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Chapter two hundred and seventy seventh bitter meat plan

In the Ming Dynasty, if you were asked what the most important tasks of the official position of county magistrate were, the simplest standard answer would definitely be one money and two punishments.

If the answer is more comprehensive, you can also add education, public security, etc. But no matter how you add or subtract it, there will definitely be no content such as welcome, farewell, and entertainment in the standard answer.

However, in fact, greetings and entertainment are a very important part of the work of local officials, especially those along the main transportation lines.

Logically speaking, when officials are on official business, the treatment they receive while on the road is stipulated by the system.

However, in actual operation, for the local officials responsible for reception and supply, sometimes they will offend people if they follow the rules, and sometimes they will offend others if they do not follow the rules. It is very difficult to handle.

"So, what exactly do you want to say?" Zeng's father asked his son, "Shaozukazai will arrive in Liaocheng this evening. How do you think we should receive him?"

Qin Dewei waved his hand and ordered: "Let the post station do things according to the rules! Not a penny more, not a penny less!"

Zeng's father didn't understand the unspoken rules. He complained: "That's Shaozukazai who is the most important to the officials! He must be used to enjoying it all the way here. If it is arranged like this, he will definitely be dissatisfied!"

Qin Dewei saw through everything and said: "For someone who is not kind to others, if we follow the rules, he will probably be dissatisfied. But if we go to great lengths to entertain people beyond the standard, he will definitely be dissatisfied!

Both the left and right are dissatisfied, so why bother with that? Just save yourself some effort! Follow the rules and at least you won’t be wronged officially!"

Zeng's father also enlightened and said: "If he dares to act dissatisfied with the regulations, can we accuse him of being arrogant and exceeding the regulations?"

Qin Dewei laughed and said: "How can a person have such bad intentions? If he is not satisfied with the arrangement, he can say it and then we can correct it, right? Anyway, he said he would stay for several days."

Zeng's father always felt that Qin Dewei seemed to be expecting Huo Shilang to be angry, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"By the way, don't go see Shaozhong Zai at night, so as not to cause more trouble. This man has ulterior motives, so try to avoid him." Qin Dewei added.

Zeng's father said with some doubts: "It's really not in line with etiquette for the local officials not to show up when important officials are passing through."

In fact, according to the system, the county magistrate has his own dignity as the parent of a county and does not need to visit the immigration officials, but now it is a kind of etiquette.

"Isn't there still a prefect? ​​Just let the prefect Kou go to see Shaozukazai on behalf of the local area. Presumably the prefect Kou will be very happy." Qin Dewei's arrangement was clear.

Then he reminded: "You are now regarded by others as a member of Uncle Xia Dazong's faction. You must stand firm. Don't be too enthusiastic about Uncle Xia Dazong's enemies."

The distance between official inns and inn stations is very particular. Under normal circumstances, it can be guaranteed that under normal itinerary, you will be able to reach an inn station in the evening.

The official ship of Huo Tao, the right minister of the Ministry of Personnel, arrived at Chongwu Station outside the east gate of Liaocheng this evening. This is a water station close to the canal, and even the dock is called Chongwu Station Wharf.

The official ship has a special berth, and you can enter the inn as soon as you get off the ship. Everything has been arranged in advance, and Huo Shilang can check in and rest when he arrives.

Qin Dewei was having dinner with his parents in the county government office. Speaking of it, Qin Dewei had traveled through time for almost three years. There were only a handful of times when he could have dinner as a family.

Only halfway through eating, I heard a report that something had happened at Chongwu Station, and the station manager had been tied up and beaten.

Zengzhi County was furious. Although Yi Cheng had no rank, he was still an official and a face person who represented the county government in reception work. How could he just beat someone casually? If he was dissatisfied with the reception, it would be nothing to beat him.

Qin Dewei quickly held down Zeng Hou’s father, “Don’t go over there yet! Ask someone else from the county government to take a look!”

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Zhixian issued an order, asking Dian Shi, who was responsible for public security, to take a few officers to Chongwu Station to calm the situation.

Dian Shi left as ordered. Zeng Zhixian and Qin Dewei were sitting in the hall waiting. At this time, more detailed news came back.

It turns out that the inn operates according to the regulations, and Huo Shilang's own accommodation must be good, but the entourage who follows Huo Shilang can only make do with the arrangement, and a few people sleep in a big bunk.

This is normal in the first place, but how good treatment can the servants and entourage expect? If there are not enough rooms, they can only sleep in Datong bunk.

But today, a follower named Mai got angry and went to beat Yi Cheng. Then the other followers followed him and held down Yi Cheng. As a result, Yi Cheng was seriously injured in the end.

Zeng Zhixian became even more angry after hearing this, and couldn't help but cursed: "You have no respect, you are a scum, you are simply domineering! How can there be such a person under a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs!"

Qin Dewei said suspiciously: "How do I feel that they are deliberately causing trouble? Do they want to use this to lure you, Mr. Zeng?"

At this time, another panting police officer came over and reported, "Huang Dianshi was also beaten! The people over there are really arrogant!"

Bang! Qin Dewei slapped the case and said: "I'm sure, they just want to lure you, Mr. Zeng! If others can't solve the situation, you have to go, Mr. Zeng!"

Zeng Zhixian said without fear: "Just go and go, are you still afraid? I'm just a follower, but you still want to turn the world upside down? Even if Huo Shilang comes forward, he can't get away with it!"

Qin Dewei said distressedly: "But I just can't figure it out. What could they do if they lured you over, Mr. Zeng? Even with my intelligence, I can't figure out what their purpose is?"

Is it possible that you still want to beat up Mr. Zeng, a local parent official? If so, it would be better! Huo Shilang no longer has to go to the capital to take up his post, and can return directly to his hometown.

Why don't Master Zeng consider this painful plan? Uncle Xia Dazong will definitely be extremely grateful to you, and it will be of great benefit in the future."

Zeng's father glared at Qin Dewei, "What do you mean by this? Are you looking forward to being beaten as a father? If you tell me, you will be punished for disobedience!"

Qin Dewei, the filial son, said quickly: "Nothing else, I just want to say, let me fulfill my filial piety and go for you! Anyway, you can't do things according to their ideas!"

"It's okay for you to go, it's still asking for directions, but you need to bring more people and pay attention to safety." Zeng's father pondered for a moment and then made a decision. Qin Dewei is different from ordinary teenagers, and his ability to do things is trustworthy.

He also ordered the officers: "Quickly go to the county government office to count the able-bodied men and bring out thirty of them!"

In Chongwu Yili, Mai Xiang stood under the big tree with an arrogant and arrogant attitude.

What kind of Yi Cheng, what kind of Si Lao Dian Shi, who beat me when I asked, but others still dared to be angry and dare not speak out! This is what it means to be a human being, and the first thirty years of life were simply in vain!

I deliberately caused trouble today. On the one hand, I was angry because I was arranged to sleep in Datongbu, but I didn’t even arrange a beauty for myself at night!

At the same time, Master Huo also taught me that I should never expose my identity and try to come up with a painful trick, so that my brother can help me speak out.

I don’t know what kind of meat it is, at least it feels good now, or is sleeping in Datongpu considered a bitter meat?

This chapter has been completed!
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