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Chapter 22 I have to add money

After being scolded, Qin Dewei stopped talking and stood aside as quiet as a chicken. This is the professional quality of a lawyer.

Clients can be upset, but lawyers can't be angry. In other words, if something doesn't happen that can make clients lose control of their emotions, how can lawyers make money?

When clients are in need, they will naturally think of lawyers.

Listening to Accountant Lin's few words, Mrs. Gu figured out what was going on.

It turned out that someone in the county government caught a person selling illegal salt from the river to Nanjing city. Then this person pointed out that the Jubaomen branch was involved in the illegal salt distribution, and then the store was closed and the shopkeeper was arrested.

Qin Dewei coughed a few times, but Mrs. Gu ignored him and said to Accountant Lin in shock and anger: "Are you really going behind my back and selling illegal salt?"

Accountant Lin kept moaning and swearing: "If there is any illegal selling of salt, our whole family will suffer a terrible death, and God will strike me with lightning!"

Mrs. Gu only felt that an inexplicable disaster had fallen from the sky: "Then what happened? Why did the private salt dealer frame us for no reason?"

Then he speculated: "Could it be someone from my husband's family who is causing trouble? Where did they contact the private salt dealer?"

Qin Dewei coughed violently a few more times, and Party A's father finally noticed Party B's humble young lawyer. "Brother, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"This matter is actually very clear." Qin Dewei said in an unusual way.

Madam Gu looked suspicious: "I'm afraid you don't understand the salt industry, right? You just heard a few words and you understood it?"

"I may not know the salt industry as well as you, but I know the yamen better than you!" Qin Dewei said: "This time, you can tell what's going on at a glance!

Some unscrupulous government officials, after targeting a good person, will find thieves and criminals and directly identify these good people as their accomplices or people who sell stolen goods.

Then these unscrupulous government officials will use this as an excuse to torture kind people, and they will have to shed their skin even if they don't die. Think about it, is this trick very similar to what happened to you?"

What Mrs. Gu and Accountant Lin realized were that they were following very similar tactics. In essence, they were colluding with and instigating criminals, and deliberately framed and framed others.

"Who can instigate criminals, other than the subordinates in the government office?" Qin Dewei sighed to the little widow: "So it is obvious that the person behind the scenes is someone from the county government office.

As for why I’m targeting you, I guess it’s because you made a public appearance some time ago, madam, and went to the county government office to file a complaint, which attracted the attention of interested people. Those people thought you were rich and worth a try!”

"These bastards!" Mrs. Gu was very angry. If she complained, it would lead to such troublesome things. Can she still live her life?

Accountant Lin was still calm and asked quickly: "In this little brother's opinion, what will happen next?"

Qin Dewei shook his head: "This is hard to guess. The starting routines may be similar, but there are too many subsequent changes.

It may be that they deliberately tortured the shopkeeper in prison, released the news, and forced you to directly exchange money for someone else. This is actually the easiest thing to do.

You may also put the shopkeeper in the trial process, and then get a summons from the government to scare and extort the rest of you.

It may also be that they are deliberately delaying the business so that your store cannot open, and then seize the opportunity to seize the shares of your store... In short, it depends on how much appetite the other party has."

Listing them casually, there were many tricks, which made Madam Gu's face look even more ugly. Thinking of what Attorney Qin had just said, she asked again: "Well, little brother, do you have any solution?"

Qin Dewei took a deep look at the little widow: "I have to pay more."

Madam Gu stretched out five thin white fingers: "Five taels!"

If the lawsuit against the husband's family property is just a civil lawsuit, being falsely accused of selling illegal salt is a criminal lawsuit. Especially if there are people in the county government who are causing trouble, it is understandable to increase the money.

Qin Dewei nodded first, and then shook his head, with unclear meaning. "It's easy to solve this lawsuit. My five taels is enough. But it's difficult to solve the person behind the scenes. You have to pay more."

"How much more do we need to add?" Madam Gu asked. As long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem at this moment.

Qin Dewei replied: "I don't know, maybe fifty taels, maybe a hundred taels, maybe two hundred taels."

Mrs. Gu exclaimed: "You actually want so much? Jubaomen branch's annual profit is only three to four hundred!"

Qin Dewei rolled his eyes: "It's not that I want so much, it depends on how much the person behind the scenes wants! This money is for the person behind the scenes, which is equivalent to spending money to buy peace!"

Even though Mrs. Gu was angry, there was nothing she could do. She was a bitch in the government office. She really wanted to get rid of all the evil, not to mention whether she could do it or not, but she was afraid that the price she would pay would be even greater.

Although Qin Dewei still has a sense of justice, he can't do more. With his current status, how can he be qualified to fight against evil forces? It would be good if he could find a way to rescue good people and save one unjust case in the world.

He already had a plan in mind: "In short, let's settle the two lawsuits first. Anyway, tomorrow is the day for filing lawsuits. I have to go to the Yamen."

Two lawsuits, one for 20 taels and one for 50 taels, a total income of 70 taels, which is very satisfying.

"Didn't you miss the calculation by one or two?" the little widow questioned Qin Dewei's mathematical ability.

Qin Dewei did the math again and found that for two lawsuits, two plus five equals seven, which was correct.

"What about the once-and-for-all solution you said, and the elimination of future troubles?" The little widow felt like she was about to collapse. How could she have so many troubles that no one else could remember!

Oops, I forgot about the one or two extra dollars! The young lawyer patted his head and said, "This is a simple matter. If they come to propose marriage to you today and tomorrow, just tell them to go to Yang Bo! Then I'll tell you how to speak.


Mrs. Gu felt that she couldn't keep up with her thoughts: "Why did you let them go to Yang Bo?"

"Because you women follow the three directions and four directions, and your husband will follow your son even if he is dead." Qin Dewei said inscrutably.

Seeing that the little widow was in a trance and seemed a little unable to bear it, Qin Dewei kindly comforted her and said: "Madam, please rest assured for the time being. The prosecution will be announced tomorrow and the case will be heard the day after tomorrow. As long as you stay up for two more days, most of your worries will disappear."

Gu Qiongzhi said lifelessly: "Can what you say be true?"

Qin Dewei was full of confidence: "Of course it's true, charging you eight taels of silver will definitely give you value for money!"

This little boy seemed to be the only light of hope at the moment. Gu Qiongzhi felt that he needed someone to rely on, and suddenly stretched out his arms to hug the little boy. Unfortunately, due to his height, his arms could only wrap around the little boy's head...

Fortunately, Accountant Lin had already left at this time, and there was no one else in the hall except the young widow's personal maid.

Although his head was suddenly held, and although his breathing was not smooth, the dedicated young lawyer was still thinking about the case calmly:

"By the way, what's the bottom line for you and your husband's family to compete for property? To be honest, in your situation, it's impossible to keep all the property in your hands. You must let some go..."

This chapter has been completed!
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