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Chapter 15 The Western Mission

"Uncle Li, what are those officers and soldiers dressed like?"

"It's strange to say that the officers and soldiers are much more energetic than the officers and soldiers we saw. There are also some flags of King Yan, and some that should be from above. I can't tell what they are doing."

Jiang Mingxuan seemed to understand that King Yan and the emperor were looking for him.

However, I don't want to be bound to a small palace.

"Dad, look, Mr. Jiang gave this to me."

"Master Jiang said it's called soap and can be used for laundry. This is the first time I've heard of it."

Uncle Li took it and looked at it carefully, then wiped his hands with soap.

"It's very fragrant. If you sell this in the market, it will definitely fetch a good price."

"Mr. Jiang, why don't you make more, and I'll sell them in the market."

Jiang Mingxuan scratched his head, "This..."

During the time he came to Ming Dynasty, he understood his situation very well.

At this time, it is recorded in history books that King Yan, several princes and princelings were competing against time.

As Zhu Yuanzhang's favorite son besides the prince, he also longed for the throne, but his eldest brother loved him so much.

But the more this happened, the more dangerous his current situation became.

The King of Qin and the King of Jin appeared gentle, but in fact they were secretly competing with each other.

The current situation in the government is in chaos, and the Hongwu case has just happened. There are powerful enemies outside and chaotic parties inside.

It would be best for him to avoid this royal family at the moment.

He became a son again in a daze. He was confused as to whether he should listen to the emperor or Zhu Di.

It is really not a good thing for a small servant of the palace to be targeted by everyone.

At this time, Prince Yan's Mansion was eerily quiet.

Zhu Gaochi asked Zhu Di, "Dad, where is that big brother? Where has he gone?"

Everyone who heard these words felt very embarrassed, and there was silence.

Zhu Di did not speak, but waved his hand to signal everyone to take Zhu Gaochi down.

Suddenly, the eunuch from the palace came into the palace to deliver the order.

"In the Weijia Sea of ​​the Ming Dynasty, people from all directions are coming to the DPRK. Now there are Western envoys sent to the Ming Dynasty. They are bringing all the princes and relatives to the palace! I admire this!"

"My sons and ministers receive orders."

After the eunuch left, Zhu Di took a look at the imperial edict and said, "This father is always so unpredictable. Why would a small envoy allow us to enter the palace?"

Zhu Di put on his court clothes and entered the palace immediately.

At this time, inside the main hall.

Among the hundreds of civil and military officials, Zhu Yuanzhang sat on it without getting angry and showing his authority, the emperor was majestic.

Below, the King of Qin and the King of Jin are at the head, with hundreds of officials standing behind.

at the same time.

Several unusual figures appeared in the eyes of King Zhu Di of Yan. These were Western envoys.

They all have yellow hair, yellow beards, and big blue eyes, which makes people look very strange.

A Western envoy with yellow hair and a yellow beard.

He stepped forward and bowed and said in awkward Chinese: "Dear His Majesty the Great Emperor, by order of His Majesty the Emperor of the British Empire, we are here to present jewelry and foreign objects to your dynasty!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the monkey-like people below with a funny look on his face. When the civil and military ministers below heard their words, they all laughed cautiously.

"This time, on behalf of the empire, I bring you European carpets! Spices! European fruits!"

"Hahaha, our Ming Dynasty has everything you need." Xie Jin, the Minister of Rites, said with a smile.

Then there was a burst of laughter in the hall.

"Quiet!" the prince shouted from above.

"What does your British Empire look like?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"Our empire is rich in products, has countless castles, and its walls are indestructible!"

"How about someone who is more enlightened than us?"

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to be a person who did not allow others to be stronger than himself. If he did not say this well, the envoy would probably be beaten to death on the spot.

During the Ming Dynasty's heyday, they would not take any country in the world seriously.

"Dear Your Majesty the Emperor, I have not yet seen the greatness of the Ming Dynasty, and I cannot draw conclusions for the time being."

"Presumptuous!" the prince scolded angrily.

"You, a little Western envoy, dare to be so arrogant when you meet our emperor. How dare you not kneel down and worship me before the emperor! Just this one thing, I can make sure you never come back."

"Haha, in our country there is no need to kneel before the emperor."

"If you can recognize this thing and translate the astronomy in my hand, I will kneel down to you!"

"Presumptuous! Come here!"


Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at the prince, his face seemed to say, don't worry, take a look at what medicine they sell in the gourd.

It would be very easy to kill a foreign envoy rashly. Then who would dare to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty in the future.

"What do you want to say?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was loud and clear.

The foreign envoy bowed slightly and glanced at the emperor, "Great Emperor Ming, we come with sincerity and are willing to have good relations with your country forever."

He hesitated again and continued: "But Ming Dynasty doesn't have much sincerity."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly and said, "What does this mean?"

"Your Majesty the Emperor, in your letters to visiting envoys, I often hear you say that the Ming Dynasty has a vast territory and is full of talented people, all of whom are crowned with unique skills to become the top of the world. But since we entered the palace, all we have received is jokes and ridicules.

It's hard not to lose the grace and magnanimity of a big country. If anyone can translate the English in my hand, I will surrender to the Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked a little ugly when he heard this, and immediately asked, "My dear friends, who can translate this foreign language, and I will reward you with a thousand taels of silver!"

There was an instant silence in the court hall.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I will stay in your Ming Dynasty for a while. Before I leave, I hope you can translate this article!"

All the ministers looked at each other in disbelief. They had only learned eight-legged essay in their lives. How could anyone have learned foreign language like this?

When the envoy went to court, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at all the civil and military ministers in the court and found that no one could recognize this article.

How could Zhu Yuanzhang have ever suffered such a humiliation?

"On weekdays, you clamor that your knowledge is beyond the sky. I, Lao Zhu, don't know much about knowledge, but I know how to kill people. The imperial court has spent so much money to support you. In the end, we can't let the foreigners look down on them and withdraw from the imperial court!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words scared everyone so much that cold sweat broke out on their backs.

They knew that Zhu Yuanzhang kept his word, and if he really disgraced the court, their lives might not be saved.

After retreating from the court, Zhu Yuanzhang felt depressed.

"Biao'er, tell me, none of the ministers in this dynasty can save you and me from the siege. I think they are all bragging officials."

"If we can't translate it, they won't know how to laugh at us when they go back. In the future, these small barbarian countries will even ignore us."


A report from a Jinyiwei spy broke Zhu Yuanzhang's tranquility at the moment.

"Signs of Young Master Jiang were found outside the city!"

This chapter has been completed!
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