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Chapter 211 The protagonist has his own noble help

Speaking of the last test among the three minor levels, to describe it in one sentence, it is: it is not difficult for those who are capable, but it is not difficult for those who are difficult.

Those who have unappreciated talents who can leave their names in future generations may fail to pass the imperial examination in their lifetime, or they may fail to pass the imperial examination in their lifetime. But have you ever heard of anyone who fails to pass the scholar examination in their lifetime?

As long as you have the "ability" and take the Taoist test twice every three years, you can always pass the test no matter how many years it takes.

In the novel, people like Fan Jin who are incompetent, and the older they get, the more they fail in the exams, and they are classified as "difficult people can't".

This time, Qin Dewei's "ability" was pretty good. Xu Miaoxuan asked for favors to help him win, otherwise he would definitely not win. After all, Qin Dewei's eight-part essay was mediocre and average, and he couldn't make a splash just by focusing on his writing skills.

The exam will be held on February 20th. The exam location is in Jurong. Of course, it is impossible to go there on the same day.

Qin Dewei first went to the county government to register, filled in his personal information on the test paper in advance as required, then submitted it for review, and then received the test ticket.

On the 15th, Qin Dewei took his servant Hao Danian and his wife, borrowed a big mule from the county government to pull the cart, and headed to Jurong County by land.

For some unknown reason, Xu Miaoxuan did not let her younger brother Xu Miaojing participate in this Taoist test, which further confirmed Qin Dewei's previous guess.

I won’t say thank you for your kindness, but just keep some things in mind first and then talk about it after the exam.

Jurong County is less than a hundred miles away from Nanjing, so it is more convenient to drive by land. We set off early in the morning and arrived in Jurong County in the evening, so we don’t have to worry about where to stay.

He had already asked Magistrate Feng to write a letter to Jurong County and had it sorted out in advance. Qin Dewei would never treat himself badly if he could do so.

The group went directly to the county mansion near the Jurong County Yamen and checked in smoothly. In the Ming Dynasty, the official guest house of the Yamen was called the Gongguan, which was the same as the Huitongguan where Qin Dewei worked.

But this is not the treatment that children taking exams should receive. How big is the county mansion?

So on the next day, Qin Dewei went to the Jurong County Government Office to thank the Jurong County Magistrate, and then came back to prepare for the exam with peace of mind.

Waiting until the 20th, Qin Dewei got up before dawn, carried the examination basket with Hao Danian, and headed to the examination booth to accept the roll call.

The Dao examination is different from the county examination and the government examination, and the procedures are much stricter. The great master He Ao personally sat at the entrance dragon gate and searched the names one by one.

Qin Dewei was no exception. He was also searched, and the test basket was also searched. After the test was completed, he handed in his test ticket, took back the test paper, and went in to find his seat according to the test number.

There are long tables and long benches in the examination room, spaced two feet apart, with the examination number next to them. Qin Dewei is Xuanzi No. 1, so he sits very comfortably on the side.

After daybreak, the roll call and inspection of hundreds of children taking the examination were completed, and the examination room was closed. A large number of sergeants entered the room and stood guard to monitor the candidates. It was strictly forbidden to whisper or other things.

Then the questions began to be distributed. Some held up signs to show the candidates, and some instructors read the questions loudly to prevent myopia from seeing clearly.

There was only one question in the four books, and everyone had to answer it. Qin Dewei looked at it and saw that the question was "Humans are not as good as birds", Shiyun Mu and King Wen.

Humans are worse than birds! I had expected it, but it was a perverted question!

The original text should have come from a university. Confucius said: "When you stop and know where you are stopping, you can be a human being and not as good as a bird!" The poem goes: "King Mu Muwen, Yu Jixi respects the stop!"

There are five questions in the Five Classics, and candidates can choose one by themselves. When Qin Dewei attacked the Spring and Autumn Classics, he naturally only looked at the Spring and Autumn Questions, which were about Song Gong and Chu people fighting against Yu Hong.

That's it! This question is familiar to Qin Dewei. It talks about Song Xianggong's battle of benevolence and righteousness, and then his attack on the street.

After reading the questions, Qin Dewei opened the draft of the test paper and started working on it!

When it came to writing the title, Qin Dewei wrote a sentence quickly: It is really shameful for a lady to be inferior to a bird!

Then he discovered that, like the problems that Internet article writers often encounter, they were sadly stuck.

Because the second half of the title is "King Mu Muwen", how can we change "people are worse than birds" to "King Mu Muwen"?

After thinking for a quarter of an hour, he still couldn't figure it out. Qin Dewei couldn't help but panic a little.

According to the rules, in order to prevent cheating by changing papers before the end of the exam, the invigilator will start stamping the text on the exam paper half an hour later. Before that, the beginning must be written.

Qin Dewei scratched his head and couldn't help but chant the previous sentence softly over and over again, but he still couldn't figure out how to continue writing.

This deceptive question is very unfriendly to newcomers who have only been in the industry for two years!

Next to him, the examinee No. 2 Xuanzi and Qin Dewei sat on the same bench and shared the same table. Qin Dewei was fidgeting and squirming around, which greatly affected the examinee next to him and made him feel completely annoyed.

I don’t know where he came from, but he just wrote a few lines and his writing stopped, and he kept making noises!

He looked at Qin Dewei with a look of disgust, then glanced at Qin Dewei's manuscript paper, and couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "Shame on you, shame on you! If you are ashamed, you can't be better than learning from King Wen!"

Qin Dewei couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he quickly continued this sentence, completing the title in an instant!

It's shameful that humans are inferior to birds. If you feel ashamed, you should learn from King Wen of Zhou! Perfect title!

I successfully completed the first three golden chapters without any danger, and the rest became much smoother.

In fact, these days, many irresponsible examiners are just like the Internet readers five hundred years later. They have too many test papers and are too lazy to read what to do. They only look at the three golden shares at the beginning. If you do well at the beginning, you will get the score.

I wrote two articles on the draft and copied them onto the test paper. It was already afternoon when I finished.

Dozens of people have already handed in their papers. The person next to Qin Dewei has also left. I don't know if he will meet again after he goes out.

The Ming Dynasty's imperial examination joke is that the test papers are misleading.

Qin Dewei also got up and went to the examiner to hand in his papers. Grandmaster He collected the papers and asked Qin Dewei while looking at them: "How did you go in the government examination?"

This seems to be another interview! Qin Dewei replied: "Because I am young, the examiner luckily clicked on the top of the case to encourage improvement."

The Grand Master said "Oh" and asked again: "How old are you? Where is your home? Who is your teacher?"

Qin Dewei quickly replied: "I am fourteen years old. I live in Qingxi, in the northeast of the county. My teacher is Wang Yijing, an old student in this county."

The Grand Master casually drew a circle on the test paper, put it aside, and waved his hand: "You did a good job in the first section of the question, and you will be selected this time. You must continue to study in the future, go on today!"

Qin Dewei was overjoyed and thanked him quickly, retreated, and stood at the door waiting. After gathering enough thirty people to submit papers, he opened the door to let everyone in.

Outside the examination room, there were not only many family members and servants waiting, but also many candidates who had not yet dispersed, discussing the topic in groups of twos and threes.

Qin Dewei searched around but couldn't find the candidate next to him. He had no other intention, he just wanted to express his gratitude.

The great master has said that the reason for winning is that the title is done well, but the title is the help of the brother next to him. This means that the protagonist has a noble person to help him!

This chapter has been completed!
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