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Chapter 785: Listening to the play

"Aunt Qiao is here!"

As soon as Qiao Yuyan entered, someone immediately greeted her warmly. She was a middle-aged woman dressed very richly and solemnly, and there was a group of people surrounding her.

With Qiao Yuyan's eyesight, she could tell at a glance that this group of people were all businessmen, but this group of people was headed by this woman.

"I heard that you like to watch our theater in the south, so I specially asked you to meet here and hear how our theater troupe compares with that in the capital."

Qiao Yuyan just glanced at Shen Jing, then sat down with the man with a smile.

There were just some casual operas on the stage. She took a look and saw that there was no one waiting inside or outside. It was obvious that the stage was reserved directly.

As soon as Qiao Yuyan sat down, someone came over to tell the story.

"I just don't know what plays my aunt likes to read, so I'm waiting for you to come over and order some!"

Isn’t this lying with your eyes open?

Whether in the south or the north, Qiao Yuyan didn't like to listen to operas. Where did she hear this?

But this was obviously not important. When the woman was talking, she would look at Shen Jing from time to time. Qiao Yuyan knew that this was just for others to see.

Qiao Yuyan randomly ordered two plays, and the performance started sonorously on the stage.

After a while, the waiters in the pear orchard brought all kinds of fresh fruits and melons, and a special little girl came over to rub their shoulders and backs.

The woman pointed to the play on the stage and discussed it with Qiao Yuyan, as if she was really interested.

"Excuse me, madam, you are..."

This all seemed a bit strange. The other party was so enthusiastic and talking about flowers to Qiao Yuyan, as if he was a partner he hadn't seen for many years.

After doing this for a while, Qiao Yuyan remembered to ask about the other person's family background.

The other party didn't show any embarrassment at all. He just glanced at Shen Jing and said with a smile: "It's my fault. I forgot to introduce myself. I am the daughter-in-law of the Wang family in Yuhang. Our family is in the oil noodle business. No. Do you know if you know my aunt?"

The Wang family in the oil noodle business in Yuhang...

Qiao Yuyan thought for a while, then a bit of surprise appeared on her face. She couldn't help but glance at Shen Jing again, who was still sitting behind them.

Qiao Yuyan suppressed the surprise in her heart.

She has been with her grandmother in the Xu family since she was a child, and has some knowledge of people in the southern business world.

We are all in business, so we may bump into each other at some point, so whenever we have some friendship, during New Years and holidays, or when there is something big going on in the other person's family, we will send him a gift as a rule.

The Yuhang Wang family is still in Qiao Yuyan's memory, which shows that the Wang family's business is not small.

Shen Jing, what does this mean?

This meeting was obviously facilitated by Shen Jing. I am afraid that not only was she forced to come according to Shen Jing's arrangement, but the other party may also be.

Otherwise, why would Mrs. Wang look at Shen Jing's face from time to time?

While the stage was still singing babblingly, Qiao Yuyan started chatting with Mrs. Wang, "I heard that the harvest in the whole of Jiangnan last year was not bad, so this year's business should be good!"

After Qiao Yuyan finished asking, she stared at the other person's face carefully. Sure enough, when Mrs. Wang heard this, she looked a little uncomfortable.

But he still smiled and said, "Thanks to you, I'm doing pretty well."

"Nowadays, the waterway between our area and the north is no longer connected, and there are many troubles on the land. My grandmother had to give up some of her shops in the north. How is your family doing?"

Mrs. Wang's smile had a hint of reluctance, "Today's environment is like this, and everyone is just barely getting by. I just hope that the world will get better soon and our business will be easier."

As she spoke, she quickly pointed to the cups on the table beside her, "Auntie, try this. Speaking of this theater, everything else is fine. This lychee stuffed wine is really good. I see this is specially made in the restaurant here.

, not necessarily

This is good.

Their boss is also very clever. I once came here to ask him for the recipe, but he still refused to give it! I really don’t know how he made it. If I just use this to open a shop outside, the business will not be bad. "

She recommended it so kindly, so Qiao Yuyan was naturally reluctant to refuse. She picked it up and took a sip. As expected, the taste was not annoying.

Before she could speak, Mrs. Wang smiled and pointed to the Xiaodan singer above and said, "Do you know who he is?"

Qiao Yuyan didn't like to go to the theater, and she knew nothing about these famous actors from all over the country. Mrs. Wang really asked this question, so she just shook her head sincerely.

Mrs. Wang was also very enthusiastic and introduced her in detail.

Where have you sung before, who has been praised by whom, which ones are the best, how much you are worth now, etc., etc., they are all treasures.

Qiao Yuyan just sat and listened with a smile. In fact, she had never heard these words at all.

Because she had already seen that Mrs. Wang didn't know whether it was out of her own intention or because of the coercion of Shen Jing and others, she didn't want her to ask questions, and she didn't want to tell her too much.

So he just used other things to cover up the conversation he just had with Qiao Yuyan.

It's just that Mrs. Wang has suffered a lot. After introducing Xiaodan, Wusheng, and then all the above characters, even the most famous plays in this theater have been introduced.

Seeing that she was about to introduce the special snacks of this place, Qiao Yuyan finally interrupted her with a smile and said: "Mrs. Wang, drink some lychee stuffed to moisten your throat first! I didn't hear this clearly just now."

As he spoke, he showed that he was really interested in the play on the stage.

On the contrary, Mrs. Wang breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and nodded, "You should listen carefully."

After listening to the play, they went to have dinner together. Qiao Yuyan didn't recognize anyone at the table.

Seeing so many people coming up to toast, she couldn't help but frown. Shen Jing glanced at her and said calmly: "Drink, your pot is full of water."

Is there such a good thing?

Qiao Yuyan took a sip and found that it was plain water, so she didn't care.

After returning to the house, Qiao Yuyan told Shi Ye about the incident.

"It seems that I need to make a big name for myself here," she said with worry. "Although I don't recognize the people at the table today, by the names they call each other, they are all from the south.

Famous merchants.

Now that my father is in the cabinet, Tingyuan has been appointed as an imperial envoy to Jiangxi by the emperor, and I have made friends with merchants in the south..."

She didn't say the rest of the words, but even if she didn't say them, Shi Ye understood the meaning.

This chapter has been completed!
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