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Chapter 233 The initiator

During this time since he took office, Magistrate Shen has been very unhappy, and of course his behind-the-scenes military advisor, Young Master Yan, has also been very unhappy.

To put it simply, the progress of all work is very slow, as if pushing a cart through a quagmire. It is very laborious but ineffective.

In fact, none of the officials in the internal yamen dared to resist, but they were always suspected of responding passively. For example, when looking for Xiang Jindou, several days passed without even finding him, as if they were waiting for something.

I have also had a lot of contact with the local gentry and merchants outside. But whenever they talk about cooperating with banks or replacing Yuanfenghao's business, they start to laugh, as if they are also waiting for something.

Mr. Yan must have seen some clues about this current situation, "They are all waiting for a clear result, waiting for us to completely subdue Qin Dewei!"

If you have the ability to defeat Qin Dewei, you can cooperate in the future. If you can't defeat Qin Dewei, then don't say anything.

However, when this name was mentioned, Shen Zhixian had no other feelings, except that he was upset.

This person is always able to thwart himself in all kinds of ways, and there is no harm caused to him, but he is so annoying that he can always hold him back like brown candy.

Mr. Yan was not a good-tempered person to begin with, and the more he talked, the more annoyed he became. "This is the principle of shooting the man first, shooting the horse first, and catching the thief first, the king! I will celebrate my father's death and the trouble will continue!"

Then he subconsciously passed the blame and said: "So my strategy was not wrong at the beginning. When Qin Dewei was completely unprepared, I directly captured Qin Dewei during the welcoming ceremony!

If you had dared to accept Xiang Jindou's complaint and directly brand Qin Dewei as a local bully for investigation, why would you have gone through so much trouble today?"

Magistrate Shen was also very unhappy. He kept saying it over and over again. What was the point of always mentioning things that were already in the past?

Mr. Yan shouted furiously: "We can't go on like this! We must send the clearest signal to everyone that Qin Dewei is completely gone!"

Magistrate Shen continued to be speechless. How can you prove that Qin Dewei is completely dead?

Even if you take away all his money and property, he will still be a poet sought after by countless beauties; if you don't let him write poetry, he can still work as a lawyer or a master; if you prohibit him from engaging in government-related business, then he will

There is also a Jinshi stepfather!

Of course Mr. Yan has vicious thoughts, "Then attack the people closest to him. If he can't even protect the people close to him, it's enough to show that he is completely out of control!"

Shen Zhixian hesitated and said: "This is a bit taboo. Generally, it is better not to harm relatives."

Mr. Yan said angrily: "Why have you been so disheartened these past two days? Could it be that you have backed down? Don't forget, who put you in the position of magistrate of Jingxian County!"

Mr. Yan has already calculated that the people close to Qin Dewei include Wang Lianqing, the boss of Yuanfeng, the Xu family, the head of the Sanshan Gate, the county government arrester's uncle, etc.

The others were not very aggressive, and only Qin Xiang, the county government's chief arrester, was the most convenient target. After all, the government officials were lowly servants and had no political protection. They could be arrested and beaten whenever they could.

Besides, there are always dirty things on the hands of government officials, and it is easy to find a way to convict them. This is also an "advantage" that ordinary people do not have.

Although Shen Zhixian disapproved of this approach in his heart, he had no choice but to be forced by Mr. Yan.

Since taking office as the county magistrate, Qin Xiang has been claiming to be ill at home, and has not returned to the county office after his arrest mission was suspended.

The magistrate of Shen County sent people to spread the word that if someone had been sick for a long time, it meant that he was not suitable to be a government servant and would be dismissed from the service.

For Qin Xiang, the job of arresting the head is gone, but he definitely does not want to lose his status as a county government officer.

This is his largest hereditary family property, and he has promised to pass it on to his wife's descendants. If he loses it easily, his wife will definitely not be able to spare him.

So Qin Xiang went back to the county government office to show up to attend to some errands, planning to leave after ordering the order.

Then, when the roll call was being made, in front of all the officials, Qin Xiang, who was extremely shocked, was arrested by Shen County Magistrate and imprisoned in the county jail.

This was a very sensational event in the county government. Immediately, Qin Xiang's government officials went to report the news to Qin Dewei.

At this time, Qin Dewei was on the roadside in front of his home, discussing with several craftsmen about building a Jinshi memorial arch. Hearing the news, he was slightly surprised. It seemed unexpected, but it was reasonable.

Logically speaking, Magistrate Shen seems to be a mediocre and ordinary bureaucrat. His character is not too extreme. He should know the rules and not violate the rules like this.

But if someone like Yan Shifan was behind it, it would be hard to tell. Qin Dewei could easily guess that it was probably Yan Shifan's idea that his uncle suffered.

Qin Dewei is not worried about his uncle's life in the county jail. The jailer should not treat his uncle badly, but Qin Dewei is worried about the next step.

As long as it falls into the hands of Zhengyin County Magistrate and Fu Yamengong, there are really countless possibilities for the next step, and Qin Dewei does not dare to take risks with his uncle.

So it was not too late to go to the county government office to rescue people, so Qin Dewei asked the craftsmen to go back first and hurried to the county government office himself.

When he walked to the gate of the county government office, Qin Dewei was thinking about what to say to the county magistrate when he unexpectedly bumped into Mr. Yan Shifan.

"Isn't this friend Qin?" Mr. Yan greeted jokingly: "So you still dare to appear in front of me."

Qin Dewei retorted, "You are a government official, but you run to the county government office so diligently. People who don't know better think you are a magistrate and a follower of the county magistrate."

"Are you here to fish out your uncle?" Yan Shifan pointed to a few people behind him and said without a smile: "I just want to tell you kindly, so there is no need to waste my efforts.

These are all government officials who came here specifically to take the prisoner Qin Xiang to the government office for trial. I was just bored and led the way."

Qin Dewei immediately realized that if Qin Xiang was in the county government office, he would definitely not suffer, but if he entered the government office, he would definitely suffer and be deliberately targeted. This must be stopped!

So Qin Dewei's face turned cold and he warned: "Yan Shifan, you have crossed the line."

Mr. Yan laughed loudly: "I only know that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit!"

Smart people never care about rules and regulations. No matter what means are used, it is enough to suppress Qin Dewei. Otherwise, there will always be a sense of humiliation that the intelligence is inferior to others. This time, he must vent it out.

Qin Dewei couldn't help but mocked: "Have you never seen power? It's hard to become a powerful official, but you behave like a nouveau riche at all times, as if you are afraid that others will not know that you have power. It's like a monkey.

And the crown is ridiculous."

The elementary school student's words were really irritating, and Mr. Yan's guard was broken by just a few words.

He took a few deep breaths and forcibly calmed down, "I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, let's wait and see! If you have the ability, you can snatch your uncle out of the hands of the government office today."

"The one who created the figurines has no descendants?" Qin Dewei read a famous saying from the saint.

This chapter has been completed!
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