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Chapter 224 Who is more fun?

Madam Gu rubbed her forehead casually and asked clearly: "Tell me, how much does it cost this time?"

This was what he was waiting for. Qin Dewei quickly said: "I don't know how much I will use, so I will give you thirty taels first."

"So much? What are you going to do?" Gu Qiongzhi was surprised. He didn't want to ask what he wanted the money for, but thirty taels was really not too little.

"Building an archway and adding engravings on the gate are all serious business!" Qin Dewei had a valid reason.

The female president felt that the young man was too unprofessional, so she couldn't help but said: "You should go to the craftsman first, agree on the construction period, materials and price, and then come to me to withdraw the silver.

How could you come to ask for money without saying a word, unless you want to take advantage of the opportunity to spend the money, withdraw it first and then make a false report, so now you have no money in your hand?"

Qin Dewei explained: "When I first entered school, I had a lot of entertainment and expenses."

Madam Gu didn't say, "Can you hold a banquet at Wang Lianqing's house without spending a lot of money?" She gave Qin Dewei five taels of silver for living expenses. As for the memorial arch, she asked Qin Dewei to find the craftsman first.

Although she could afford fifty taels, she would give her no more or less each time, depending on her mood, so Qin Dewei would definitely come to ask for money every once in a while.

When he came out of the bank and saw that it was almost dusk, Qin Dewei went straight to his uncle's house and asked his uncle to help find craftsmen and masons.

Qin Xiang left his eldest nephew to have dinner, and while eating, he asked: "Today the red tickets were sent to the county government, and it was announced that the county official will officially enter the city in the future. Aren't you going to welcome him?"

Qin Dewei was too lazy to participate in such red tape and shook his head: "The new county magistrate is coming? No one informed me to go, so I won't go."

According to the custom, when Xinzhi County takes office, he will stay at Jiangdong Gate Gate Inn on the first night. Naturally, there will be a set of ceremonies on the day when he officially takes office and enters the city.

The servants would go out to the Jiangdong Gate of the outer city to greet the new grand master, and then carry him all the way to the Sanshan Gate of the inner city, playing and playing.

Representatives of the local gentry will wait and greet him outside Sanshan Gate. If Qin Dewei wants to attend the ceremony, he will stand here.

Finally, outside the county government gate, other county officials will wait and greet you here. The greeting etiquette is well-organized and no random behavior is allowed.

Qin Dewei suddenly remembered something and immediately changed his mind: "Go, you better go! How can you not go for such an important thing? I just agreed to go on a spring outing with Madam Gu."

Qin Xiang sighed, his eldest nephew is already fourteen, why is he still so clueless? Can't he tell which is fun and which is not? When can the old Qin family cultivate the next generation?

Then he advised: "Brother Wei, listen to my uncle's advice. It is more important for you to go on a spring outing with Mrs. Gu."

Qin Dewei said seriously: "No, it is more important to welcome the new magistrate. As a representative of outstanding scholars, how can he miss such an important occasion?

By the way, my wife seems to be most obedient to your uncle's words. Please tell me for me. I won't be able to make the trip in the future!"

Qin Xiang was speechless, but there was no point in being anxious. Maybe his nephew would understand when he was older.

As for Gu Qiongzhi, can he not listen to himself? After Qin Dewei didn't want to change his surname, he secretly promised that no matter what Qin Dewei's future marital status was, Gu Qiongzhi would be considered the second wife of the Qin family!

In order to raise the next generation for his second wife, Uncle Qin was secretly worried.

Qin Dewei felt that he was too smart. If he broke the appointment, Mrs. Gu would definitely be angry and doubt herself.

But it would be different when the uncle told her. Mrs. Gu had to give her uncle face, and she would also believe what his uncle said.

But Qin Dewei will not really go to greet the county magistrate. It just so happens that he will take Wang Lianqing to play the day after tomorrow, and maybe he can have fun again.

Wang Meiren was afraid of hurting herself, so she only agreed to do it once every ten days, but it was not enough. She had to take the initiative to find opportunities to increase the clock.

For young people who are interested, the latter is more fun than being able to watch but not eat, or being able to watch and eat at the same time.

Thanks to Qin Dewei's clever calculation, he waited until the day after tomorrow without incident, then got into a rented carriage with Wang Lianqing and headed west.

Because Wang Meiren said that she wanted to visit Mochou Lake and Fangshu Tower. After all, she had left wonderful memories there.

Talking, laughing, squeezing and touching all the way, we arrived at Sanshanmen without realizing it.

But outside the city gate, the carriage could not pass. A row of government officials blocked the road, and then the carriage was led to the side by the officer on duty to wait.

Qin Dewei didn't take any action, so he stuck his head out from the curtain and asked the officer: "Why don't you let me go?"

The officer recognized Mr. Qin's head and quickly replied: "The new county minister is walking here on the road and will be there soon! Therefore, the road is temporarily blocked to avoid violating the etiquette!"

Qin Dewei had no choice. When he left the city gate, he happened to bump into the magistrate arriving. He couldn't just rush up in his carriage when the new magistrate came along the road from Chui Chui Da Da, right?

All he could do was wait! He looked up a few more times and saw government officials standing outside, surrounding the place.

Inside were thirty or forty well-dressed figures, as well as village elders and the like, who were probably the so-called old representatives of the gentry and townships in this county.

I actually saw Wang Fengyuan and Gao Changjiang among these crowds, both standing behind Ding Jiaoyu.

There were many people watching the fun outside. After all, the new parent officer was here, and there were many people who were interested in taking a sneak peek.

At this time, they first heard the sound of the suona, and the people waiting outside the city gate knew that Xinzhi County was coming.

Immediately, he saw dozens of officers and a dozen petty officials, surrounded by a large official sedan, coming along the road and not stopping until they reached the city gate.

From then on, there is a set of prescribed procedures, which can be summed up in five words: receiving gifts and returning gifts.

Everyone has known for a long time that the surname of Xinzhi County is correct. This time when we meet the real person, he also has a Chinese character and a face that looks official.

The magistrate of Shen County scanned the crowd of gentry and asked Ding Jiaoyu, "Can student Qin Dewei be here?"

Ding Jiaoyu was a little stunned. Although he had guessed the countless possible questions in Xinzhi County, he never expected that Shenzhi County would actually ask a student first. What did this mean?

Of course, there are only two situations in which names are called upon. One is to show goodwill, and the other is to use it as a trick.

Ding Jiaoyu couldn't guess, so he could only reply: "Qin Dewei did not come today."

Shen Zhixian snorted coldly, "I had previously named him to come to meet him, but why didn't he come to see him?"

Ding Jiaoyu was a little confused for a moment. When did you, Master Shen, name Qin Dewei to greet him?

The magistrate of Shen County looked around and said to the crowd: "When I was looking for people's opinions, I heard that there are primary school students in Jiangning County who are arrogant and domineering. They often do things that are beyond the reach of others. It is like being disrespectful to officials!"

After hearing this, everyone still didn't understand. Xinzhi County named Qin Dewei by name, and it was definitely not a show of goodwill!

The magistrate of Shen County continued: "I originally thought that people might be intimidating. But today, the primary school students looked down on me and deliberately refused to come to greet me. It really deserves its reputation!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Zhixian observed everyone's expressions and found that everyone was disapproving and indifferent, and no one responded even slightly.

It seems that everyone thinks that the elementary school student behaves like this as a matter of course, and it is not worth making a fuss over if he slights you a few times.

The magistrate of Shen County also felt that the people in this session were really incompetent and tired!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to the right of Shen Zhixian.

Shen Zhixian also looked sideways and found that a young man in his 14th or 15th century had crossed the government blockade at some point and was only a few steps away from him. He was tilting his head and looking at him curiously.

Shen Zhixian subconsciously wanted to curse, what do the government servants around him do for a living, yet they let an outsider approach him unknowingly!

"I have met Mr. Shen County, please continue." The young man cupped his hands casually, and then said, "What else have you heard about me?"

Beauty Wang, who was sitting in the carriage, looked at Xiao Langjun's back with resentment. Didn't she agree to just wait and pass? Isn't it possible that she, Wang Lianqing, is not as fun as the middle-aged man in the sixth-grade official uniform?

This chapter has been completed!
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