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Chapter 89: The Uninvited Guest

Qiao Yuning was a little confused by Mrs. Tang's words. Mrs. Wen had praised Qiao Yuyan in front of Mrs. Tang.

Everyone knows that Mrs. Tang is a well-known matchmaker in the capital. Could it be that today she was not specially invited to have tea because of the incident involving the Xu family last time, but that Mrs. Wen asked her to come to the matchmaker?

How could this be possible? She hadn't planned it yet, Wen Liang hadn't received any precise explanation from her side, and even Qiao Yuyan didn't do any harm now.

Shouldn't it be so fast?

In the last letter to Wen Liang, he clearly revealed his intention. His marriage would be after the autumn examination. How could it be so hasty?

Thinking of this, she turned around and said a few words to Tinghe, who then quietly left.

Although there was a lot of chatter in the room, she was in no mood and just kept looking outside the door.

Qiao Yurong on the side saw it and looked puzzled, "What are you looking at, second sister?"

Qiao Yuning quickly came to her senses and smiled covertly, "No, there was a magpie on the tree just now. It was quite funny."

"Second sister has always known etiquette, why is she so distracted today? Mrs. Tang is here!" Qiao Yurong frowned.

In such an occasion, the elders are talking, and they naturally have no room to interrupt, so it is indeed a bit boring, but they should not be so distracted, otherwise wouldn't it make people feel disrespectful to the host family?

Qiao Yuning's face turned red when she said that, and she felt angry in her heart.

This Qiao Yurong is really frivolous, and she even teaches herself a lesson. Hasn't she made many fools of herself under such circumstances in the past?

It's just that Mrs. Tang is here today and she's afraid of ruining her reputation.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yuning did not dare to look around, put a faint smile on her face, and quietly lowered her head to listen to the adults.

At this moment, an announcement suddenly came from outside, "The fourth girl from the Yao family is here."

Everyone in the room was shocked and confused. The old lady and Mrs. Xu all turned their eyes to Mr. Yao.

Yao also looked confused. Why did her niece suddenly come?

I didn’t hear anything when I left Yao’s house that day, and I didn’t receive any greetings in the past two days!

As soon as Mrs. Tang saw their expressions, she guessed that this girl was an uninvited guest, and the smile on her face did not change at all, "She must be a girl from Yao Siqing's family! I remember several aunts in their family from the previous generation.

There are not many good-looking people in this generation."

While talking, Yao Ruoyi had already come in. She was messing around at home, but she still looked like a lady outside. First, she gave the old lady Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Yao a courtesy, and then with the introduction of the old lady, she gave her a gift.

Mrs. Tang saw the ceremony.

"Why do you want to come here today?"

The maid greeted Yao Ruoyi and sat down under Qiao Yuyan's hand. When she heard Yao's words, she rolled her eyes and said helplessly: "I made a joke with Sister Yan that day, but Sister Yan was actually frightened. Although she said later

I apologized, but Sister Yan never said she wanted to forgive me. My father and mother both gave me a hard time afterwards, so I came here specifically to apologize to Sister Yan today."

As soon as he said these words, the smile on Yao's face immediately faded.

The old lady and Mrs. Xu also looked ugly. Does this Yao girl really don't understand?

Yao just asked politely, but she actually mentioned all these things, and every word said that Qiao Yuyan was delicate and petty.

Now that Mrs. Tang is sitting here, is she trying to damage Qiao Yuyan's reputation?

Yao Ruoyi, however, seemed to have not seen the expressions on the elders' faces, and felt very proud in her heart.

She just learned that Mrs. Tang was here. Although she had never met her, she knew what kind of person this Mrs. Tang was.

She also said that Princess Danyang praised her? If she wants to win over Prince An, she can't let Qiao Yuyan get her way.

"At that time, I also saw that Sister Yan dared to let the dogs chase Prince An. She must have a bold personality, so I made a little joke. Who knew that she would be so unintimidated."

Yao's face had completely turned cold, "Sister Yi!"

Yao Ruoyi was startled by her sudden stern voice and felt angry. This third aunt dared to hurt her? This has never happened before!

"Aunt, weren't you there at the time?" Yao Ruoyi deliberately pretended not to understand her anger. After speaking, she turned to Qiao Yuyan and said, "Sister Yan, are you really still angry with me?"

Qiao Yuyan saw that the faces of several elders in the family were not good. Although she was angry, she still smiled kindly and said, "The fourth sister also said that it was just a joke between sisters. But I was indeed raped by that big scorpion of yours that day.

I was so shocked that I opened the box and it barely touched my face. I was confused that day. I got home and rested for a night before I recovered. I thought my sister just wanted to make a joke, so I didn’t mention it again.

Who would have thought that I might have misunderstood you."

The smile on Yao Ruoyi's face froze, and before she could speak, Mrs. Tang seemed to be frightened, "Big scorpion, oh, this thing is not for fun. If it were me, I would probably kill her on the spot."

I'm going to faint from fright."

Just when Yao Ruoyi was about to explain that the scorpion was not poisonous, Qiao Yuyan smiled and said, "That's it, I was really scared."

Yao hurriedly responded, "Who says it's not the case! It's my natal nephew who, oh, I can't tell, is always tinkering with these scary things. Who among us ladies dares to play with them? Why don't we just do acupuncture in there? The most is nothing more.

Cultivate flowers and plants.”

As soon as the conversation got off track, they started talking about whose greenhouse had better flowers and whose flowers had more varieties.

Yao Ruoyi glanced at Qiao Yuning, looked at each other, then turned to Qiao Yurong and said: "Hey, sister Rong, I remember seeing a pot of camellias here before. It was really beautiful. You said it was cultivated by the maid in sister Yan's house.

Yes, later I went back and asked our greenhouse guy to try to grow one or two plants, but they couldn’t get that color, which really made me envious.”

Qiao Yurong thought about it for a long time before she remembered that there was such a thing. Who was the maid who brought the camellia that Qiao Yuyan sent?

She was still thinking about it! Yao Ruoyi turned to Qiao Yuyan and asked, "Sister Yan, the person who is good at raising flowers and plants like this should be the one given by your grandmother, right? Where is she now? I would like to ask my maid to ask her for advice.


At this point, Qiao Yuyan remembered that she was talking about awn seeds.

It was because of this ability that Mangzhong was originally chosen by her grandmother to follow her to the capital. She was originally asked to serve flowers and plants, but she was good at digging and eloquent, so she gradually won Qiao Yuyan's favor and was promoted to a higher level.

When she first came here, in order to build a good relationship with the Qiao family, Qiao Yuyan sent everyone a pot of flowers. If Yao Ruoyi hadn't mentioned it today, she would have completely forgotten about such a thing.

"She..." Qiao Yuning seemed to have thought of this and spoke hesitantly.

Mrs. Xu frowned, and Mang Zhong was hit to death. How could she say this? She immediately said: "She was let out, and she is no longer in our home."

"Sister Yan is willing to let such a capable girl go?" Yao Ruoyi turned a blind eye to the faces of the others and still asked Qiao Yuyan innocently, "Then do you know where her home is? I'm going to take advantage of this!"

Only then did Qiao Yurong realize that her cousin was using her as a weapon. She was so angry that she quickly raised her eyebrows and said quickly, "I'm getting married and have a child. Is the fourth sister going to buy a house? Can you afford it?"

?It’s not like you want to get married, why would you buy a house and have servants?”

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