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Chapter 199: The witty Li Dongzhu

At the end of August, the autumn wind was howling, and this day should be the day when the results of the Xinmaoke Township Examination in South Zhili were released in the 10th year of Jiajing.

According to the usual practice, the newly released provincial examination results will be placed in the colorful pavilion, then carried from Gongyuan to Yingtianfu Yamen, and posted on the screen wall of the Fuyamen gate.

In the core area of ​​Nanjing City, at the intersection of Sanshan Street and Dazhong Street, the nearby tea shops and restaurants are already full of people.

This place is very close to the government office. Scholars with some money will not go to crowds to see the list in person, but simply sit here and wait for the news.

Just now, they saw with their own eyes the Caiting where the provincial examination list was placed, passing by and heading towards the government office.

Countless people followed Caiting and rushed towards the government office as if attending a temple fair, blocking the street in front of the government office gate.

Inside the Taibai Building on Sanshan Street (same owner as the Taibai Building in Wudingqiao), the atmosphere was very quiet. Although there were dozens of people sitting upstairs, everyone was in a very uneasy mood and had no intention of chatting.

This is also understandable. In the entire imperial examination system, the provincial examination is almost the most important test to determine the class of scholars, and it is also the most difficult test.

As long as you pass the provincial examination, you will be promoted immediately, and you will instantly be ranked among the immortals and become the best among people. As for the Jinshi who come later, it is not impossible to treat them as an enhanced version of the imperial examination.

If you fail the provincial examination, unless you have Wen Zhengming's talent and fame, it will be very difficult to socialize with the powerful class on an equal footing.

This is why many people always judge that the lower limit of a certain elementary school student's future is Wen Zhengming.

As for why everyone suddenly thought of primary school students from the provincial examination

"The drums and drums were loud in the sky, and the dust on the six streets was like smoke. Everyone raised their heads and rubbed their shoulders.

My heart is anxious, my mind is hanging, I am worried about falling behind, and I want to be first.”

There was a young voice that seemed to be chanting and singing, and accompanied by an unknown new ditty, the person came up from the stairs staggeringly. Who else could he be if he wasn't a primary school student?

When Qin Dewei saw the packed seats, he seemed to be surprised, and subconsciously muttered: "This is full of holes."

"Don't be so frivolous!" shouted Mr. Zeng, who was sitting in the crowd!

Qin Dewei followed the voice and finally found his target. He quickly walked to Mr. Zeng's table, saluted and said: "It took me a month to memorize the Spring and Autumn Period. I can't help but be overjoyed. Sir, don't be surprised!"

After all, ordinary people are the majority. When everyone around heard that they had recited the Spring and Autumn Period in a month, they could only sigh with emotion.

Qin Dewei looked around and saw that Mr. Zeng's table was obviously that of the Huaibei Gang. Li Chunfang and Dongzhu Li from Yangzhou, Shen Kun and Wu Chengen from Huai'an were also at this table.

The table next to us turned out to be old acquaintances: Wang Fengyuan, the son of the four famous families in Jinling, Xu Gu, the son of the unknown hermit Xu Long, Zhu Yingdeng, the son of the four famous families in Jinling, and Xie Shaonan, the son of a certain older generation of genius in Jinling.

All in all, they are all the second generation of local scholars, the junior disciples of the old leader Gu.

Qin Dewei greeted Wang Fengyuan: "What a coincidence!"

Wang Fengyuan looked up with a dark face and saw the primary school students. It must be an unlucky day.

And it was no coincidence at all! Zhu Yingdeng was from Yangzhou, and he met Li Chunfang, and after chatting for a few words, they sat next to each other.

Mr. Zeng stopped the pupil’s ubiquitous gas leakage and asked again: “What are you doing here?”

Qin Dewei replied respectfully: "I have something to do, so I helped you read the list, and then I came to inform you of the results!"

The results of the provincial examination? All the eyes of the whole building were instantly focused on the primary school students!

Mr. Zeng's breathing suddenly became heavy. No matter how calm a person is, it would be difficult for him to remain calm at this time.

But Mr. Zeng had not lost his mind yet, and questioned: "Cai Ting just passed here, and he didn't have time to post it in the government office, right? How did you know the result?"

Qin Dewei answered very tactfully: "I am a person who knows how to handle things. I always wait directly at the gate of Gongyuan. When the gate of Gongyuan opens, a scribe will come out and inform me of the results."

Some people then thought that Feng Zhixian of Jiangning was the undergraduate promotion officer, and the primary school student was Feng Zhixian’s superior.

When the names were announced and the results were written at the end of the township examination, all the examiners, promotion officers, and examiner supervisors must be present, so Magistrate Feng must also be there.

After the gate of Gongyuan is opened, all information can be made public. It is normal to send someone out first to spread the word. It is not fraud.

As a result, Mr. Zeng's breathing became heavier. This life's destiny may be determined by the following sentence of the primary school student!

Li Chunfang suddenly chuckled a few times, raised her hands to Zeng Xianggong and said, "Congratulations to Brother Zeng for winning the title!"

Qin Dewei immediately glared at Dongzhu Li and even stole his own lines!

Facing the confused looks from the side, Li Chunfang pointed at the primary school student and said: "Looking at his respectful look, Brother Zeng must be in high school, otherwise why would he be so humble!"

Those who knew the inside story suddenly realized, and all looked at the primary school students with bewildered smiles.

Close friends generally know about the entanglement between Zeng Mian and Qin Dewei's mother. If Zeng Mian leaps over the dragon's gate, Qin Dewei's mother will definitely follow suit.

By that time, Zeng Mian will be the elementary school student's father. How dare the elementary school student not be respectful?

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly looked forward to it and wanted to congratulate the primary school student on his "happy fatherhood".

The reason why this elementary school student is lawless is largely because there are no elders to control him, and it is difficult for others to beat him.

But if a primary school student has an extra father, wouldn't someone be able to legally take action?

The twenty-year-old Li Chunfang and Li Dongzhu are still very immature. He is proud of his wit. How many people can successfully predict and steal the lines of a primary school student?

I couldn't help but jokingly said to my left and right: "I've always been straight-forward. If what I say is inaccurate, I will treat primary school students as a teacher from now on!"

Everyone laughed, which relieved a lot of the tense atmosphere.

Many years later, in the twenty-sixth year of Jiajing in this time and space, Li Chunfang passed the first place according to historical inertia and became the best in the world. However, the examiner of his examination became Qin Dewei.

Dongzhu Li, who was crying to pay homage to his master, couldn't help but think of those words from sixteen years ago, and couldn't stop crying with excitement.

But at this moment, Qin Dewei couldn't care about Cave Master Li. Before anyone else came to congratulate him, he chanted to Mr. Zeng first: "Smiling at the magic sword joining Longjin, catching a lot of fish is no different. Ziyun rushes south to fight, jade

Que Qianguan Lie Beichen!"

Mr. Zeng: ""

He couldn't tell for a moment whether Qin Dewei wanted to come to inform him of the results, or whether he wanted to come and take the opportunity to compose a poem.

But when others hear this poem, the basic meaning is definitely correct! It must have been successful! This is the winning news I heard today!

It's just that this poem is too lame, it feels like a perfunctory work of piling up words and sentences, and it's not worthy of the reputation of a primary school student.

Qin Dewei looked at Mr. Zeng and felt very emotional in his heart. Once he won the election, his identity would immediately change. Now Mr. Zeng is no longer a poor scholar.

As for the matter between Mr. Zeng and his mother, I don’t know how it will change? But today is a happy day for Mr. Zeng, just celebrate, and we can talk about other things after today.

The witty Cave Master Li asked Qin Dewei again: "Didn't you say that you already know several results, who else is there?"

This chapter has been completed!
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