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Chapter 1 I want to read (Part 1)

The Ming Dynasty implemented the system of two capitals, the north and the south. There was another capital in the south of the Yangtze River, two thousand miles away from the northern capital, and that was Nanjing, the remaining capital, which was called Jinling in ancient times.

There is a poem about this place: the beautiful land in the south of the Yangtze River, the imperial state of Jinling.

In the spring of March, the coldness subsides and the city of Nanjing gradually becomes warmer. As the saying goes: Spring is here, everything revives, and it is the season for literati and ladies to travel and socialize in spring.

Of course, these romances had little to do with the twelve-year-old Qin Dewei. He stood in front of the Dakongfang Social School and shed tears of shattered dreams.

Mr. Sociology stood in the door, sighed, waved to Qin Dewei and said: "From tomorrow on, you don't have to come here anymore. If you don't have talent, don't force it. You'd better find a way to find a good job and live a peaceful life."

The so-called social studies are the government-run enlightenment primary schools. At that time, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang issued an edict requiring every fifty households in all states and counties across the country to establish a social studies and hire senior scholars as teachers.

Then among the young people under the age of fifteen, smart ones are selected to enroll in the school to read and read. However, it is not free. Tuition fees are still required, but it is cheaper than private schools.

There is generally only one teacher in each social studies department, and he cannot teach too many people, so there is a screening mechanism. When the Meng children reach the age of twelve, if they cannot memorize the full text of the Four Books, they have to leave the social studies department.

Qin Dewei is such a young man who was eliminated. He is not that smart, but he is a person with lofty dreams.

He didn't want to have to go hungry and pay taxes when he became an adult. He didn't want to be treated as a young man and might be drafted by the government to do hard labor at any time.

Therefore, Qin Dewei dreamed of changing his destiny through reading, dreaming of being able to take the scholar examination, pass the imperial examination, ascend to the emperor's list, rise to the top, and get rid of the hard life of struggling at the bottom.

But this dream was completely shattered today. Leaving the government-run social schools with cheap tuition, it was impossible for him to have the money to study in other private schools.

Even the tuition fees for studying in social studies have already made my mother and uncle try their best. If they want to study for a few more years, it is probably unsustainable.

Qin Dewei was extremely depressed and felt that the whole world was extremely gloomy. He stood unwillingly outside the social studies gate and refused to leave for a long time.

At this time, a young man of the same age appeared at the door and said with a strong mocking tone: "Isn't this Mr. Qin? What are you going to do?"

Qin Dewei raised his eyes and saw that it was Yang Bo who was also studying in social sciences. He had a deep grudge with him and even had a fight with him. Because Yang Bo was jealous of his handsome appearance and insulted him as a fatherless bastard, Qin Dewei couldn't help it.

Take action.

But Qin Dewei was in a low mood at this time and did not want to deal with this enemy, so he turned around and left.

But how could Yang Bo let go of this opportunity easily? He chased Qin Dewei and said with a smile: "I see that you are quite diligent at ordinary times, but why didn't you even pass the assessment? Then how stupid are you?

Just thinking about studying for the imperial examination, I think you are really overestimating your abilities, but the toad wants to eat swan meat, it will kill me with laughter!"

Qin Dewei couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly thought of something and retorted: "Then Mr. Yang, why did you come out? It seems that you have not passed the examination and are leaving social studies. How can you have the shame to bark like a dog at me?"

Yang Bo didn't care at all. Instead, he was very proud: "I don't care about this shabby sociology! I'm different from you. I can hire another famous teacher soon!"

Qin Dewei didn't believe it at all. Yang Bo usually liked to talk and boast, so his words were usually ignored.

Yang Bo also knew that Qin Dewei would not easily believe him. In order to show off, he had to make it clear.

"An uncle in our Yang family passed away and left a large fortune, but he had no sons. The elders in the family agreed to adopt me to that house and inherit the uncle's family business. So, I will soon

You are about to get rich. As long as you have money, are you afraid that you can't afford to study?"

Qin Dewei was so angry that he almost wanted to vomit blood. How unfair the laws of heaven were! Why could a lazy and mischievous person like Yang Bo get a fortune out of thin air and continue studying!

People are more irritating than others. Seeing the angry look of his rival, Yang Bo felt satisfied and walked away. The two of them lived not far away. From now on, they would never see each other without looking up, and there would be many opportunities to continue to show off.

At this time, the sky suddenly changed, and spring rain began to fall over Nanjing City, and it even started to rain heavier and heavier. For farmland, this is of course a good thing, but for pedestrians in the city, it is troublesome.

Qin Dewei was completely lost in thoughts. He was not aware of any external objects and did not take shelter from the rain. He just walked numbly towards his uncle's house in the rain like a zombie.

His uncle's house is also his. His father has been missing for ten years. His mother sold herself as a nanny in Conductor Xu's family in her early years and is now a housekeeper.

Therefore, Qin Dewei grew up in the foster care of his uncle Qin Xiang's family. Qin Xiang happened to have no son, so he always regarded his nephew as his son.

When he got home, Qin Dewei was already soaked to the skin. He felt dizzy and had a stuffy nose. He was afraid he might be sick. At night, Qin Dewei started to have a fever again and fell unconscious.

No one knew that at this time, the young man was immersed in the endless darkness, with a headache that seemed to explode. He was said to be in a coma but still conscious. To use the terminology of Ming Dynasty medical science and technology to explain, it was called a ghost upper body.

What others don't know is that a soul also named Qin Dewei has traveled through time five hundred years later and is possessing the young man of the same name.

After staying up until dawn, the souls of the two lives merged together, and Qin Dewei woke up completely. He shook his head, which was still a little dizzy, got up from the wooden bed, and looked around in horror.

"Holy crap! I just wanted to write a paper on the Ming Dynasty, but why did I really travel to the Ming Dynasty?"

He was a senior problem solver in 2021. He was an orphan without a father or a mother. He could only solve problems in his life. He got a doctorate in problem solving, specializing in the history of the judicial system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. He was the most unpopular among the unpopular.

As a result, when I was checking information in the library, I was hit on the head by a hard-cover book that fell from a height. I fainted and woke up again, and I had dreamed back to the Ming Dynasty. Coincidentally, my name was also Qin Dewei.

The ninth year of Jiajing? This year, which I had only seen in literature and TV series in my previous life, suddenly became a living reality, and a series of memories kept flashing in Qin Dewei's mind.

What? In more than a hundred years, my Ming Dynasty will die? All men will have to shave into that ugly and stupid money rat tail?

Even if you don’t want to go that far, maybe twenty years from now, in your lifetime, you will still see Japanese pirates from which country you don’t know coming to harass the southeast?

At the same time, new heroes have emerged on the grassland, frequently knocking on the gates under the banner of the Golden Family, and the border troubles in the north have once again intensified.

In order not to be harassed by Japanese pirates more than twenty years later, and to prevent his descendants from having their heads shaved more than a hundred years later, as the only person in the world who knows the future, Qin Dewei feels that he should do something for the country and the people to prevent the occurrence of a great historical tragedy.

Otherwise, his inner conscience will not be able to live with it. So Qin Dewei has an even bigger headache, because people with conscience are destined to live a more tiring life than heartless people.

The saint Sanqing Buddha is above, why should he be allowed to bear the weight of these five hundred years of history? He is just a child now!

With the current humble status of "the father is missing and the mother is a slave", what is enough for him to do?

This chapter has been completed!
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