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Chapter 26 Unworthy to be the Son of Man!

When the day of trial arrived, Qin Dewei met Mrs. Gu at the gate of the county government office, and then they went to the courtyard of the county magistrate's office to wait.

Qin Dewei asked: "Have those people who asked for marriage harassed you in the past two days? Have you done what I told you?"

Madam Gu nodded and said, "Three of them are here. They all followed your instructions and asked them to go find Yang Bo."

The defendants, Uncle Yang Qi of the Yang family, and others, as well as Yang Bo, the witness, also came today after being summoned in advance, and they are also waiting.

The two sides have already been at odds with each other in all aspects. When Yang Qi saw Mrs. Gu, she felt that cutting off someone's wealth was like killing their parents. When Yang Bo saw Qin Dewei, he felt the hatred of robbing his mother. It was almost as if they were not enemies.

After all, the trial process was relatively slow. It was almost noon before they were summoned to the court.

At this time, Xiao Fengxian Cheng was already a little tired. He just spent half an hour deciding the ownership of an egg. The owner said that the hen that worked was his, and the Xi family said that the place where the egg was laid was at his house...


However, Feng Xiancheng still worked hard to stand up for the public case. In front of the people, officials cannot lose their dignity and official dignity is indispensable.

He shouted: "Is Yang Qi here? Mr. Gu will sue you to this official and I will allow you to appeal!"

Uncle Yang Qi of the Yang family replied: "At first, I was afraid that the Gu family would move their belongings back to their parents' home or remarry someone else and take them away, so some members of the clan came to rob them!

Now that the second master has made a just decision, the younger one is willing to admit his mistake and accept the punishment, and return all his property!"

Qin Dewei glanced at Yang Qi. He was also an extraordinary character. He actually knew how to retreat in order to advance.

With this kind of attitude of proactively admitting mistakes and accepting punishment, interrogators like Feng Xiancheng often "don't care about themselves" and turn big things into trivial matters. Can they really be sentenced according to burglary?

Forget it, the point is not here anyway. There is not much point in continuing to bite. The core issue is the ownership of the four salt shops.

Sure enough, Yang Qi took the initiative to complain back: "But my Yang's Industrial Store is still in the hands of the woman, and I still refuse to return it. It may be lost at any time! My people have no choice but to ask the second master Mingjing to make a decision!"

Feng Xiancheng shouted dissatisfied: "How can this kind of thing be brought to court? It has been a custom for thousands of years. You can choose someone from the same clan and make him your stepson! You will inherit your property and incense together!"

Yang Qi quickly replied: "There has been a public discussion among our clan to choose Yang Bo to adopt as a filial son, but the woman refuses to accept it!"

Feng Xiancheng turned to Lawyer Qin again: "What else can you say?" After a quick glance, everyone's eyes were focused on Qin Dewei.

Although Mrs. Gu had been pretending to lower her head and wipe her tears as instructed, her whole body was tense at this time. This was probably the most important and critical reply today.

The filial son Yang Bo secretly raised his head and looked at Qin Dewei triumphantly. The official is going to sentence you like this, let's see what you Qin Dewei can do!

Mrs. Gu is his mother, no one can take her away! It is only natural that a stepson should inherit the property!

Qin Dewei sighed secretly, as the saying goes, it is easy to break a thief in the mountain, but it is difficult to break a thief in the heart. His opponent as a lawyer is not one or two people, but strong traditional habits.

Fortunately, this is a feudal society ruled by men. The presiding judge can decide the direction of the case in a single thought, as long as he can convince the man sitting on it.

Qin Dewei slowly raised his hand, pointed at Yang Bo, and sneered: "Is such a person worthy of being the son of man?"

Yang Bo raised his head angrily. He could just scold me in private, but how dare he scold me in court? When he inherits the property, he will definitely spend money to find a few thugs to teach this guy named Qin a lesson!

Feng Xian Cheng, who was fair and strict, took the photo of the prisoner and scolded Qin Dewei: "Lawyers should pay attention to their words. Don't act wild in court! If you break the rules again, you will be kicked out of the Yamen!"

"Second Master, I don't know. Recently, county citizens Kuang Zhengxin, Ye Gaojie, Yin Gu and others went to Gu's residence and blocked the door to ask for her hand in marriage." Qin Dewei turned to the county magistrate and replied.

Everyone is confused, what does this have to do with the stepson problem?

Qin Dewei took advantage of Feng Xiancheng to lose his patience and continued: "Three obediences and four virtues, and even if the husband dies, he will obey his son. Thinking of this, Mrs. Gu asked these three people to find Yang Bo. After all, the Yang family has designated Yang Bo as the adoptive father."

Feng Xiancheng nodded. This was very reasonable and ethical. It seemed that Mr. Gu was not a naughty and rude person.

"I heard that those three people later went to find Yang Bo..." Qin Dewei gradually got to the point and started talking about the filial son Yang Bo.

Yang Bo didn't think there was any problem. When he heard that it was Gu who asked the three people to come to him, he felt that this was a good sign that Gu recognized him as his son, so of course he had to give them a warm reception.

Just like when guests come to the house and it is not convenient for women to come out to receive them, men must of course be responsible for entertaining them.

Moreover, those three people were also very nice to him. They even gave him gifts and money, and they spoke nicely, so why not?

Qin Dewei suddenly said loudly: "I'd like to ask the second master to tell you the truth! The purpose of those three people is very clear, which is to marry the Gu family!

And Yang Bo, who considers himself the son of the Gu family, collects a lot of money for his mother's remarriage, just like a rare commodity!"

It was obviously a sunny day today, but it seemed like a huge thunder struck in the courtroom.

Qin Dewei pointed at Yang Bo again and roared with a ferocious face: "This is simply unscrupulous! This is selling a son for his mother, which is contrary to human ethics! How can it be said!"

Feng Xian Cheng was so shocked that his ears buzzed. He subconsciously picked up the gavel and wanted to take a picture of it and sentence him to a "roaring court", but he still had no words.

Selling a son for his mother is a violation of human relations... Do you want to be so cruel?

Madam Gu, who had been acting in a pitiful posture, suddenly raised her head in shock. This was the situation, but how could it be interpreted this way?

No wonder Qin Dewei ordered him to send several suitors to Yang Bo two days ago, and hinted them to please Yang Bo and give him some benefits.

Those few suitors probably thought that the young widow was worried that her stepson would hinder her remarriage, so they asked them to please Yang Bo first. With Yang Bo's money-grubbing temperament, how could he accept money without accepting gifts?

Qin Dewei let out a long sigh, then changed his gesture and pointed at the young widow: "Poor Mrs. Gu is thinking about celebrating the festival for her late husband, but she doesn't want her step-son to be like an animal before she arrives, forcing her mother to remarry, how unworthy of human kindness!"

Well, the crime was not only selling the mother, but also obstructing the widow from observing the festival.

The little widow couldn't help but glance at the young lawyer secretly. Who wants to keep the rules? She is a young woman in her twenties, and she doesn't want to keep the rules!

Qin Dewei stared back. No, you want to keep it, I said you want to keep it, you just want to keep it!

Also, who told you to look up? Just keep lowering your head and wiping your tears! Poor acting skills and not being able to cry are a matter of ability, but being able to just stare is a matter of attitude!

After glaring at Sister Party A, Qin Dewei turned his gesture back again, pointed at Yang Bo viciously and shouted: "Tell it yourself, are you worthy of being the son of a human being!"

"I, I, I..." Yang Bo was already dumbfounded and couldn't even stammer out any words.

Not only Yang Bo, but also everyone in the Yang clan in the hall was dumbfounded. This young lawyer, despite his young age, was so cruel that it was beyond imagination.

This chapter has been completed!
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