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Chapter 72: Broken Jade Cave

Rong Qiqi pulled Xu Hun and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Xu Hun thought to himself, he wanted to increase the price.

His beard has been dragged to the ground, and he is so evil-hearted.

Xu Hun pushed up his glasses and his eyebrows flashed a few times.

You have taken advantage of me, and I will ask you to give it to me voluntarily today.

Xu Hun moved his head slightly closer to Rong Qiqi and said, "Stand in front of me."

Most of the vendors in the ghost market are half-ghosts. They can leave their bodies at any time and live like humans. They stay at home to rest during the day and work in the ghost market at night to make a living.

If a half-ghost wants to maintain his form, he must collect enough resentment every day, no more, no less. If there is not enough resentment, the soul cannot leave the body. On the contrary, a half-ghost with too much resentment will become a ghost forever.

They rely on the resentment-absorbing lamp to judge how much their grievances are. If the resentment is enough, the resentment-absorbing lamp will light up green. If it is not enough before the sun rises, the resentment-absorbing lamp will turn red.

Timid traders are unwilling to accept customers who are too resentful. They would rather be ordinary people than ghosts.

As soon as Rong Qiqi approached the stall, the vendor felt her resentment. Seeing the resentment in the resentment-sucking lamp growing more and more, let alone selling things to Rong Qiqi, he wished these two people would leave him soon.

Rong Qiqi didn't know that the resentment-absorbing lamp had this function, so he took two steps forward and walked to a place not far from the resentment-absorbing lamp.

The vendor quickly stopped him, "Don't come here, stay away from my stall."

Xu Hun didn't, and pushed Rong Qiqi forward slightly. She didn't notice, and her high heels got stuck in the mud. She tried to put her hand on the table, but accidentally hit the lamp.

Xu Hun also didn't expect that the moment Rong Qiqi's center of gravity became unstable, he immediately put his arm around her shoulders and put a hand in front of her forehead, but did not touch her.

In just that second, the light that was still flashing red suddenly turned blue, and there were some cracks on the wall of the light.

When the light is there, people are there; when the light goes out, people die.

The vendors almost knelt down in front of them and begged: "Uncle, aunt, please let me go. Just take whatever you want, or I'll give you all those things."

Xu Hun pursed his lips, this time the game was serious.

The stall is what keeps people alive, and the broken resentment-absorbing lamp was indeed not his original intention.

Xu Hun wanted to use spiritual power to repair the vendor's resentment-absorbing lamp, but Rong Qiqi was one step ahead of him, saying, "I'm responsible for whatever happened to me." Then he asked Xu Hun to let her go.

Rong Qiqi returned Xu Hun's push to him. She exerted a slight force on her left palm. Xu Hun almost had a mouth-to-mouth with the vendor due to her push.

"Don't get your hands so dirty in the future."

Xu Hun nodded hurriedly, "I really didn't mean it." He handed the jade bracelet to Rong Qiqi as a sign of goodwill to her.

Just as Rong Qiqi was about to get it, a hand stretched out from under the tablecloth and pulled hard. Xu Hun was completely pulled in, and the bracelet fell to the ground and fell apart.

Rong Qiqi picked up the broken jade on the ground and held Xu Huntou around his neck at the last moment when he was about to go in.

Xu Hun only felt the hand dragging his leg around. Rong Qiqi was afraid of being thrown away, so the force was a little too strong, and Xu Hun could not breathe.

"Take it easy...take it easy..."

Rong Qiqi relaxed a little, but as soon as she relaxed, Xu Hun's head almost slipped out of her elbow, and Rong Qiqi tightened her grip a little tighter.

Xu Hun wanted to kick the hand off, but the hand seemed to be coated with strong glue and refused to let go no matter how many times Xu Hun kicked it. Rong Qiqi was about to cast a fire spell to burn the hand, but

Thinking of it, I stopped again.

Xu Hun and Rong Qiqi didn't know how far they were dragged. There wasn't a stall nearby and it was all covered in heavy fog. If they didn't get closer, they wouldn't be able to see each other.

Xu Hun touched his feet, but the hand was gone. When he stood up and wanted to help Rong Qiqi stand up, he found that her hand was bleeding.

"Why are you bleeding? Where were you injured just now?" Xu Hun tore off his clothes and planned to bandage Rong Qiqi.

Rong Qiqi's hand was cut because she was squeezing those jade fragments. She could completely heal this small injury on her own. "It's okay." She wiped the blood-stained jade fragments clean with the corner of Xu Hun's clothes.

Those pieces of jade shine especially brightly in this darkness.

Before the bracelet was broken, there seemed to be a hole in it. Xu Hun looked at it carefully and squinted to look inside the hole, "Let me go, which master's handiwork is this?"

Rong Qiqi also picked up a piece of broken jade, followed Xu Hun's example, and looked into the cave.

They saw that there were tens of thousands of large and small caves in the cave, and each cave seemed to be carved with a human figure. It was too small and delicate, so they couldn't see clearly, but they were deeply shocked.

Xu Hun still maintained his previous posture. He wanted to see more clearly, "I have seen craftsmen who carve jade. Most of them are polishing the appearance of the jade. This is the first time I have seen someone working on the jade."

"I don't know how this master did it." Xu Hun said, "You have a good sense. This is really a good thing. It's a pity that it was broken like this."

Rong Qiqi also felt a little regretful, "How about we go look for it again?"

"I think it's okay." After Xu Hun finished speaking, he realized that they had all overlooked one thing.

What about that hand? It dragged them here for no reason and then disappeared without a word.

How about playing with him?

Xu Hun put down the broken jade and was about to remind Rong Qiqi when Rong Qiqi thrust forward and the broken jade barely scratched her upper eyelid, leaving a streak of blood.


Something was pushing her.

Blood streaks sank into those caves, and in the blink of an eye, Rong Qiqi disappeared.

Xu Hun's eyes widened and he didn't understand how this could happen.

Could it be broken jade?

Xu Hun took the broken jade and looked left and right, imitating Rong Qiqi, and scratched himself with the sharp crack of the broken jade. The golden light flashed in the cave, and Xu Hun disappeared, leaving a white dust mist in the sky.

Xu Hun rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.

On both sides of him, there were caves. The jade Buddhas carved in the caves were lifelike, with natural and solemn expressions, and each jade Buddha had a different body shape and posture. Xu Hun walked to the last row of caves, and beyond that, there was an entire row of caves.

The wall is made of jade bricks.

Several images are engraved on it.

Several children looked down the cliff, and there was a tiger there. This is the picture on the left. On the right, one of the children jumped off the cliff and landed next to the tiger. In the last picture, there was only a pile of


Xu Hun was still thinking about the content of this painting, and suddenly he heard someone calling his name.

"Xu Hun, Xu Hun."

Xu Hun looked around and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

Returning to the cave again, he was dazzled by the tens of thousands of Buddha statues. The voice came again, "Xu Hun... Xu Hun..."

When the sound hit thousands of jade Buddhas, it became duller and thicker, like the echo of a bell in a temple, making people's heads buzz.

This chapter has been completed!
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