The dinner was light, and Xue's mother was specially invited to stay in the front yard kitchen to help cook a famous willow leaf soup. Wild mushrooms and white jade winter melon were added to the bone broth, fresh chicken was added to the dough, and the muscles were beaten and rolled out as thin as paper. Cut the noodles into diagonal diamond shapes with a sharp knife, simmer them in the pot while the soup is boiling, and sprinkle in a few thin green onion shreds. When the meal is about to finish, it will be served to finish the meal. The entrance will be smooth, chewy and warm. Loss of appetite.
There were foreign guests and a female family present, so only light wine was prepared for the banquet, which was sherbet stored in the cellar. It was sweet and sour, clear and reddish. In order to avoid embarrassment when the maid in the front yard came to invite people, she directly asked Shen Yuan how to arrange it. Miss Sheng and Feiyue were asked to go to the other side to invite someone. Sheng Qiuxiao did not refuse, carefully tidied up her clothes, make-up and hair, and went out together.
Yin Huai'an and Sheng Qiu Xiao have nothing to do with each other. It's all due to Shen Yuan's influence and reconciliation. There are differences between inside and outside. Qiu Xiao doesn't know the background of the Shen girl, and the other two people also deliberately don't let her understand. Fortunately, they each have their own secrets. He is reserved, doesn't talk much, and only eats and sleeps without talking, so there is nothing uncomfortable about him.
After the meal, Yin Huai'an left a cup of tea. Shen Yuan talked too much in one day and was a little sleepy. He was in a daze looking at the blue and white pattern with no more than 10,000 words. He didn't care what Zhou Lai's owner and Sheng Qiu Xiao talked about. There are no more than a few polite words on the left, and the exchanges between each other are polite and the advances and retreats are measured.
She didn't take it personally, and the two maids who accompanied her lowered their faces, but they noticed everything. Yin Huai'an was handsome, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe him as a jade tree facing the wind. He was polite, courteous, and gentle in his hospitality. Qiu When Xiao came, she changed into a silver-sprinkled morning sun red shirt, with a double snow-green peony silk flower pinned to her temples, two small lotus hairpins stuck at the bottom of her bun, with a thin white tassel sticking out, jade cheeks, emerald eyebrows, and starry eyes. She has peach lips, a sweet smile, and a graceful gesture.
Miss Qiu Xiao's beauty is not as good as that of Nong Yan, but in terms of demeanor, in comparison at this time, the courtesan who is sitting with her head bowed and playing with the teacup is outclassed, and she is a foil. The talk is about Jin. The poems and sentences are about tasting fragrant rice and delicious tea. Although Yin Sheng's status is unrelated, but after watching it for a long time, it really becomes a layer of the charm of a golden boy and a beautiful girl.
Shen Yuan did as he pleased at the Zhoulai Villa, and was naturally not afraid of Sheng Qiuxiao becoming suspicious of the romantic talent and the romantic beauty outside. Feiyue and Feiyun knew that the master of the Yin family and the girl were brothers, and they would not keep it for their own family. The master was filled with jealousy and jealousy. On the other hand, watching the three people sitting together, two chatting and laughing, and one acting as a foil, it was inevitable that they would have some complicated, hesitant and hopeful thoughts.
That was Xiaoju, silently accompanying Qiu Xiao, her eyebrows lowered and silent, like a dull furnishing.
Qiu Xiao had just warned her earnestly in the room. She knew how powerful she was and didn't dare to show off her cleverness in front of the fierce little pavilion master. But when she saw Qiu Xiao chatting happily with Zhuang Yin, she was supposed to be in the driver's seat. The beauty left the dinner table at a disadvantage. The desire in her heart had just been suppressed, and she began to make moves again.
For her, Qiu Xiao is a good master that can only be found. There are many beauties in Lengxiang Pavilion, and the courtesan of Mo Chai stands out. But as long as this one is sick and noble for a day, Qiu Xiao will be the leader. Thousands of benefits and benefits come with it, too numerous to count.
The position of the top lady's personal maid, which many people fought for, fell on Xiao Ju. She regarded it as a treasure, and had planned to hold it tightly even if she was beaten and scolded. Unexpectedly, Miss Sheng was so beautiful that she would act like this Be kind and friendly, and take good care of yourself. Xiaoju knows what gratitude is, so naturally Qiu Xiao is the most important thing in everything.
Zhoulai Villa is a good place, and the owner is a handsome gentleman. It seems that there are not many wives and concubines around him who are competing for favors. I want to be clean and take care of myself. He is a person who can be entrusted to me.
Normally, if Ayan, the oiran, was around, no matter how beautiful the girl was, she would be pushed down, but now it was completely different. Qiu Xiao became the one with the upper hand. Xiaoju felt that seeing was believing, and the things in front of her eyes were
There will be no lies, and it is not absolutely impossible for Qiu Xiao and Master Yin.
If you can't be the wife of the main wife, even if you just carry a flat-topped sedan through the side door and become a concubine in the side house, you will at least have half the status of a master, be able to have enough food, clothing, and warmth, and live a peaceful life, and you won't be despised or disrespected by others.
Thinking of the smooth place, Xiao Ju's mood suddenly brightened. She pinched the lining of her sleeves with both hands and secretly glanced at Qiu Xiao in front of her. The beautiful young woman had clear eyes and was saying something like "Feng Tang Yi Lao". Looking at others, Yin
The owner of the village smiled and nodded, but Mo Shang and the oiran were still absent-minded, even a little sleepy.
Xiaoju blinked, quickly looked away before she was discovered, and continued to be a maid with no sense of existence.
If... you can take advantage of your youth, please your husband, and give birth to a son and a half daughters early, then you will have someone to rely on for the rest of your life. Even if the mistress comes in in the future, the status of the first wife as the head wife is unbreakable, and they can only succumb to others.
It won't be too difficult for Qiu Xiao to have an heir, right?
Thinking of this, the maid felt uncomfortable again, fearing that this "mistress" who had no shadow would embarrass her master sister. But soon, she had a new idea. Even if she did not enter the Yin family, she would change it to something else.
Don’t the Wang family and the Zhou family have to live like this?
After all, she is still young and has a simple mind. She has no bad ideas to harm others and cannot learn to hide her emotions well. Feiyue and Feiyun have followed Mo Zhang and her daughter and have experienced many years of experience, which is enough to turn the little maid into a master.
The details of her actions are clear and thorough. In fact, the truth is often more unexpected. Even their seemingly undisciplined master has already noticed something strange about Xiao Ju.
The eldest maid worked for her master, and what she saw and heard did not have any direct conflict of interest with her. But in the eyes of her master, Xiao Ju was undoubtedly ready to die. However, Shen Yuan had no intention of making things difficult, or being harsh, or even bothering to
Pay attention.
The slaves are not sensible, but Sheng Qiu Xiao is not stupid. Let them talk and think about it first. They don't have to bother themselves with going up the mountain to cultivate themselves for some random cat or dog. Shen Yuan cursed like this, and raised his fingers to pinch an orchid to cover it up.
, Wu raised the corners of his lips, picked up the tea cup with one hand and took a sip.
Yin Huai'an's gaffe at noon was still fresh in his memory, and Shen Yuan could clearly feel the other person's struggle, infinitely approaching the self-blame and torture of his soul.
She didn't know much about the Wen girls, and the rumors in the market were so exaggerated that they couldn't be believed at all. Yin Huai'an was a person who knew the importance of things, and his sudden crying was enough to prove too much.
How can contact in the colorful world compare to getting along with childhood sweethearts?
Shen Yuan already knew that no matter what Yin Huai'an chose, Wen Mei would always have a place in his heart. Even if it was as small as grass and as secret as dust, it would still be indelible. This chapter has been completed!