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Chapter 681: Crisis of Trust

Of course she remembers.

After his identity was exposed in front of her, he said that he would never hide anything from her again.

We are married as husband and wife, and there is no doubt about their love for each other.

How could she not remember this sentence?

But now that he asked her this question, she didn't know how to answer.

Wen Tingyuan's gaze was so intimidating that Qiao Yuyan could not avoid it, feeling like a lonely ghost exposed in the scorching sun with nowhere to hide.

Her emotions surged, and she felt dizzy. Suddenly, an idea struck her, and she rolled her eyes and fainted.

Wen Tingyuan never expected that his questioning would make Qiao Yuyan faint, and he panicked for a moment. He carried her to the bed and sent someone to call for the imperial doctor.

Although Qiao Yuyan pretended to be dizzy, she was still a little out of breath. The events in the past few days had been extremely taxing on her mind. Plus she hadn't had a good rest and what happened today, her whole body felt like a taut string.

After pretending to be dizzy, I actually started to feel dizzy and half asleep.

The imperial doctor came and examined the patient at the bedside for a long time before saying: "My dear lady, this is a symptom of rising qi and blood, and rapid energy attacking the heart. You may faint because of being too excited.

In addition, as I see you, Madam seems to have some cold symptoms in her body. It is the middle of winter now, so she still needs to take more precautions to keep warm. If a woman is cold, she will not be able to get pregnant easily. This is a major matter related to the fertility of the child. Mr. Wen and

Mrs. Wen still needs to pay more attention."

After saying that, he went out to fill the prescription.

Wen Tingyuan stood up and took two steps, then turned back and took Qiao Yuyan's hand to check for pulse.

He read quite a lot of books. Although he was not a doctor and had never learned medical skills, he read a lot of medical books.

After taking the pulse, it was almost the same as what the doctor said.

He sat on the edge of the bed, wondering for a moment what he was feeling.

I couldn't help but think about what happened last night, and felt a little regretful.

Even if I was angry, I shouldn't be so angry that I made her stand in the snow for so long, and the shoes and socks on her feet were soaked. How could she survive the cold?

Just now, I was in a hurry to go out without even wearing a pair of shoes. It was really too reckless.

I thought about the Wei family again.

Why didn't she tell me? Instead, she created so many fake letters and sent them.

On the way back, when he saw those letters, he almost laughed out loud. How did she think she could defeat Wen Qiongrang and Wei?

The Wei family has been involved in too many things in those places in the south of the Yangtze River over the years. As a woman, she wandered around the back houses of the officials and officials in the south of the Yangtze River and in places where men were not allowed to appear.

She was involved in the entire Jiangnan network. How could she possibly be able to deal with such a person?

Wen Tingyuan knew that she could be willful sometimes, and he never felt that this needed to be corrected. He just let her do what she wanted to do, and he was there anyway.

But he didn't expect that she would be able to hide it from him, and use such clumsy means.

When did he fall outside her circle of trust?

This realization made him furious, and at the same time he felt a little chilly in his heart.

Even when I saw her, I didn't want to face her.

But seeing her being so cautious, he felt uncontrollably distressed. After all, he still couldn't be completely cruel to her.

Who knew that before this matter was over, trouble would suddenly arise again.

That Wen Liang just had the experience of seeing her, and the three books and six etiquettes had not started yet. Why was she still confused about him?

Two people who are obviously completely unrelated, yet there is always some inexplicable connection between them.

Now that she has married him and has become the wife of the sixth wife, they have already agreed that they will leave the Wen family and live their lives as soon as something big happens.

That Qiao Yuning, he originally wanted to end it directly.

But she wanted to keep it.

He thought that there was really a little bit of sisterly affection, and he wanted to persuade such a person to have a snake-like heart and it was not worth it, but it didn't look like it.

Now that couple plus Yuan Xueqing would just let them fight to death in the small yard of the long house, but she always had some contact with the people there.

Yuan Xueqing even once wanted to kill her. He could understand that such a person was used to disturb Wen Liang and Qiao Yuning, and let the three of them kill each other without bloodshed.

But what he couldn't understand was why he gave that woman a half-glance.

Isn't it good for Tao Ranxuan to live his own life behind closed doors?

Why did Qiao Yuyan become incomprehensible to him when it came to Wen Liang?

He knew in his heart that Qiao Yuyan could not have any special feelings for Wen Liang, and he also believed that Qiao Yuyan hated him more than anyone else, and even hated him.

But what happened again and again made him really unable to understand the heart of the woman in front of him.

He even wondered if this marriage was obtained by him through clever means and by force, and whether Qiao Yuyan himself didn't understand his own heart.

It's just because her choice now is only hers, that makes her think that she agrees with this relationship and this marriage.

So, was his original choice really the right one?

When he just heard him call him "Uncle Wen," Wen Tingyuan felt something in his heart suddenly break, like a lantern being punctured.

People suddenly see that there are not countless bright lights in the fantasy, but only a lonely candle.

After all, he is seven or eight years older than her and has been accompanying her as an elder since she was a child. Perhaps she was misled by her own perception?

I think I am safe enough, safe enough to give her a lifetime of warmth and a lifetime of support.

But this kind of security does not come from her heart and her dependence on her husband.

Wen Tingyuan didn't want to admit that he was actually scared and timid.

Only he knows that the answer he wants to ask clearly is not what it seems on the surface.

But just like Qiao Yuyan, he did not dare to touch that kind of answer.

He just sat quietly, thinking a lot in his mind, but could not find a practical way to bring them out of this crisis of trust.

He could only sit like this and wait for the person on the bed to wake up.

Qiao Yuyan was better said to have fallen asleep than to have passed out.

The huge mental pressure made her entire brain very tired. When her mind was overwhelmed, taking a nap might be the best way to recuperate.

So when she woke up at night, she was much more awake than at noon.

With her eyes open, she couldn't think of anything for a moment, not even anything annoying or happy.

It was only when I turned around and saw Wen Tingyuan sitting motionless next to me that I finally felt like I was back in the world.


She heard her slightly hoarse voice, and then the person beside the bed stood up immediately, "You're awake!"

This chapter has been completed!
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