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Chapter 487

"Don't act rashly..."

"If you act rashly now, not only will you not be able to help Ye Chen in any way, you will even distract him. In the end, he will be directly sealed by the War King Lock cast by the three war elders!"

After seeing Jiang Beixuan's actions on the side.

The elder of the Jiang family immediately pulled him back, and then spoke solemnly and warned him.


After hearing the reminder from the elder behind me.

Jiang Beixuan's whole body suddenly stagnated slightly, and then he felt the eyes of several warrior elders with martial arts realm cultivation around him looking at him, and his expression couldn't help but change.

After a long time passed.

Seeing him, he couldn't help but sigh, and then put the tenth level of Martial King Realm back into his body.

For him.

Naturally, he knew it very well.

With his level 10 cultivation at the Martial King Realm, it is almost impossible to help Ye Chen among the Zhan family with so many experts. Even if he takes action, it will inevitably lead to the conflict with the people in the sky at the moment.

Ye Chen, who was in a stalemate with the three warrior elders, was distracted.

But he could only watch Ye Chen in the sky being sealed by the three warrior elders.

Finally, he was sent to the Law Enforcement Hall by the Zhan family.

This is something he cannot accept!

the other side.

In the sky above Zhanjia Square.

"It seems that if you want to break this triple battle king lock, you can only use Sword Daggering Wind once!"


"Before you use the sword to swing the wind, you must not be noticed by the three old guys in front of you. Otherwise, if you are noticed by these three old guys, it is very likely that you will not be able to successfully break the three-layer battle king lock!"

"After all, although Yufeng Dangfeng can also explode with an intensity that is no less than the third level of martial evil realm, it still needs time to accumulate!"

I saw Ye Chen who was tightly wrapped in a white barrier.

At this moment, after a burst of thoughts in my mind.

A fighting intent suddenly flashed through his eyes, and then he glanced at the three warrior elders outside the white barrier with an indifferent expression, and then slowly transferred the first level of sword intent in his body to half of it.

All the Buwu Sha Realm cultivation was directed toward the Wind Sword Wuying in his hand.

at the same time.

The movement path of wielding a sword and swinging the wind in his body.

It is also quietly starting to work!

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"You are a kid who knows the current affairs!"

"Since you have given up your plan to continue fighting with us, you may be able to suffer less physical pain when you are captured by us in the law enforcement hall. Otherwise, if you waste your time with us like this, you will only offend us.

The master of the house is even more furious!"

After seeing that Ye Chen was no longer in the barrier, he resisted in vain.

The elder Mai Yi who was the leader outside the barrier.

After a sudden sneer.

Then he opened his mouth and drank towards Ye Chen who was in the barrier.


The next moment.

The three war elders suddenly looked at each other, and then activated all the spiritual power in their bodies, and then continuously directed the war king locks they had accumulated towards Ye Chen's position in the barrier.

Locked away.

And that white barrier.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone.

As the three War King Locks began to become more and more solid, the entire barrier became smaller and smaller, even tightly binding Ye Chen in the barrier at this moment.

Can't move at all!

However, it is just above the entire square.

Everyone thought that Ye Chen would have difficulty escaping from the hands of the three elders of the Zhan family this time.


It was followed by a deafening loud noise that suddenly erupted.

I only saw it on the square.

Jin Qiuyan and Qi Hua have been reluctant to take action.

At this moment, he nodded immediately.

Then she saw Jin Qiuyan suddenly explode the fifth level of Wugang Realm cultivation in her body, and shoot directly towards the positions of several warriors and elders not far away, but her shot was not intended to kill these warriors.

The parents were hit hard all the time just to delay Qi Hua beside him.

"Spring comes out of dead trees!"

The next moment.

I saw Qi Hua, who had been standing on the square, suddenly let out a low drink, and then a blue giant tree martial spirit of the third level of the Mysterious Order suddenly appeared behind him. The moment the giant tree martial spirit emerged,


Suddenly, there was a sudden surge in the square!

Almost in the blink of an eye.

This green giant tree martial spirit soared straight up, heading straight towards the three elders of the Zhan family and Ye Chen, who was firmly wrapped in the barrier.

Countless green vines continued to grow on the soul, and they entangled fiercely towards the three war elders and the three war king locks, as fast as lightning.

And above the entire square.

At this moment, I kept looking at the bluestone slabs under everyone’s feet.

Countless green vines emerged. The moment these vines emerged, they almost all wrapped around the giant green tree. Finally, they circled around the giant green tree and attacked straight away.

To the three elders of the Zhan family.


"How could someone take action at this time!"

After feeling these vines coiling around me like pythons.

I only saw the three elders of the Zhan family.

At this moment, his face suddenly changed slightly, and then his eyes quickly fell towards the white barrier in front of him. I don't know when, an old man wearing a white robe, like a ghost, had appeared in front of him.

In front of the three of them.

Take a closer look.


This old man wearing a white robe is none other than Qi Hua!


After the emergence of Qihua.

I saw that the white barrier that was shrinking was actually difficult to shrink under the impact of the huge ancient green tree at Qihua's feet.

At this moment, cyan spiritual power is constantly being poured into the barrier.

As these cyan spiritual powers are infused into it.

This white barrier was originally reduced to about two meters.

At this moment, it suddenly expanded rapidly again, especially the three pale white War King Locks, which swayed and trembled in the sky at this moment. It was obviously difficult to resist the power of this extremely mysterious cyan spiritual power!

"not good!"

"Qi Hua must have seen through our Three Mysterious Formations of Fighting Souls, and even found the flaws in our formations!"

"Back off first, these three War King Locks have become somewhat unstable after being blocked by Qi Hua. If they continue like this, they will inevitably explode before Ye Chen can be sealed!"

Look at the white barrier that is starting to expand.

And the three War King Locks outside the barrier began to tremble crazily.

This chapter has been completed!
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