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Chapter 622: Revisiting the old place

Originally, for such a thing, Qiao Yuyan just used the excuse of having something to do and it didn't matter.

Although Mrs. Wen said she was her mother-in-law, both of them knew what this relationship entailed.

But now that they are under the same roof, the old lady treats Qiao Yuyan quite well.

On weekdays, their sister-in-law handles everything in the house. From time to time, the old lady would ask a question or two about the sixth house, which was a kind of tacit care.

Qiao Yuyan has always reciprocated kindness, and Mrs. Qiwen's proposal was originally for her consideration, as she would not be so ignorant.

Even if she really has a good reason, if she does this often, it will inevitably make people think that she does not respect Mrs. Wen, and she has lost her face.

However, Grandma Wang agreed with one hundred and twenty, "Madam is now getting haircut, and she is living a beautiful life with the master. Since everyone is here to beg for a child, Madam might as well pay her respects."

Qiao Yuyan blushed and said, "Previously you told me not to get pregnant too early."

"You can't tell for sure about this child! Although it is better to wait a little later, it is enough to prepare now. Why did you get pregnant immediately as soon as you bowed? The Bodhisattva is also busy, so he has to have time to prepare, right?


What kind of fallacy was this? Qiao Yuyan couldn't help but find it funny.

But I still asked Wen Tingyuan for his opinion in the evening. Qiao Yuyan always felt a little uneasy because of Wei's incident.

He was afraid that the matter in the back house would involve his previous affairs.

But Wen Tingyuan also thought it was good, "You don't have time to go out twice this year, so it's good to go out and relax, so as not to feel bored at home."

She really didn't feel any discomfort. If she could spend the past few years smoothly, she would be happy to be bored at home like this every day.

Everyone around her looked like they wished she could go out, so Qiao Yuyan stopped refusing.

Thinking that Mrs. Xu had never left home before, she wrote to ask if she wanted to go with her.

As a result, Ms. Xu wrote a letter saying that although An Geer's acne had gone away, she had been having a stomachache during this period, probably because of the medicine she took, so she didn't dare to take her out.

He also said that he didn't know if Qiao Yurong had a conflict with Zhao Jinghai, and he had always been a little depressed.

Regarding Qiao Yurong's marriage, Qiao Yuyan's attitude was to let them go their own way.

As long as they don't get out of line, noisy situations between two people can actually enhance their understanding.

Therefore, he is not as worried as Mrs. Xu.

It's already October, and it's a bit chilly in the morning and evening. The journey to Daxiangguo Temple is so long, so we have to get up early to make the journey.

Qiao Yuyan left Qixi at home and went out with Pinlan and Shiye. Grandma Wang originally wanted to go, but she didn't know that she had eaten a pear the night before and her stomach was full, so she had to stay.

Although the journey was not short, the new emperor was diligent and frugal, and none of his officials dared to be extravagant or wasteful.

As a female concubine of the harem, every move she makes is likely to be the target of criticism from officials.

But no matter how light the vehicle is, there are still five or six vehicles of these masters and those waiting in front of them.

Seeing Daxiangguo Temple again, my mood was very different.

The last time she came here, Zhao Jinghai escorted her here. There were officers and soldiers guarding her inside and outside, on each floor.

Judging from the situation at that time, I thought that this century-old temple was going to collapse. Who knew that half a year had passed, and looking back, there was almost no change from the first time I came here.

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Works, the Sutra Pavilion was re-erected in just two or three months.

At this time, the temple was still full of incense, and even because the new emperor had attached so much importance to the temple when he first came to the throne, people from far and near felt that the Bodhisattvas here were more efficacious, and it seemed to be a bit more lively than before.

Just like the first time when we came back, the Wen family's carriage had just arrived, and the host inside came out to guide the way.

But this time there was something different. The host who came was obviously very familiar with Yuan Xueqing, and instead of calling her Grandma Wen Si, she called her Miss Yuan.

And the place where they settled was more open and more elaborately arranged than other courtyards.

For the family members to travel, it was not enough to have the attendants from the palace. The old lady personally sent a message and asked Wen Zhao and Wen Liang to escort them over in person.

However, both brothers had other business to attend to, so they went back first after delivering the goods, and picked them up again in the afternoon.

Qiao Yuyan originally had no intention of asking God to worship Buddha, but as for asking for a child...

She's not ready yet.

On the one hand, the situation she was facing with Wen Tingyuan was not suitable for pregnancy and childbirth. She didn't know if there would be any changes in the future. If something happened again, she didn't want her child to be affected by her.

on the other hand……

After what happened in her previous life, getting married was a difficult hurdle for her, and Wen Tingyuan helped her overcome this hurdle.

Giving birth is also a difficult task, which makes her think of Sister Min unconsciously.

So today at Daxiangguo Temple, she just wandered around randomly.

But she still had lingering fears about this place, so she only walked in crowded places and always carried the picked leaves with her.

When passing by the Main Hall, I saw so many people kneeling down and worshiping. I was inexplicably aroused in my heart and asked Pinlan to bring me a stick of incense.

I knelt on the futon and prayed for my relatives, especially Mrs. Xu.

It's been a while since I sent the last letter, but I still haven't received a reply, which logically shouldn't be.

Grandma always loves me, and knowing that she is anxious, she should reply as soon as possible.

However, I also thought about the news that I came in to inquire about. There is a bit of chaos in the Jiangnan area. Communication with the capital is often blocked. Even the boats in the river are strictly controlled. I guess there is also this reason.

Now that we have worshiped the main temple, we naturally cannot ignore the other gods.

After a circle of incense has been offered, the sun will reach the top of the sky.

After coming out of the side hall, I wanted to take this sunless corridor back to the courtyard to have lunch, but unexpectedly I saw a man standing outside the corridor.

Qiao Yuyan was a little surprised when she saw him. She stopped almost subconsciously, with a bit of caution in her eyes.

Pinlan immediately noticed Qiao Yuyan's mood and took a step forward to stop Qiao Yuyan.

Wen Liang probably heard the movement behind him, so he turned around and glanced over, but his eyes were firmly fixed on Qiao Yuyan's face, as if he wanted to see something from her face.

The two of them had already broken up with each other, and no one else was watching. There was really no need to act, so Qiao Yuyan took Shi Ye and left directly, bypassing him.

Unexpectedly, a gentle voice chased after me, "Do you still remember what happened here before?"

This chapter has been completed!
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