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Chapter 194 The experience is particularly poor!

After the primary school students finished speaking, Wang Dashima interrogated the county student member Jiang Zan.

Now that everyone has come to this point, even the original documents about his registration have been dug out from the pile of old papers, how can Jiang Zan still deny it?

In fact, the biggest key to the whole process is, can anyone think of the problem?

If no one is suspicious, then Jiang Zan is safe. From immigration to registration to examination, there are no problems with the superficial procedures. He can just wait for the provincial examination quietly.

Under normal circumstances, no one would take the initiative to suspect Fu Yin of committing fraud. Even if they did, they would not know the direction of the investigation, let alone have any idea that Fu Yin had any relationship with a county student member.

But if someone views Jiang Fuyin with a presumption of guilt, and can use government power to dig into various details and find out Jiang Zan's fake nationality for comparison, then the problem cannot be covered up at all.

No matter how capable Jiang Fuyin is, he can't possibly silence everyone involved in the process from his hometown in Zhejiang to Nanjing City, right?

This is the Jiajing Dynasty in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and it is not the chaotic period of the late Ming Dynasty, so this is why Jiang Fuyin immediately lied down after learning that the elementary school student exposed the problem.

Jiang Zan could not withstand the cross-examination and admitted that he was indeed the eldest son of Jiang Fuyin. He first adopted and changed his name in his hometown, then went to Nanjing to pretend to be a scholar and fraudulently obtained the title of scholar.

As for the rural examination fraud, although it has not yet occurred, it can definitely be regarded as an attempted crime.

Otherwise, why did Jiang Fuyin try so hard to let Jiang Zan go to Nanzhili to take the provincial examination? Just because Nanzhili has 40 more admissions places than Zhejiang?

After the trial of Jiang Zan, it no longer mattered whether or not Jiang Fuyin would be tried again, but Wang Tingxiang, the imperial minister who ordered the officials in Nanjing to be reorganized, was already a little scared.

He is not afraid of Fu Yin or the chief assistant who helps Fu Yin, but he is afraid of the current trend, or in other words, he is afraid of primary school students.

Even though Wang Dashima was brave enough to take on the task and was famous in official circles for his versatility and hard work, he was not a fool.

Otherwise, why among the famous Seven Talents of the Retrospective Dynasty, also known as the "First Seven Scholars" of Ming Dynasty literature in later generations, Wang Ting, who had the lowest literary level, had the highest official achievements?

The original plan of Wang Dashima was to reorganize the situation for about half a year, and by the end of the year, he would be able to summarize the reports, end the errands, and return the customs defense.

But it has only been two months, and a large number of them have been dealt with. The only elementary school students killed include the minister, the censor of Qiandu, the censor, Biejia, and they killed four of them in one go.

They are all well-known figures in the officialdom, not mere officials like county magistrates, bosses, ambassadors, etc.!

Then, before he could recover, the primary school student who had just left the Huitong Hall continued to kill five people. Judging from Da Sima's officialdom experience, it would be really difficult for Jiang Fuyin to escape.

It’s only been two months! Can you imagine if the rectification work was extended to half a year?

Moreover, there are already signs of political struggle in the temple. There are constant disputes between the outdated chief minister Zhang Fuking and the popular minister of rites Xia Yan, and it looks like there will be a big fight.

The political trends between the two Beijings are closely related, so the reorganization here is likely to be exploited and become part of a high-level struggle.

Especially when there are ruthless characters like primary school students running around here, and they can get on the line with the enterprising Xia Yan. Thinking about the development trend in the future, even Wang Dasima will be afraid.

Today's court hearing is over. Zhou Shangshu and Mr. Gu of the Ministry of Justice, who were sitting and listening in a friendly manner, have left, but the primary school student has been a step behind and stayed behind.

Seeing Jiang Zan, who had confessed to the crime, being escorted away, Qin Dewei's face gradually became serious, and he seemed to be very thoughtful and said to Wang Tingxiang: "Da Sima, I have a few heartfelt words to say to you."

So Wang Tingxiang asked curiously: "What do you want to say?"

Qin Dewei said sincerely: "I feel that your task of rectifying Nanjing officials should be ended as soon as possible. It is really not possible to continue like this!"

Wang Tingxiang ""

You primary school students don’t think about it, who made things like this?

Qin Dewei persuaded with earnest words: "Da Sima, don't be reluctant to give up this little power. It's for your own good to end the job decisively!"

Wang Tingxiang: ""

When you said you wanted to establish your authority in the first two months, you also said it was for my own good.

Qin Dewei taught earnestly: "It is good to act vigorously and resolutely according to the emperor's order, which means that you will not compromise in carrying out the imperial edict!"

But if you always act vigorously and resolutely, the emperor will be suspicious! Therefore, it is right to give up when you have achieved success!"

You have finished dealing with your enemy, so you can just let it go if you want to see good things. Wang Tingxiang, who has been in officialdom for thirty years, silently pointed to the door.

You, a temporary worker in the county government, can leave smoothly. You should go back to the county government to teach Mr. Feng!

Wang Dashima felt that although the results may be good if people like elementary school students are asked to help with affairs, the process experience is particularly bad! I don’t know how Mr. Feng of the county government endured it.

Qin Dewei could only leave the Huitong Hall again, and then went to the county government office. The matter had to be reported to Magistrate Feng, and then Magistrate Feng was asked to write a letter to the Northern Capital.

After entering the county government gate and passing through the Yimen, Qin Dewei glanced at the lobby. Magistrate Feng was actually hearing a case in the Shengtang Hall, and today was probably not a trial day.

Then he walked to the entrance of the lobby and took a look and found that Magistrate Feng was interrogating the Second Young Master Jiang.

Qin Dewei couldn't help but snorted, Mr. Feng actually interrogated important prisoners without his consent!

At this moment, the Second Young Master Jiang was standing in the lobby and confessing impassionedly: "I've done it all! I really beat Wang Lianqing! I'm willing to submit to the law! Please deal with it quickly and in accordance with the law!"

Faced with such a cooperative subject, Feng Zhixian was extremely entangled and faced a dilemma!

After finishing other business this morning, I found out that the primary school student had not come to the county office. Magistrate Feng hurriedly summoned the court in the afternoon to conduct a surprise trial of Mr. Jiang.

Although the Second Young Master Jiang is not of high status, he may be the triggerman of the temple political game! Therefore, Magistrate Feng was very interested in the Second Young Master Jiang, so he started the game alone while the primary school students were away!

But now Mr. Feng is in a dilemma. According to the law, the status of a music household is lower than that of a civilian household. If a civilian household beats a music household, the penalty will be reduced, let alone a government official.

Therefore, the Second Young Master Jiang slapped Wang Lianqing, and he was not seriously injured. The legal punishment is probably as high as three drinks of fine wine.

Wouldn't it mean that after the sentence is over, the person will be released in court?

But Feng Zhixian definitely doesn't want to let him go in court! He also wants to open a breakthrough from Jiang Cunyi, dig deep for clues, and target the higher-ups!

Jiang Cunyi urged again and shouted: "For such a simple and clear case, I sincerely plead guilty and ask the county magistrate to close the case!"

Feng Zhixian fell into hard thinking. The game of temple politics is indeed very difficult!

Qin Dewei walked into the lobby with his hands behind his back, and spoke slowly and leisurely: "Mr. Feng, the plaintiff has not even arrived. It is unreasonable for you to try the case like this! It will make others mistakenly think that you are selfish and protecting the defendant. Let's try it again another day when you have time."


Jiang Cunyi's mentality suddenly exploded, but he was held down by the Yamen servants.

Qin Dewei then said to Magistrate Feng: "Moreover, Jiang Cunyi committed murder and injured people beside the Confucius Temple in the county school, which can be regarded as insulting the saint. He also uttered arrogant words in public and attempted to kill the county government secretary!

Mr. Feng, you did not interrogate or ask questions about this, which will make others mistakenly think that you are avoiding the important and taking the easy and deliberately exonerate the defendant!"

Feng Zhixian: ""

The gaming experience has deteriorated again.

This chapter has been completed!
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