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Chapter 735: Too weak

Because it was a fact known to everyone in the Xu family that Mrs. Xu doted on Qiao Yuyan, no one in the Xu family showed any indifference when Qiao Yuyan came back.

The eldest wife of the Xu family opened the warehouse with people almost on the same day and moved the treasured things in the warehouse to her house.

"You have brought all your old things to the capital. Although there are still many here, they are all a bit old after all, and you have been looking at many of them for many years and are tired of them."

Qiao Yuyan could only go with them. In any case, the behavior of the two aunts of the Xu family would make her grandmother happy, which was also a form of filial piety.

Looking at the exquisite porcelain as thin as cicada wings on Duobao Pavilion, Qiao Yuyan couldn't help but admire it, "I rarely saw such things in the past. Putting this on top makes me worried. I always feel that if I accidentally touch it, it will


"Then you have to be careful," Xu Lu said nonchalantly while cracking nuts next to her, "These are the works of Master Jiazi. The few pieces you have above can be sold for tens of thousands of taels of silver.

If it weren't for you, I guess my aunt would still be reluctant to take it out!"

In the past, the two cousins ​​liked to get together and talk about these things. When Qiao Yuyan heard her talking, she couldn't help but quickly asked about these things.

"If you ask me, I don't know. I didn't quite understand these things in the past. Anyway, what we valued in the past were all gold and jade things. We couldn't understand the things of these elegant people, but look at this...


She pointed to one of the narrow-necked bottles, "If you put this thing here, even if we don't understand it, we can still see that it is valuable, right? So this kind of porcelain has slowly become popular, but this thing

Like other handmade crafts, they belong to the person who made them!

The pieces you have are all the works of Master Jiazi. I don’t know who he is specifically, but his works have become popular in the past two years, and the prices are getting higher and higher. Anyway, there are none less than a few thousand taels.


And he doesn’t make many things, he only makes a few things a year, so Auntie really put a lot of effort into it this time, so you should cherish it!"

Qiao Yuyan then asked about other situations, and Xu Lu told her everything she knew.

After Qiao Yuyan learned some general things from her mouth, she collected all the doubts in her heart and planned to ask her slowly when she went back to talk to her grandmother.

But what makes Qiao Yuyan depressed is that she has been here for several days. No matter whether she goes in the morning or in the evening, or after dinner, her grandmother is surrounded by a bunch of people, everyone is talking and laughing, and she can see

I came out because I wanted to accompany her.

Although she had good intentions, Qiao Yuyan really didn't have time to talk to her grandmother about her doubts.

Wen Tingyuan can't stay in Jiangzhou for too long, and it's not good even if he is here. On weekdays, besides talking to Xu Lu, Qiao Yuyan is surrounded by the female family members of the Xu family. No matter what the situation is, he also

It’s not easy to always be by my side, so I can only walk around outside and check out the current situation in advance.

Seeing Wen Tingyuan go to Hongdu Mansion, Qiao Yuyan's heart became unsteady day by day, always worried that he would encounter some danger.

After living for less than half a month, she was completely comfortable in the Xu family. Everyone finally stopped treating her as a guest, and Qiao Yuyan finally found a chance to be alone with the old lady of the Xu family.

Seeing her look, Mrs. Xu couldn't help but smile and said: "I never thought that one day I would see Ya'er like this, you! You are always a child who won't grow up!"

An ordinary sentence made Qiao Yuyan's eyes red, "Don't you know, mother-in-law, that children cannot grow up because they are protected by adults? If they are placed in a place where no one is protecting them, even children aged five or six will not be able to grow up."

You can all develop your own survival skills!”

Old Mrs. Xu pulled her to sit next to her, "I vaguely heard last time that your concubine is still in the Wen family?"

Qiao Yuyan didn't expect that she would be involved with Qiao Yuning, so she responded casually: "She is the eldest aunt now and has nothing to do with me. How can I take care of her if she is still there?"

Old Mrs. Xu disagreed and said: "There is a kind of person whose heart is not made of flesh. If she hates someone in her heart, no matter how good the other person is, she will hide in the dark and look for an opportunity to bite him. Like that poisonous snake

Likewise, I think you, my concubine, are like this, so if you ask me, you should just find a way to let her get lost!"

Her grandmother was in charge of so many businesses, so she was not a good man. Qiao Yuyan had known this for a long time, but in the past she had always played around in front of the elderly like a child, so she had never heard of Xu's grandmother being similar to

Such remarks.

At this moment, I couldn't help but be a little stunned.

But Old Mrs. Xu didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said, "You! There are still many things you will encounter in the future! Although Zingyuan is a good boy and has a good heart, but since he has entered the officialdom, he still has to follow the Holy Shang.

The relationship is good, but the future is really hard to say.

Such a person may not necessarily have three wives and four concubines around him in the future. Even if he doesn't want to, he can't help the influence of the environment. Otherwise, he will feel bad if his colleagues use this as an argument.

The back houses of official families are actually more difficult to deal with than merchant families like ours. The women in our merchant families can go out and show their faces. If anything goes wrong, it will be over.

But officials need to be dignified, especially the women in the back house, who are literally living in the backyard. This kind of environment is the most likely to make people bad-hearted. With your methods like this, what should you do in the future?"

Qiao Yuyan thought of what Wen Tingyuan said before that he would end his official career in more than two years, so she smiled and said: "Others may have it, but Zingyuan will never have it. Mother-in-law, don't worry! I know this

You can also guarantee it to you on his behalf."

Mrs. Xu obviously disagreed at all, but she still didn't say anything. She could only say helplessly: "You have liked him since you were a child, and you have a stubborn temper. It seems that I am not convinced by you, that's all, it's up to you!

Just remember that if he makes you sad in the future and you don’t want to be with him, just come to grandma and grandma will find a good family for you to marry."

Qiao Yuyan couldn't laugh or cry, so she had to beg for mercy, and then finally asked the question, "I sent many letters last year, but never got a reply. Then I received your letters, and they had nothing to do with the ones I sent. Did something happen on the road?"

What happened?"

This chapter has been completed!
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