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Chapter 260 Some people have already...

Chapter 260 Some people have already

Commander Xu had not yet thought who the familiar government officer was, but officials from the Xicheng Procuratorate and the Military and Horse Department came again, standing outside and unable to squeeze into the room.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the yamen with judicial power in Nanjing sent people to come.

Among the people in the room, the highest-ranking ones were Zhao Fuxian, the Censor of Caojiang, and Zhang Shilang, the Minister of Punishment of Nanjing. Both of them probably felt that the other was their biggest rival, and they had a heated argument against each other.

Because the room was too small, the distance between the two was so close that they could poke each other in the face with just a finger, and it looked like they were about to start a fight.

Zhang Shilang sneered loudly and said: "You, Jiang Yushi, are just a martial arts yamen. If you don't train your navy honestly, why do you still want to try such a big case?"

The name Cao Jiang Yushi seems like a very strange official position, but it is actually very powerful.

The imperial court specially appointed the Deputy Capital Censor or the Qiandu Censor to be in charge of the Yangtze River Navy upstream and downstream of Nanjing. The yamen was located in Xinjiangying outside the city, so it was ridiculed by Zhang Shilang as the "Wufu Yamen".

Zhao Fuxian's face turned red, with veins popping out on his forehead, and he argued: "Fucking the censor Jiang is not considered a martial artist, so why can't the censor try the case?"

Zhang Shilang roared with laughter: "What trial? A few days ago, someone saw you boarding a boat and running around in the river, unable to catch the culprits. I'm afraid you didn't want to rob the criminal this time, and then went to cover up your ugly appearance!"

Then other officials were not willing to be left alone. Some were helpful, some were able to draw chestnuts from the fire, and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers.

The main room was too small, and everyone was making a lot of noise in the room. Everyone felt dizzy and depressed, so they all started shouting and going out to talk.

Commander Xu was secretly frightened while enjoying the scene of the high-ranking civil servants fighting each other. Only now did he truly understand what a big deal he had done and how tempting he was to the civil servants.

The case of the Twenty-Five Giant Bandits is like a big piece of fat falling out of thin air, and everyone wants to take it away.

The thieves came from Eunuch Pan's house. Even if Eunuch Pan didn't know about it, he couldn't escape his involvement. The crime must be judged, just the size of the crime.

Whoever tries the case and pleads guilty to the Nanjing garrison eunuch will gain great prestige and strong qualifications in the civil service, just like those who picked it up for free.

Note: The judgment is not based on the crime of Shang Shu. In theory, only the emperor can judge eunuchs.

If Eunuch Pan knew about it, that would be even better. He could find a way to prove his ignorance. As long as Eunuch Pan is willing to offer some benefits in exchange, this charge can be easily negotiated, no matter how big or small, and he will gain both fame and fortune.

The little transparent Tian Jinyi standing behind Commander Xu was also shocked, and his greed emerged uncontrollably.

He took a deep breath and whispered to Commander Xu: "Brother-in-law, I'm afraid you can't control it, why don't you let me come forward?"

Commander Xu looked at Tian Jinyi strangely: "What else do you have in mind?"

Tian Jinyi said angrily: "I just don't accept it. Why did the two of us work so hard to arrest someone, but in the end we had to hand it over to their civilian officials for trial. In the end, the reputation and benefits belong to them!"

Commander Xu: ""

Who are you working so hard with? You are just watching the fun from the side, okay! Please wake up, I am just sharing some of the credit with you for the sake of your relatives!

Tian Jinyi continued to act stupid and revealed his thoughts: "Justice is not limited to civil servants, we Jinyiwei can also try cases!"

Commander Xu said in surprise: "You Nanjing Jinyiwei are just decorations, how can you have the right to review cases?"

Tian Jinyi immediately replied: "We can record the confession first and then send it to the Jinyi Guards of the capital to close the case!"

"Then you can escort the prisoners to the capital, and then naturally find a job in the Jinyi Guards of the capital?" Commander Xu saw through it and said, they are all close relatives, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Tian Jinyi, who had just been dismissed from his job, laughed "hehehe" with anticipation. The Jinyiwei of the northern capital were much more powerful than the Jinyiwei of Nanjing. They were the real ears, eyes and minions of the emperor.

Commander Xu sighed: "Don't have such wishful thinking, you can't control it either."

Tian Jinyi looked at a group of civil servants and said: "We Jinyiwei act independently and are not restricted by civil servants. We are not afraid of them!"

Commander Xu replied with a touch of sarcasm: "I don't understand politics, but I understand Qin Dewei. Do you think Qin Dewei won't eat it himself after cutting off such a big piece of meat?"

I don’t know if he is mocking Tian Jinyi or these civil servants.

Tian Jinyi was still unconvinced and said: "Qin Dewei and the others didn't come!"

Commander Xu looked at the middle-aged yamen servant who was standing among a group of officials with a very awkward and reserved expression and said, "But Qin Dewei's uncle is here."

Officials from various yamen stood in the courtyard at the base of the city wall, taking a few breaths of fresh spring air. Their minds regained clarity and they started arguing again.

Suddenly, a high-pitched and sharp suona sound sounded, which not only pierced everyone's eardrums, but also directly penetrated everyone's souls.

The king of musical instruments' tone was extraordinary and non-competitive, completely suppressing the quarrel among the officials.

The direction I heard was coming from outside the courtyard wall. Not to mention the distance, it was from the house next door.

All the officials who had been breached were shouting in their hearts, who could afford to play the suona here after having enough food to prevent others from quarreling!

A soldier stood at the entrance of the courtyard and tried his best to report to the officials: "I have learned that the ceremony for Qin Dewei's entry into the city is being held outside!"

Everyone: ""

When you return to the city, you go back to the city, and you even have an entry ceremony on horseback? Do you think you are a triumphant commander?

Alas, they are still here fighting for a chance to show off, but some of them have almost finished pretending.

Zhang Shilang didn't know whether it was envy or jealousy, but he shouted loudly: "There must be some stupid man and woman who doesn't know the importance of the matter. They are making noises and joining in the fun there. The impact is really not good, so hurry up and disperse!"

The soldier shouted again: "A group of county students gathered at the gate of the city to welcome Qin Dewei's return with great fanfare. They will be reciting poems for a while! How dare you guys chase people away!"

Everyone: ""

He escaped and hid for two days and then returned with a great reputation?

Alas, they are still here fighting for reputation, but some people have already grabbed the reputation.

Zhang Shilang had no choice but to shout again: "Then tell them to stop playing the suona!"

Finally, when the sound of the suona stopped and the officials had not spoken again, the only middle-aged government official suddenly summoned up the courage and humbly shouted: "Master Xu! I'm here to arrest someone!"

A dozen eyes were like lightning, directed at the unknown Yamen servant. Zhang Shilang shouted: "Bold! Is there a place for you to speak here? Are you from that Yamen?"

The middle-aged yamen servant replied weakly: "The younger one is the head of the fast class in Jiangning County."

Everyone was speechless, why did you, Jiangning County, send a catcher here? Is it because you, the catcher, don't know how to behave normally, and you were tricked into doing this kind of job?

At the city gate ceremony, the suona stopped because it was time to recite poems.

Qin Dewei was so proud that he chanted to his classmates in the county school: "I have been studying law and reading for fourteen years, and there is a blue sky on my head as a scholar. If a man wants to paint Lingyan Pavilion, his first honor is to speak out!"

Everyone cheers together, and the ceremony to welcome Classmate Qin back to the city with honor is over! I hope that the benefits promised by Classmate Qin will be fulfilled.

Qin Dewei was about to leave the city gate when he suddenly saw many carriages, horses and sedans parked in the courtyard of the main squad room next to him, and he felt very puzzled.

He asked Gao Changjiang: "What is going on?"

Gao Changjiang replied: "It seems that a group of officials ran over to find someone to commit."

Fog grass! Qin Dewei was shocked. He almost miscalculated. He never expected that so many people would jump out to pick peaches!

This chapter has been completed!
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