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Chapter 270 Future Leader

Chapter 270 The future leader

At this time, Qin Dewei finally understood why this thin scholar who was less than 20 years old was so arrogant and dared to kill hundreds of people on the side of the canal running from south to north.

If this person is really Li Panlong, he indeed has this strength.

Although history experts who love watching "Ming Dynasty xxxx" and "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" are unfamiliar with Li Panlong, he is a character who cannot be avoided in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

In the mainstream circles of the Ming Dynasty, there are the first seven sons and the second seven sons. As mentioned before, the leader of the first seven sons group was Li Mengyang, who died two months before Qin Dewei traveled through. Wang Tingxiang, the former Nanjing Grand Sima who had a good relationship with Qin Dewei, was also one of the first seven sons.

As an aside, Qin Dewei once curiously asked Wang Tingxiang, why don't you show off your skills by writing poems? Then Wang Tingxiang thought he was mocking himself, and got angry and beat Qin Dewei out.

Later, Qin Dewei learned a small rumor in the Ming Dynasty. Wang Tingxiang's level was actually not that good. He was able to join the top seven groups at first because of his connections. Later, his status in the Ming Dynasty was maintained entirely through his official position.

Now the first seven sons have gradually begun to wither and die, and in the next few decades, it will be the era of the rise of the second seven sons.

Wang Shizhen, the suspected author of "Jin Ping Berry", is also among the seven later sons. Wang Shizhen, who is now seven years old, calls Qin Dewei uncle when he meets him. Who makes Qin Dewei have a friendship with his father?

The Li Panlong in front of him was the future leader of the Seven Sons Group and the leader of the altar. He and Wang Shizhen presided over the altar for twenty years until his death.

Although the southerners who later controlled the altar, such as Shui Tailiang and Qian, all attacked Li Panlong as inferior to Wang Shizhen and the poems he wrote were rubbish, it all depended on who he was comparing to.

The leader mentioned here is not a parallel leader like Mr. Gu from Nanjing, but a leader in the national forum. After the entire Ming Dynasty entered its mature period, there were only a few leaders who could be universally recognized.

Li Dongyang, Li Mengyang, Li Panlong, Wang Shizhen, Li Weizhen, if the water is too cold or the last one can be crossed out.

There have been five or six people in the past two hundred years. There are so many strong people, and they are at the most energetic age. Are they crazy enough to be determined to kill a hundred people? The answer is of course yes.

After all, the level of most scholars was mediocre, and there were not many poems in the entire Ming Dynasty that could be famous for later generations.

With Li Panlong's strength, a hundred consecutive victories is not impossible.

That's why Qin Dewei thought just now that this person might be a fool, a second-rate idiot, and he would lose if he takes one more look at him.

But after guessing that it was Li Panlong, I felt that this man really had a strange skeleton, and he was as arrogant, wild and unrestrained as himself.

The thin scholar who was suspected of being Li Panlong saw that Qin Dewei seemed to be distracted, and thought that Qin Dewei was shocked by his own actions, so he shouted: "Boy! If you are incompetent, just admit defeat as soon as possible, don't waste other people's time!"

Damn it! Qin Dewei took back his reverie about historical celebrities. This kind of attitude of treating himself like a scumbag is so disgusting! He has always treated others like this!

Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Dewei showed a perverted smile, "The poem already existed at that time. You can carefully review it according to your conscience. If you can't say it well, I will lose this game."

The thin scholar said disdainfully: "You southern scholars are used to bragging first and not stopping until your words are shocking. I won't care about this with you. If you have something, show it first!"

Qin Dewei chanted: "Jimen sends immortals to you in the autumn. On this day, we open the bottles to express the beauty of the year. Osmanthus trees grow in the mountains in the bitter rain, and plum blossoms fall on the Huairen River."

When spring comes, wild geese write thousands of miles away, and at night when they enter the building, thousands of houses are covered with snow. When Wu is still traveling alone in southern Guangdong and Eastern Wu, he should pity the poor official who is stuck in the world."

Oops, what does this feel like? The thin scholar couldn't help but frowned slightly.

The song played by the other party is not a shocking masterpiece, but why do you feel it tastes so good? Why do you admire it so much inexplicably?

And even in terms of quality, these two sentences seem to be able to compare with my own song. When spring comes, wild geese travel thousands of miles away, and when night comes, snow falls on the roof of thousands of homes.

Qin Dewei continued to maintain his perverted smile, and said casually: "I borrowed the rhyme of your previous work, as well as the words spring, cherishing people, plum blossoms, rain, etc., and wrote a random song, which made me laugh!"

There’s no other meaning, it’s just to show off your skills! Whatever rhymes and words you use, I’ll use the same ones, proving that we also made them up.

The thin scholar struggled for a long time and said with a sullen face: "I really can't say anything bad. I give up in this game."

Qin Dewei laughed even more pervertedly, because the poem he released was originally written by Li Panlong in the original time and space.

He had a bad taste just now, so he couldn't help but test the effect. But let's forget about this destructive thing from now on, try not to copy the work of his contemporaries, and give others some way to survive.

The other two local scholars were shocked. Li Panlong was a real young genius. This was the first time they had seen someone forcefully suppress Li Panlong like this! Especially since this man looked younger!

Qin Dewei has become accustomed to winning poetry competitions, and now the greater pleasure lies in teasing the future leader of the altar.

"We agreed that each person will give one question. It's your turn to come up with the questions. Why don't you continue?"

Li Panlong didn't say anything yet, but a square-faced local scholar next to him said anxiously: "Of course I have to continue! I will answer this question!"

How could the young geniuses from Shandong Province lose to those from other places, especially those from the south!

The square-faced scholar continued: "There was a local famous concubine who sang and danced on the stage during the Lantern Festival, and unfortunately died of a serious illness a few days ago, so I took this as my title!"

This is obviously a very eccentric topic, because the square-faced scholars saw that Qin Dewei was not very old, and speculated that Qin Dewei had little experience with women and would definitely not be able to write corresponding good poems.

As the saying goes, if there is no life experience, where can the masterpieces that touch people's hearts come from?

At this time, it was raining heavily outside. A beautiful woman holding a pipa hurriedly walked into the tea shop to avoid the rain.

The square-faced scholar greeted him familiarly: "Come and sit here!"

Then he said to the others: "Since the topic is about women, let the beauty comment on this round!"

This calculation is very precise, the local beauties will definitely be attracted to the locals.

Qin Dewei didn't care, and said to Li Panlong calmly: "My friend, seeing all your calculations, it's better for you to invite me first! Otherwise, you will feel ashamed after I take action."

Unknowingly, the momentum of the two sides was reversed, but Li Panlong was not convinced and could only endure it for the time being. After all, he lost the previous game and had no confidence if his skills were not as good as others.

So Li Panlong threw out the work first: "The song is still in the dust, the dancing sleeves are just shadows. The falling moon looks into the pearl mirror, and the youth is dark and jade."

He returned to the gorge for the sake of the cloud, stole medicine and went to the human world. With the help of spiritualism, he returned slowly and step by step."

As a commemorative song, this song was quite qualified, but Qin Dewei laughed, pointed at the three local people, and said mockingly:

"You guys are just pretending to write a condolence and a few words of false affection! After a while, who will remember whom? In a few years, I'm afraid even the names of the people will be forgotten!"

The square-faced scholar couldn't help shouting: "Stop just making comments, if you have the ability, write one too!"

Then Qin Dewei slapped the table and chanted in rhythm:

"Swallows hold mud in their mouths, and the mud is full of snow. Love has long been closed in Nanmo.

When looking for beauty, it is better to sing and walk on the sand, and don’t ask about rain or shine.

The branches bloom, the flowers shed their calyces, and today and yesterday are separated in a few days.

This year’s lantern market has already gone where it left off, let alone last year’s people.”

Li Panlong: ""

For the first time since childhood, he felt the feeling of being fooled by someone's talent.

This chapter has been completed!
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