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Chapter 274 Heaven's Prestige is Unpredictable (Part 2)

Chapter 274 The power of God is unpredictable (Part 2)

After talking to Gao Zhong, Qin Fu continued to walk west. Not far away, when he passed by the gate of Yangxin Hall, he saw two eunuchs in bright red embroidered clothes standing in the gate talking.

When you get closer, you can see clearly that one is Zhang Zuo, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, and the other is Bi Yun, the eunuch of the ceremony and the director of the East Factory.

These two positions are the nominal number one and number two in the eunuch system, the so-called Yin Gong and Factory Gong.

At this time, the two people were arguing about something. It looked like a quarrel. The young eunuchs who passed by didn't stop. They all lowered their heads and walked away quickly.

Qin Fu, a man of his status, is not afraid of trouble. He heard a few words from a close distance and found out that the quarrel was about a man named Feng En Sinchen.

This Feng En was sent to prison last year, and the Director of Ceremonies had previously issued a decree that if the prison trial failed to produce a result, Feng En would be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment.

Although the Chao Prison was located in Fusi, Jinyiwei Town, the Factory and Guards had long been integrated. Jinyiwei actually accepted the leadership of Dongchang, and the Chao Prison was also the Chao Prison of the Factory Guards.

Therefore, after the New Year, the Chief of Ceremonies urged Dongchang to quickly transfer Feng En to the Ministry of Punishment, and then repeated the report and kept it in the file, and the pending decree was cancelled.

As for what happened to Feng En in the end, it has nothing to do with their eunuchs! Anyway, don’t get into this trouble!

But factory boss Bi Yun may think it's a shame. If a case entered the factory guard's office and was handed over to someone else, wouldn't this undermine the factory guard's authority?

Therefore, Eunuch Bi was unwilling to give in and blocked Eunuch Yin Zhang Zuo at the gate of Yangxin Hall today.

"For so many years in Dongchang, prisoners from other places have only been sent to prison, but prisoners have never been sent from prison to other places!" Bi Yun said loudly: "It is a shame and a great humiliation for such a thing to happen in my hands!"

The key is that if something like this happens, what will others think? Is it because the factory guards are not doing their job well? Or is it because the factory guards are failing?

Zhang Zuo was very impatient after being pestered by Bi Yun, "You tried until the end of last year, but you didn't find Chou Yinmao, so why are you still keeping people?"

Who knows what the emperor is thinking, maybe the emperor sees that your factory guards are not doing well recently, and intends to beat you! You, Bi Yun, still want to struggle?

Bi Yun retorted: "It's just that there is no result for the time being, and the emperor has not set a deadline for his death. Why are you urging us? Why do you look like you are eager for us to hand over the person as soon as possible?"

Zhang Zuoye said angrily: "Does the Chief of Ceremony still have to listen to Dongchang on how to handle things?"

Bi Yun suddenly caught a glimpse of a spectator nearby, and immediately pulled Qin Fu in and asked Qin Fu, "Come to judge!"

Qin Fu was not an old member of Xingdi, and Bi Yun, a "remnant of the previous dynasty", felt that Qin Fu would at least not go against him.

Qin Fu first advised the factory owner Bi Yun: "In the final analysis, it is the emperor's will. It is useless for you, Old Bi, to compete with the Chief of Ceremonies."

Then he said to Yin Gong Zhang Zuo: "This matter is not only the face of the factory guard, but also the face of our ministers. It is understandable that Lao Bi is anxious, and Mr. Zhang should not be too merciless."

The persuasion was really fair, and neither party was offended.

Zhang Zuo snorted coldly: "The decree has been sent out, how can it be left hanging without any results? There must be a reprise."

Qin Fu deliberately emphasized: "The imperial edict is the imperial edict of the emperor, and the recital is only for the emperor. It is meaningless for you two to argue here."

Bi Yun said to Zhang Zuo: "That's right. You and I will go to see the saint together!"

"The emperor is going to practice immortality today!" Qin Fu said this and left. He did not persuade Bi Yun to go to the emperor, it was Bi Yun who thought of it himself!

However, since the emperor is cultivating immortality today, he must not be disturbed, and Bi Yun can only visit him again tomorrow.

After a busy day, Qin Fu returned to Qianqing Palace at dusk.

If a eunuch like him in charge of the Qianqing Palace could not serve the emperor all day long, how could he maintain a relationship with the emperor? In fact, to put it bluntly, it can be said in six words: "Ask for instructions in the morning and report back in the evening."

Qin Fu once told the emperor in private that this was called "Morning and Dusk Calming the Province", which successfully made the Emperor laugh.

Emperor Jiajing was reading in the south study room of Qianqing Palace. Qin Fu came to see him and reported his errands today.

Then he said casually: "When I went out on business today, I met Zhang Zuo and Bi Yun. Listening to what they said, I'm afraid that my ears will not be clean tomorrow."

Well, I just said that I heard Zhang Zuobiyun speak, and there is no need to emphasize that the way they talked was a quarrel.

"What's the matter?" Emperor Jiajing asked.

Qin Fu answered very truthfully: "I heard them say a few words, it was about a criminal minister Feng En. Bi Yun didn't seem to want to hand him over to the Ministry of Punishment."

Emperor Jiajing was busy with everything, and finally remembered the Feng En case from countless things, and said displeasedly: "Bi Yun is such an old fool! Zhang Zuo hasn't made any progress either!"

There is no need to say too much at once about the matter of water dripping from stone. Qin Fu will retire after finishing his report.

Emperor Jiajing suddenly asked Qin Fu again: "Tell me, is Bi Yun relying on his old age and selling himself off?"

Qin Fu quickly replied: "Bi Yun is an old man from the previous dynasty. He has been able to run the Dongchang for many years because of the grace and trust of Lord Long Live. He certainly doesn't have the guts to rely on his old age to live up to Lord Long Live."

When answering the emperor's inquiries, it is important to be objective and truthful. It is the lowest level to directly slander someone when you get the opportunity! Eunuch Qin disdains it!

In fact, it is true. Bi Yun is not an old member of the feudal dynasty, so how can he have such great affection and face to rely on his elders and act like his elders?

Emperor Jiajing was noncommittal and asked: "Tell me, where did he have the courage to bargain with me? How dare he bring Zhang Zuo with him!"

Upon hearing this, Eunuch Qin understood. The emperor's stubborn temper came again and he began to get into trouble.

This is when the time has come to take eye drops. Qin Fu pretended to think carefully for a while, showing that he was thinking about it immediately and had absolutely no premeditation.

Then he hesitated and said: "I am thinking in my heart that the reason why Bi Yun is bold is that he thinks he can take advantage of Lu Qianhu's affection."

The Lu Qianhu mentioned here is Lu Bing, the son of the Jiajing Emperor's wet nurse and a very close wet nurse brother. Last year, he won the title of Wu Jinshi, and then he was directly assigned to the Jinyi Guard Qianhu.

Not the kind of Jinyiwei Qianhu who lives in the streets in Xunqi, but the serious Jinyiwei North Town Fu Si Xingqianhu! Feng En was imprisoned, maybe he was training for Lu Qianhu!

Needless to say, after naming Lu Bing, Qin Fu resigned again.

For a smart man like Emperor Jiajing, his ability to make up his mind is worthy of trust, so he doesn’t have to go to great lengths to make something up.

If Emperor Jiajing had the idea that "Bi Yun dared to use Brother Nai to blackmail me" or "Bi Yun dared to use Brother Nai's friendship to play tricks on me", then he cannot blame Eunuch Qin.

After exiting the south study room, Qin Fu returned to his own room. While thinking about today's events, he quietly waited for the news that the emperor was going to bed.

He could not sleep until the emperor went to bed.

But today, he heard about Pan Zhen from Gao Zhong, and then also heard about a young scholar who he didn't dare to show any interest in, and who he definitely didn't dare to take the initiative to inquire about. When he was alone at night, he felt a little confused.

Those who step on the horse must have climbed to a higher level, otherwise how could they have become a scholar?

This chapter has been completed!
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