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Chapter 253 What can you get?

Pan Zhen, whose name was Shi'an, entered the palace during the Chenghua Dynasty and served as a guard eunuch in many places. He also returned to the capital to take charge of the internal officials.

Because he was old and sick, and could not adapt to the northern climate, Eunuch Pan asked for an order to be sent to Nanjing for recuperation, and by the way he served as the garrison eunuch of Nanjing.

Emperor Jiajing had a very suspicious character, fearing that others would fool him, and he did not really trust the eunuchs who surrounded him on a daily basis.

Therefore, during the Jiajing Dynasty, eunuchs were not as powerful as other times. Eunuch Pan came to Nanjing to provide for his retirement, and he usually kept a low profile.

But being low-key doesn't mean being a rookie, Commander Xu and his son thought together.

Qin Dewei had talked a bit too much just now, and Qin Dewei felt his mouth was dry, so he took a few sips of tea and admired the faces of Commander Xu and his son, while recalling a piece of written material that impressed him deeply in his previous life.

"The giant thief in Nangong County changed his name to Fan Shiyong, and Zhu Chao joined the guarding eunuch Pan Zhen's house as a boy servant. He became a party member with Ma Ji, a real follower, and gathered dozens of people who were on the run. They went out and plundered the area along the river. He ordered all officials to strictly limit Capture and suppress, Pan Zhen will be punished by the law department on the day he returns to Beijing."

The guard eunuch Pan Zhen in this text refers to the Nanjing guard eunuch, so this is really an impressive and strange case.

It sounds unbelievable and unbelievable that a Jiangyang thief changed his name, sneaked into the house of a garrison eunuch in Nanjing and became a slave, and then found an opportunity to go out and plunder along the river.

Therefore, when Xu Wei Gong suppressed the bandits, he didn't even cut them off. In a sense, it was excusable. Who would have thought that the bandits were hiding in the guarding eunuch's house?

Not to mention Duke Xu Wei, even Commander Xu and his son couldn't believe it when they heard the words "guard eunuch" coming out of Qin Dewei's mouth. Are you, Qin Dewei, really joking?

Qin Dewei compared the father and son for a long time and came to the conclusion that Xu Laosan's appearance was slightly better than that of conductor Xu Lao.

"Hahahaha!" Qin Dewei laughed a few times: "I just made the most extreme assumption to test your endurance, Mr. Xu!"

Commander Xu breathed a sigh of relief unknowingly, "Brother Qin, your idea is indeed very good, but don't scare people like this. I'm old and can't stand being scared."

Qin Dewei reminded again: "It's actually easy to check. I remember that there is a registration at the city gate? Mr. Xu, you can check the register tomorrow to see what goods belonging to important people have entered the city after the previous robberies."

Nanjing is also the capital, and the gates are not just decorations. There are many regulations. For example, all officials entering and leaving the city must register at the city gate, and large quantities of materials entering and leaving must also be registered at the city gate.

If someone's goods happened to come into the city within two or three days after each robbery, there would obviously be a problem.

As the gatekeeper of Sanshan, it couldn't be easier for Commander Xu to check this entry and exit record.

He never expected that the clues would be hidden in the book that he turned a blind eye to every day. How could he not have thought of it so long ago?

"I will go check it out tomorrow, and you can go with me!" Commander Xu said, "When the check is over, we will discuss with you based on the results!"

It was getting late, so Qin Dewei stopped going back at night, and the Xu family arranged a guest room for him to rest.

Returning to the inner courtyard, Xu Shi'an said to Commander Xu: "Dad! Based on my understanding of Brother Qin, he may not be trying to scare people. It is possible that what he said is true."

"Shut up!" Commander Xu returned to the house with a heavy heart.

Early the next morning, Commander Xu and Qin Dewei rushed to Sanshanmen, moved out all the registers that had been in the squad room for nearly two months, and then selected specific days to read them.

There were only a few dates, and it was quick to check them, but Commander Xu saw the registration records of the "Inner Guard Hall Supplies Team 1" every time. The registrant was Fan Shiyong or Zhu Chao.

Seeing these two names, Qin Dewei knew more clearly that this was the right number. It was all guesswork at first, and there was still a possibility that the guess was wrong, but now it is certain.

After putting down the register, Commander Xu felt that his hands were still shaking. He wanted to drink some tea to relieve his mood, but he couldn't even hold the tea cup steady.

It’s really related to the guarding eunuch! This, this, this

Commander Xu, who had no idea at all, subconsciously looked at Qin Dewei, only to see that the young man's expression remained unchanged, as if nothing had happened and he was even thoughtful.

My Mr. Qin! I asked you to come here to help me come up with ideas, but you threw a big thunder!

Qin Dewei spoke first: "Master Xu! Only you and I know this secret now. What do you think?"

Commander Xu felt as though his mind was filled with mush, and said with a wry smile: "I don't know what I'm thinking!"

Qin Dewei first said: "Actually, it stands to reason that Eunuch Pan must not know about this matter. He is a Nanjing garrison eunuch. If he wants to make money, he has many tricks, so why should he take huge risks to rob?

Therefore, Eunuch Pan will not protect these thieves, let alone do some wrong things for the thieves."

Then he said to Commander Xu: "Now it depends on Master Xu whether you have the courage to do something.

If you have this courage, you may gain great merit and be promoted to a real third-level commander, and the number of households in Duo Enyin will be increased to a thousand.

With the unparalleled prestige and strong qualifications among the officers and soldiers after the dismounting of the garrison eunuch La, he might be able to be promoted to the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army in a few years."

"Of course." Qin Dewei changed the subject: "If Mr. Xu is unwilling to come forward, then we will bury the secret deep in our hearts and pretend that nothing happened."

All choices are entirely up to Mr. Xu himself. All Qin Dewei can do is to tell Mr. Xu as much information as possible and let him make his own judgment.

Qin Dewei could have concealed the true situation and first lured Commander Xu into action. Then, with no way to escape from the storm, Commander Xu had to follow him to the end.

However, this kind of deceitful technique is not suitable for use on one of his own people, and it will definitely arouse the resentment of the old commander afterwards. Qin Dewei gave up after thinking about it, and decided to be honest with Commander Xu.

Commander Xu thought for a long time and suddenly asked: "Qin Dewei, can you tell the truth? What good will this do to you? What can you gain?"

Qin Dewei smiled and said: "If Mr. Xu dares to lift the lid, then I will find out something about the eunuchs bullying the people, and then go to the inner defense hall to plead for the people. After all, I am also a local scholar, and I should speak out when I see injustice.


Commander Xu: ""

Could it be that you are playing in a different way from me?

Qin Dewei had already made a plan: "First, this is an opportunity for me to gain reputation. At present, my reputation is in poetry and literature, and I lack political reputation.

For scholars like us, is there any better way to gain reputation than defeating a high-ranking eunuch? This is an honor that can last a lifetime.

It will be difficult to find another eunuch with such a big handle next time! It will be even harder to defeat him and gain political prestige!

Second, this is a huge boost to the personal image. The image of fighting eunuchs is still very useful among scholars and civil servants to accumulate the capital of their own purity.

Third, a huge reputation will also create an aura of protection for oneself. If any Nanjing official wants to target me in the future, he or she will flatter the eunuchs and help the eunuchs do evil!

Fourth, with such a political aura, during the county school examination next year, you can seek the care of the grand master and be promoted to the level of a rural student, so that you will be qualified to participate in the provincial examination. This is very important.

Don’t forget, the great master became famous during the Zhengde Dynasty when he opposed eunuchs to be punished by the imperial staff, and he became a member of the Qing Dynasty. He has such a burden, and this is his political opinion. So when he meets me who fights against eunuchs, will he?

Will you promote me just to maintain my character?"

Commander Xu was speechless, so the guard eunuch is just an ATM in your eyes?

This chapter has been completed!
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