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Chapter 262 Can you be a good student?

After a brief silence, someone finally dared to speak. How could all the officials in the hospital be intimidated by a young man?

Zhang Shilang from the Criminal Department snorted coldly and said again: "It won't work this way, that won't work either. Shouldn't the case be tried? Then tell me, how do you think the case should be handled?"

Who doesn't know how to troll someone? If someone else comes up with a proposal and you troll them, then if you have the ability, you should express your opinion and accept the baptism of others.

Qin Dewei said without hesitation: "Of course it's Jiangning County."

Zhang Shilang sneered at this: "Jianning County didn't even come to the county magistrate, and you still want to fight for the right to hear cases?"

Qin Dewei asked: "Why do we need the county magistrate to come?"

Zhang Shilang replied: "The fact that the county magistrate didn't come here shows that he doesn't take this matter seriously at all, and he still gave the case to Jiangning County. Isn't it morally justified?"

Qi Zhixian of Shangyuan County suddenly said: "What Qin Sheng probably means is that the initial trial should be heard by people-friendly officials on the ground, so Jiangning County was chosen.

In fact, the case can also be placed in Shangyuan County for preliminary trial, and the effect will be the same. Then it will be reported to the government for review, and then the Ministry of Punishment will make the final trial.

Such layer-by-layer supervision can avoid errors and misjudgments. If the administrative office that tries the case is too high at the beginning, it will be inconvenient for multi-layer supervision and review."

Qin Dewei couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Qi is really a talented person, but Mr. Feng has gone to the capital to report on his work. He might be promoted to the sixth department. Why is the county magistrate next door to you still the magistrate of Yuan County?"

""Qi Zhixian immediately shut himself up and didn't want to talk for the time being.

After casually dealing with the sixth grade magistrate, Qin Dewei said to Zhang Shilang again: "I dare not agree with Shao Sikou's opinion. If the Jiangning magistrate doesn't come, we won't be able to handle things?

In fact, I think that there is a very bad trend in the government, which is that it relies too much on people to govern. Things cannot be done without people, and things must be done by people. If the chief official does not come forward, things will not move forward. If the chief official does not speak out, others will


Immediately, an official from Dali Temple in Nanjing shouted: "The clouds and mountains are shrouded in fog, making things mysterious and confusing! I can't see what Jiangning County has to offer over us!"

Qin Dewei said calmly: "Just a few days ago, the victims of the robbery went to Jiangning County to report the crime.

The Jiangning County government has approved the complaint, and this is the correct way to do things! I know that justice must follow procedures, and we cannot always rely on officials to force it forward!"

I couldn't help but add another complaint: "I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying that all the yamen present are too impatient.

Until now, you gentlemen, you don’t even have a single accuser, but they are all running over to demand prisoners, how can you be so lonely as a chicken?”

Wucao! Everyone was shocked, Jiangning County actually ambush this kind of layout in advance!

They all just heard the news about the capture of the giant bandit yesterday, and they hurried over today!

The top priority is to seize the prisoner. Who has time to find the injured plaintiff first?

If you think about it more carefully, it’s extremely abominable! What Jiangning County is doing is equivalent to kidnapping hostages! Those poor victims are being used as political bargaining chips to seize the right to trial criminals!

Qin Dewei didn't care what others thought, pointed at his uncle, and continued:

"After receiving the complaint, the Jiangning County government asked Capt. Qin to investigate the case. Capt. Qin entrusted Mr. Xu, the gatekeeper of Sanshan Gate, to assist. Now Capt. Qin has come to extract the prisoner. This is also following established procedures!

So what does it matter whether the magistrate of Jiangning County comes or not? What is meant by the smooth flow of government orders? It means that things can be done normally wherever an official document goes, rather than that things can’t be done without people!"

Everyone is kind of angry that their IQ has been crushed. You, a student from a poor county, dare to teach everyone how to be an official? You should at least pass the exam first!

The one who started it has nothing to do with it! If everyone learns from one thing, who can’t do this trick like yours?

The more down-to-earth yamen officials such as Li Fucheng, the magistrate of Qi County in Shangyuan, and a certain patrol censor all said in unison: "These victims can also complain to our yamen! Our yamen can also accept them!"

Everyone’s meaning is very straightforward. Don’t be complacent in Jiangning County. Complaints can not only be filed once, nor can they only be filed in one office. Other yamen can also take the initiative to find victims to file complaints!

Qin Dewei's face suddenly smiled again, and everyone's hearts "thumped" again!

The young boy folded his sleeves with his hands, bowed slightly, and said politely: "In addition to reading, writing poetry, and decorating, I also work part-time as a lawyer.

A few days ago, I signed death deeds with all the victims I could find, giving me full authority to represent them in the lawsuit, and then I filed a lawsuit with the Jiangning County government.

I probably won’t be able to cooperate with you this time, but if you need it in the future, I can provide you with a full range of legal consultation and litigation agency services. Please discuss the fee schedule privately.”

Everyone is speechless, no one wants your service!

Only now did everyone fully understand that the hostages were kidnapped a few days in advance. No, it was not Jiangning County who bound the victim and accuser, but you, Qin Dewei!

You, a county student, dare to control criminal names and interfere with justice. You are the top student among top students! Can you be a good student?

What can Qin Dewei do? You have to start everything well and end well, and you can't be too high in the early stage and weak in the later stage, right?

Posting posts to gain fame is all part of the first half, just routine and basic operations.

But in the second half, when the big criminal is arrested and enters the judicial process, if the people highlighted are other people, then wouldn’t it be a big loss if he was making a wedding dress for someone else?

With Qin Dewei's wisdom, of course he must plan ahead to ensure his exposure in the second half.

These people are not the beloved Mr. Feng. They have deep friendships and can give away their credit and reputation in vain.

Why should I share the pork I cut off with my own ability with unrelated people?

Therefore, the young scholar said to the officials in a serious tone: "Can't you, gentlemen, think carefully about the judicial process? Can't you focus on the case itself?"

With all due respect, you are all ministers of the Ming Dynasty, so you should work hard and focus on your business, and don’t just chase fame and fortune."

Everyone couldn't help but murmur: "You are just a scholar, you can eat so much and you are not afraid of stuffing yourself to death!"

People who have never seen Qin Dewei with their own eyes cannot imagine how such a young man could exist in the world.

Reading stories from ancient times, when someone sees a certain child, he often exclaims that this child must be extraordinary. People find it difficult to believe this kind of wise and discerning story, and suspect that it is an afterthought.

But today, everyone suddenly felt that the ancient stories may be true. But if you meet a teenager like Qin Dewei, do you still need a keen eye? Even a blind man can see the extraordinary!

Qin Dewei turned to Commander Xu and said, "Master Xu, don't waste any more time and hand over to Capt. Qin! However, there are a lot of prisoners. Please send a sergeant to escort them to the county jail!"

Commander Xu secretly lamented that before Qin Dewei came, he was the most noticed person in the audience. But after Qin Dewei came, the stars became sparse and he became a little transparent. He couldn't accept it.

I didn't know who it was, but I was really angry and shouted: "Qin Dewei, it's not kind of you to eat alone!"

Zhang Shilang, who had the highest status, heard someone shouting such words and couldn't help but cursed "idiot" in his heart! Then he turned around and left.

Not only Mr. Zhang, but also many people were ready to leave immediately after hearing these words.

Because everyone has already seen that this matter was probably planned by Qin Dewei from beginning to end. Otherwise, why did Qin Dewei know the layout a few days in advance?

So this was originally Qin Dewei's "eating alone", just like the prey harvested by a hunter.

But they can tacitly pretend to be stupid, pretending not to know that this is Qin Dewei's prey, and then continue to snatch it.

And Qin Dewei was embarrassed to say clearly that he only dared to post an expose to uphold justice because he knew in advance that something was going to happen to Eunuch Pan.

This is the only chance they and others have left! Now that some idiot has punctured the window paper, we can no longer pretend to be stupid!

With Qin Dewei's wit, what else would he do if he didn't leave? Waiting to continue being humiliated?

This chapter has been completed!
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