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Chapter 171 Don't do this, Master Feng!

I can tell my conscience that Qin Dewei secretly went to Shangyuan County to meet the Qi Magistrate without telling others.

As mentioned before, on the day he received the fire seal wooden tablet, he immediately went to the county government office and met with the magistrate. However, the county government office was Shangyuan County and the magistrate was Qizhi County.

As for how to persuade the Qi magistrate with his smooth tongue, there is no need to ask in detail. It is Qin Dewei's ability to ask, and the newly released calligrapher's certificate and fire-seal wooden plaque also played a small role.

Of course, with Qi Zhixian's vision and status, he does not take a small number of book writers seriously. Shangyuan County has not only 200 but also 100 book writers in each system. What he cares about is the information revealed behind the license and wooden sign.


For example, in one day, he was able to handle special tasks such as getting the fire-seal wooden plaques for the yamen under the Ministry of War, and writing a "Summary of Xifan", which seemed very strange.

Let's put it this way, without the direct nod and supervision of high-level officials, such abnormal things would not be possible in the bureaucracy.

If you put yourself in someone else's shoes, you will understand. If you were just a low-level bureaucrat and you wanted to hire someone as a writer, would you risk applying to your superiors with the inexplicable title of "writing a summary of Western Egypt"?

Therefore, only big men are qualified to be so willful and do special things. How many people can be so willful in the Nanjing Military Department? With the shrewdness of Qi Zhixian, how could he not see this?

Qin Dewei would not easily tell outsiders about all the above-mentioned inside information. Now he is only worried about how to push Magistrate Feng back to lie down.

Seeing the County Lord Feng gradually approaching him, Qin Dewei thought about it and could only give a helpless and general order to the servant: "The County Lord is tired, help the County Lord return to his seat and sit down!"

The four officers of Wang Ma, Zhang and Zhao who were closest to him looked at each other in confusion. In the end, they could only pounce on Mr. Feng County. While getting up, they hugged his waist and legs, and urged in unison: "Master Feng, please don't do it."

This way! It won’t happen!”

Several people worked together to drag Feng Xianzun back to his seat while kneeling. It was a miracle of human mechanics.

No one is paying attention to the farce in Jiangning County for the time being, because on the other side, the Shangyuan County official has approached the twelve Qian business owners and asked: "Who are Cheng Yan and Gao Li?"

Two people stood up immediately, but instead of going to the official of Shangyuan County, they knelt down to the publican and asked Zhang Yushi for help: "Master Yushi, help me!"

Everyone knows what good things can come out of following Yuan County’s official business unprepared?

Qin Dewei looked at the behavior of the two money business owners Cheng and Gao, and suddenly said loudly to Magistrate Feng: "I think Mr. Zhang must have an affair with these two money businessmen!

Otherwise, why didn't these two people find someone else, refused to leave with the official, and turned to Mr. Zhang for help?

Mr. Feng, you can also write memorials to impeach people. You might as well impeach him! Let’s just say that this gentleman shows partiality. As for whether he perverts the law or not, we don’t know!”

With a few light words, Zhang Yushi blocked up most of what he had to say, and he did not dare to say many things.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yushi shouted to Qin Dewei: "These two people are involved in this case, how can they be allowed to be taken away by Shangyuan County?"

Qin Dewei said in confusion: "What do you want to explain to me, Master Yushi? I am not a police officer in Shangyuan County."

Zhang Yushi: "..."

If you take the initiative to say a word to a primary school student today, he will be a cuckold!

But then I heard Qin Dewei say to Magistrate Feng: "When the government came to arrest me just now, Mr. Zhang said that he would not interfere with normal local affairs and allowed the government officials to take me away! The signature he signed is still with you, Mr. Feng."


Now Shangyuan County wants to take the person away, but he doesn't allow Shangyuan County to take the person away, but he keeps silent about it so as not to interfere with local official affairs!

So I see that this gentleman has no integrity in his words and deeds, is capricious in his official duties, and is extremely incompetent. Mr. Feng County might as well impeach him!"

A few businessmen in Shangyuan County suddenly felt less anxious and wanted to stay a little longer. It was interesting to listen to the elementary school students talking...

Qin Dewei turned to Cheng Yan and Gaoli, two money merchants from Shangyuan County, and suggested seriously: "I advise you not to stay here anymore, just follow the official business!"

When you stay here, aren't you worried about the condition of your home and shop?"

The expressions of these two people suddenly changed. There were about twenty money-making families in Shangyuan County, and there were five of them present right now!

Why did the Yamen only issue cards to invite the two of them? They must have obtained some evidence!

Now that the Yamen has obtained evidence of illegal loan sharking, what will happen to your home and shop now? It’s hard to say! After all, the Yamen has sent someone with a license to treat you!

But why didn’t we receive any news today?

Everyone recalled that at the beginning of the trial, Qin Dewei said that in order to prevent the leakage of information about internal and external collusion, he suggested cutting off internal and external traffic. And the censor was stupid enough to agree!

This is definitely a conspiracy of primary school students! So the news from the outside can't come in, and they have no idea what is happening outside now!

At this time, even Zhang Yushi couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked out. He had to grasp the situation as soon as possible! Of course, if Zhang Yushi wanted to go out, no one would dare to stop him.

Then the Shangyuan County official took two Shangyuan County money merchants, Cheng Yan and Gaoli, away.

There were only a few so-called plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses, and police officers on duty left in the courtroom.

The money dealers in Jiangning County were fine, and there were three money dealers from Shangyuan County who were also panicked at this time, although there was no official business to invite them yet.

Because it is obvious that Shangyuan County, where I live, is making big moves now, and no one knows whether it will affect them, so they have to panic!

At this time, Qin Dewei actually started chatting with Magistrate Feng: "Mr. Feng, there are two cases now. Which one do you think is more attractive to a local magistrate? In other words, which one will you choose?

The first one is to crack down on the cases where illegal businessmen preyed on the common people and used debt interest to make huge profits!

The second is to uncover a case in which a group of evil businessmen jointly falsely accused the official in charge in an attempt to subvert the government!"

Feng Zhixian answered without hesitation: "Of course it's the second type!"

The first type, no matter how big it is, is just a civilian case. At most, you can make some money and gain some official reputation among the people. But the second type is a political case. If you solve one, you will get a huge official reputation.

Therefore, for Feng Zhixian, whose hometown has thousands of acres of fertile land, the second case must be more attractive!

Thinking of this, Feng Zhixian felt a little excited. The primary school student suddenly mentioned this. Could it be that he wanted to teach him how to do it?

Could it be that not only could he successfully pass the test, but he could also gain another reputation?

However, Qin Dewei flatly rejected Feng Zhixian's answer: "Wrong! Of course, the first case was solved first, and then the clues were accidentally discovered, and then the second case was solved! This is the most perfect way to gain fame and wealth!"

Feng Zhixian: "..."

If you endure it, as long as you can teach yourself how to do things and get yourself back to the top, you can tolerate being teased for a few words!

Qin Dewei sighed and said with regret: "The most perfect way is what Qizhi County of Shangyuan County is doing now. It could have been done by our Jiangning County..."

Feng Zhixian suddenly burst into flames, and he was prepared for it. The four officers of Wang Ma, Zhang Zhao and Zhao rushed over immediately, knelt down and hugged the waist, knelt and hugged the legs, and urged in unison: "Master Feng, don't be like this! It won't happen.

As for!"

Qin Dewei seemed to be talking nonsense here, but what he said made other people's hearts tremble!

Feeling that Magistrate Feng was in danger today, Qin Dewei hid a little away and called the other three money merchants in Shangyuan County over. He said in a pleasant manner: "Actually, I feel that you are all people who have been deceived and do not know the truth."

Then someone asked tentatively: "How do you say this?"

Qin Dewei said calmly: "You gave a total of four thousand taels of silver to the county government, right?

I guess there must have been a leader who told you at the beginning that everyone should come up with some money, right?

And the leader must have told you that the county government is forcing you to pay, right?

In fact, the three of you were kept in the dark, and you mistakenly believed the leader's words, and you really thought that the county government was blackmailing you, right?"

Four questions in a row seemed to be asking about something, but they were very meaningful and had different connotations, making the three people fall into deep thought.

Just listen to Qin Dewei continue to say: "So the county government thinks you are voluntary, and you think the county government forced you, there is really a huge misunderstanding!

I think the reason for the misunderstanding is that the leader acted in the middle and deceived both sides!

And when you participated in the accusation against Feng Zhixian, you were also deceived by the villain. In fact, as long as you wake up in time, Feng Zhixian can help you plead for mercy, give you a lighter sentence, and fine you."

Someone asked again: "How can we wake up in time?"

Qin Dewei patiently pointed out the puzzle and said: "Now you finally understand the truth, so write down the truth you know, and then report the leader, make two copies, sign and fingerprint.

If there are still people who are stubborn and unwilling to reveal the truth, they must be deliberately collaborating with the leader to commit the crime!

Now Qi County Master is working outside. You three are all from Shangyuan County. Don’t you want to get rid of your guilt and go home in peace? Don’t you want to get out of here early and see if your home is okay? "

Having said this, Qin Dewei said nothing more and gave instructions to the guards: "Separate the three of them and do not whisper to each other! Give each of them a pen and paper, and bring it to me after you finish writing!"

Suddenly, someone from the seven Jiangning County money merchants left in the court shouted loudly: "I have also been deceived!"

Qin Dewei smiled without saying anything and walked outside the court to stretch his legs.

In Qin Dewei's view, the opponent's camp has begun to collapse. It is enough that among the twelve people who signed the petition, a few "deceived people who do not know the truth" wake up in time!

Qin Dewei stood outside the threshold of the court, looking at the sunset on the horizon, and suddenly his words came to him, and he recited the words of the previous sages: "Majestic and heroic, with feather fans and turbans, while talking and laughing, the boats and oars were turned into ashes!"

Feeling that it was not enough, he added a few words: "Three visits to the world, two dynasties to open the hearts of old officials! When he was in Jinli, he visited the ancestral temple, and Liang's father chanted it with regret!"

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the courtroom behind him: "Master Feng, don't be like this! It won't happen, it won't happen!"

This chapter has been completed!
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