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Chapter 122: There is a lot of right and wrong in front of Zhonglie's door

If no one blocks the door, Qin Dewei will go out to do business.

Xu Shi'an wanted to follow, but Qin Dewei ordered: "I will find someone to repair the house, and you will stay and help look after the house. Otherwise, there will be no door. Only when I have someone I can trust can I rest assured."

Xu Shi'an, who knew Qin Dewei's financial situation very well, asked: "Do you have money to repair it?"

Qin Dewei said nonchalantly: "You don't have to pay for it yourself! The mountain people have their own clever ideas!"

Then Qin Dewei came to Jiangning County Government Office, casually pointed out a few cases to Feng County Cheng, and then said: "I wonder if the second master has heard about the fact that my family's door was smashed?"

Feng Xiancheng seemed to be very envious and replied: "I have heard that Gu Dongqiao has admitted defeat and will give you a garden as compensation."

The garden in Nanjing city, tsk tsk

"Ignore that garden for now!" Qin Dewei was worried when he said it. The garden had just started construction and there was only an empty space. How could he have the money to continue repairing it?

Qin Dewei came to Mr. Feng, of course, not for the garden: "My house is dilapidated and needs urgent repairs!"

Feng Xian Cheng's face suddenly twitched a few times, remembering that he still owed some money to repair the curtain, so Qin Dewei came to him this time to ask for money to repair the house!

As expected, Qin Dewei was then asked: "Second Master, don't you have any ideas?"

Magistrate Feng County had just withdrawn this month's salary and meager regular silver, and he happened to have a few taels of spare money in his hand. He originally planned to go to Nanshi Building Street to have a good time after a busy day of judging.

But I didn't expect Qin Dewei to come to the door like a debt collector and ask for money. It must be some bastard from the county warehouse or the household who told Qin Dewei about his salary withdrawal.

Gritting his teeth, Feng Xiancheng took out a piece of silver, slapped it on the case, and endured the extreme pain and said: "Take it quickly! Don't let me see it again!"

Qin Dewei looked at Mr. Feng inexplicably, then at the money, and asked doubtfully: "Second Master, what do you mean?"

"What are you pretending to be! Don't you just want to ask me for money to repair the house!" Mr. Feng shouted a little unhappy. He just took the money, why are you pretending to be innocent!

Qin Dewei nodded: "I really want to ask the second master for money to repair the house, but I didn't ask the second master to pay for it himself."

Mr. Feng frowned and said displeased: "Then who do you want to pay? Do you plan to ask me to exploit the craftsmen and do unpaid work for you?"

"The county government can provide money!" Qin Dewei said matter-of-factly.

Mr. Feng shouted loudly: "You are calling this corruption! I will definitely not allow it!"

Qin Dewei said: "Our Nanjing Literary Circle leader has done research and proved that this house is the former residence of Yang Bangyi, a loyal martyr of the former dynasty! He was a true loyal martyr who died unyieldingly in the face of barbarians!

Second Master, what didn't you think of? Should loyalty and martyrs be praised? Should the government repair Zhonglie's former residence to show the court's custom of encouraging justice? Especially, Second Master, can it express your own philosophy of advocating loyalty?"

Fengxian Cheng: ""

Qin Dewei finally concluded: "In short, just ask, can the county government pay for it?"

"Yes!" Feng Xiancheng said with great certainty. Can the government still pay for the construction of memorial arches for widows who observe festivals? Is it reasonable to build a former residence for famous loyalists to inspire future generations?

Feng Xiancheng hesitated again and said: "Even if you still live there, if the house is built, it seems to be for your use. It is inevitable that there will still be criticism."

"Then add more ingredients!" Qin Dewei suggested: "Add a loyal memorial arch in front of the door, and then change the screen wall in the courtyard gate into a place to worship loyal martyrs! Second Master, you ask the court for a title of commendation, and you can enshrine it at the entrance of the courtyard.


Other ancestral temples have people responsible for worshiping during the four seasons, so for Yang Zhonglie, let's compare it. The responsibility of worshiping is left to the residents of this temple! Or we can issue an order that the residents of this hospital will be permanently exempted from corvee and will be responsible for worshiping Zhonglie!"

What he said was so reasonable that Feng County Cheng was speechless.

Qin Dewei nodded and said: "Okay, this matter has been decided happily. And this is also an opportunity for you, Mr. Er, to show yourself. It has all the benefits and no harm.

Besides, Mr. Second Master, you are probably leaving office soon. Wouldn’t it be nice to leave such an image project as a finishing touch before leaving office?”

"You're right!" Feng Xiancheng suddenly stood up, "Without further delay, I will go and have a look now. You can inform the ceremonial room, workshop, county warehouse, and county treasury to set off immediately to investigate the former residence of Zhonglie!"

Nowadays, the county magistrate is getting older. He only likes to collect money and does not like to take charge of affairs. County government affairs are basically handled by the second master. When Feng Xiancheng gave an order, several servants became alarmed.

Then the large group of people left the county government office in a mighty manner and headed east. Some passers-by saw it along the way, and after a little inquiry, they found out that Mr. Feng of Xin Qingtian was going to Zhonglie.

When they arrived at the edge of Qingxi River, Qin Dewei, who was leading the way, saw from a distance that there were many people crowding in front of his courtyard, and the number was no less than that of his own!

Qin Dewei was shocked and didn't know what happened at home. He quickly took three steps and two steps at a time and ran towards the door of his house.

As he walked closer, he discovered that the people in front of his house were all government officials! Qin Dewei immediately stopped and waited for Feng Xiancheng to follow him.

Feng Xian Cheng got off the sedan, walked over and asked with a frown on his face, "What's going on?"

Qin Dewei also shook his head in confusion, "I don't know either."

At this moment, the crowd on the opposite side parted, and an official of the sixth rank suddenly appeared! He cupped his hands at the Prime Minister of Feng County and said, "Is Feng Zuotang from Jiangning coming here? I am from Shangyuan County!"

Although this introduction may seem simple, it is the most powerful, and only the real magistrate and seal official dares to use "such and such county" to refer to it. Even a director like Mr. Feng would never dare to say that he is Jiangning County.

Shangyuan County is another county in Nanjing City, and is governed by dividing the city from the south to the north with Jiangning County. The person who calls himself Shangyuan County is of course the magistrate of Shangyuan County.

Fengxian Cheng also returned the greeting and asked, "Where are you coming from, Mr. Qi?"

The county magistrate of Qi sighed: "I recently heard that there is a former residence of Zhonglie here, and I came here to pay homage and inspect it."

Qin Dewei was speechless. Look at the sense of smell of Qizhi County. He is called a real bureaucrat. Look at his own Mr. Feng. He has to remind himself, and as a result, he is one step behind others.

He was actually here to steal the business. Mr. Feng was furious and asked: "That is also my Jiangning County's business, what does it have to do with your Shangyuan County!"

Suddenly, several people ran out from the Shangyuan County government office, carrying cloth bags, and then sprinkled lime powder from the cloth bags, and drew a white line from the alley in front of the house to the bank of Qingxi River.

Mr. Qi from Shangyuan County stood proudly, pointed at the white line, and said in an extremely domineering manner: "People from the Jiangning County Government will die if they cross the line!"

Feng Xiancheng was instantly filled with rage and was about to transform into the God of War!

But then I saw a clerk on the other side holding a big map and shouting to Feng County Cheng: "Master Feng across the way, listen up. The boys have carefully surveyed the county boundaries. This white line is the boundary between the two counties. The former residence of Zhonglie."

This is within Shangyuan County!"

Poof! Feng Xiancheng's God of War state was instantly broken, and he also suffered from some dizzy sequelae.

Even Qin Dewei was stunned and speechless

Speaking of which, Shangyuan County and Jiangning County are generally divided along streets. For example, the famous Sanshan Street is also a county boundary. Shangyuan County is to the north of the street, and Jiangning County is to the south of the street.

Of course, under normal circumstances, people don’t care too much about county boundaries. We are all in the same city, and there is me among you and you among me. Apart from going to court, taking imperial examinations, and paying taxes, they generally don’t care about who you are.

Which one is from Shangyuan County or Jiangning County?

Generally speaking, the county boundary is straight from west to east. Even when it reaches Taipingfang by Qingxi, it may be slightly deflected due to the topography of Qingxi. Then the lane in front of Zhonglie's former residence becomes the county boundary on the map.

The consequence was that even Qin Dewei himself subconsciously felt that the house was still in Jiangning County, but in fact the house was already within the boundaries of Shangyuan County.

The magistrate of Qixian County in Shangyuan Dynasty continued to say domineeringly: "The imperial court has an order, and local officials are responsible for guarding the land. They are not allowed to leave the county boundary without an order. Feng Zuotang, do you dare to come here?"

Jiangning County Magistrate Feng was wondering, if a person stands on this side of the white line and uses a fire stick to hit Qizhi County on the other side of the white line, does that count as crossing the county boundary?

This chapter has been completed!
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