spoke, she took out a book from the side and pretended to flip through the book at will.

"Maybe it's because they can't be as casual in front of me as they are in front of you!"

At the end of the words, the voice fell in Qiao Yuyan's ear, and he actually sat directly behind her, encircling her in his arms from behind.

Then he glanced at the title of the book and said with a smile: ""On Salt and Iron", when did Yan'er become interested in this kind of book? Can you still understand it?"

When Qiao Yuyan heard this, she realized that the book she was holding was not the one she usually read. This one was clearly the one he put here.

Moreover, she was just flipping through the pages in a pretentious manner without reading a single word.

Maybe he didn't find anything at all, so Qiao Yuyan pretended to be serious and said: "Just pick it up and have a look. Sure enough, it's not suitable for me."

Slender fingers slipped over her hand and gently took the book away from her hand. Wen Tingyuan's voice became closer and closer, "Since it's not suitable, then don't read it."

Then Qiao Yuyan suddenly let out a low cry, and in the blink of an eye, she was held in his arms. The world suddenly spun around, causing her to subconsciously wrap her arms around his neck.

Then she saw his eyes, which looked like they had been soaked by spring water, staring at her scorchingly.

Then her own shadow in those eyes became larger and clearer, like two obsidian stones containing unknown magnetic fields, trying to suck her in deeply.

When his lips fell, a slight tingling sensation arose on Qiao Yuyan's back, and she subconsciously shrank her whole body into her arms.

The kiss became intimate.

Originally, Qiao Yuyan thought that Wen Tingyuan's kiss would be just like him, as gentle as the moon in the autumn night sky, falling brightly on people's hearts.

Unexpectedly, the kiss became more and more lingering as it went on, so delicate that it made her breathless, and his whole body became as passionate as fire, which burned both of them into confusion and infatuation.

She wanted to call his name, but was tightly locked by his breath, unable to breathe.

She will probably sink!

Qiao Yuyan thought to herself, since this person is him, let's sink!


The sudden sound woke Qiao Yuyan out of her trance. She sat up almost as soon as Wen Tingyuan's lips left her, followed by two neat screams of pain.

Along with the sound of Qixi's apology and withdrawal, both Qiao Yuyan and Wen Tingyuan looked at each other with their foreheads covered and couldn't help laughing.

Due to the interruption of Chinese Valentine's Day, most of the charming atmosphere just now was gone. Wen Tingyuan ordered someone to bring a hard-boiled egg over, peeled off the shell and rolled it carefully for her over the place where she had just hit it. It was so hot that Qiao Yuyan screamed like snow.


When the heat of the egg slowly subsided, Qiao Yuyan's heart seemed to be crushed by the egg. She looked at the serious man in front of her and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

It turns out that when two people who really like each other are together, even if they do nothing, their hearts are filled with joy.

Just like this, they felt extremely happy just leaning together and watching the maids busy watering the flower beds outside the window.

While killing time until evening, Qiao Yuyan felt that she was getting a little anxious, and she couldn't explain why.

Until it was time to take a bath, Grandma Wang walked in.

"Girl, if I say something, please don't think I'm too talkative."

Qiao Yuyan was not alert that she would suddenly appear. She was almost startled. After calming herself down, she smiled and said: "Mommy, you are serious. Why do you still say such things to me? I will never listen to anything you say."

"After all, our uncle is a twenty-year-old young man with fresh blood. He used to be clean and tidy around him. In the past, he used to be forbearing and restrained because of such and such things.

He is also a person who can handle things clearly. He knows that he has to take part in the imperial examination, so he can't be too arrogant about this matter. But now is the time when he is relaxed, and he may not be able to control himself. "

Qiao Yuyan never thought that Aunt Wang would come in and tell her something like this. She was stunned for a long time before realizing that she was too embarrassed to see anyone, so she quickly pushed Aunt Wang out and said, "Mom

Mom, what are you talking about? Oh, you don’t need to worry about this kind of thing."

"Oh, my girl, I have watched you grow up. In this case, if I don't talk about you, who will?" Seeing her like this, Grandma Wang wanted to finish her words more and more, "You don't know the seriousness, I'm afraid you will be

Others have been fooled by what they said about having a son, thinking that the most important thing for a woman after entering the family is to give birth to a child.

Let me tell you, nothing is as important as your own health. Girl, you are still young, so you have to take care of this matter. Although it is not good to push every time, you must also pay attention to propriety. Pushing three times, once or twice is okay.

, it is important to take good care of your body bones first.

If you get pregnant with this child, you won’t be able to stuff it back in. The girl will have to suffer at that time, and I know your body size best. Your pelvis is narrow and it won’t be easy for you to give birth. Don’t

What a nanny said, you don’t want to listen to me!”

Qiao Yuyan was still in the bathtub. No matter how hard she pushed Grandma Wang away, she could only let her finish her words before nodding her head casually.

I also had to accept what she said later.

After Grandma Wang left for a long time, Qiao Yuyan was still in a daze, thinking about what she just said, what is "uncontrollable" and what is "three pushes once". She and Wen Tingyuan have clearly not reached that step yet.


She thought again about Wen Tingyuan, such a brilliant person, and she could not imagine what it would be like for him to do such a thing.


Wouldn't a man as charming as him also kiss himself? He would still be as passionate and passionate as he was this afternoon.

As she thought about it, Qiao Yuyan felt that her body was getting hot again.

Thinking about these things, I fell into a trance without realizing it, until there was a knock on the door outside, "Yan'er? You've been in there for a long time, and you haven't washed yourself yet?"

Qiao Yuyan suddenly came back to her senses. Sure enough, even the water in the bathtub was a little cold.

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly remembered that he was standing at the door. It seemed that it would be bad for him to hear the sound of water.

This chapter has been completed!
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