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Chapter 279: The Bitter Meat Plan (Part 2)

Chapter 279: The Bitter Meat Scheme (Part 2)

While a group of people surnamed Mai left the courtyard gate, Qin Dewei quickly ordered the strong men to rescue people first. Several officials who had been beaten and injured were still lying on the ground.

Seeing the miserable appearance of these people with scars, Qin Dewei couldn't help but sigh, grassroots work is not easy.

It is said that those who work in the post station, from the post chief to the servants, are either officials or dignitaries. If they are not beaten, they will live a good life, and if they are beaten less often, they will have a good year.

The strong men were about to lift people, but the injured ones had to be supported and stood up. They saluted Qin Dewei and said, "Thank you, Mr. Young Master, for your rescue!"

Qin Dewei sighed sympathetically, waved his hand and said: "Go back to the county office quickly and find a medical doctor to treat your injuries! I will take care of it for you!"

My stepfather also wants to be the county magistrate here, so it's not a bad thing to have the opportunity to win people's hearts.

Then Qin Dewei continued to take the remaining strong men out of the courtyard gate and went to the opposite side.

I happened to see the boy named Mai kicking away the round-faced boy and was about to rush in.

Qin Dewei coldly stretched out his hand to the side and shouted softly: "Come on!"

Immediately, someone brought a yamen-standard water and fire stick and respectfully handed it to the county government's eldest son, telling him which end was covered with iron and which end was made of wood.

With a stick in hand, Qin Dewei was filled with emotion, and gradually he could finally do it himself.

A fifteen-year-old and a twelve- or thirteen-year-old are in two different physical states, not to mention that he has not been short of meat in the past two years!

"Fight me!" Qin Dewei shouted, and he got angry. He split Huashan with one move and hit Mai Xiang head and face.

Mai Xiang was completely unprepared for what was happening behind him. He never expected that someone would hit him if he dared to pass by. Moreover, he attacked him from behind and received several sticks immediately.

He staggered and almost fell to the ground. He reluctantly supported Zhaobi. Then he turned around and saw that it was the young man named Qin who represented the county government who made the move!

Bastard! You are seeking death! Do you ants know who I am, Mai Xiang?

Qin Dewei shook his head, he was still not strong enough now. If it were Feng Caiji who had done it, with the same moves, Mai would have been lying flat long ago.

The county government officers here in Liaocheng County all have grievances. Anyone who sees local officials being beaten is also dissatisfied, but they dare not speak out in the face of the powerful.

If the eldest son, Qin Dewei, had not taken the lead, they might not have dared to take action, but since the eldest son had taken the lead, and they had more people and strength, they were emboldened.

Everyone swarmed up, surrounded the man named Mai and the two followers, and began to fight in a group. These three were the most domineering and hateful. Two or three of Huo Shilang's servants tried to stop them, but they were also beaten.

The government officials still have a sense of moderation in beating people and will not beat them to death.

It was too late for Mai Xiang to shout something, and probably no one would believe him.

So pretend to be comatose. This is a skill that Mai Xiang has learned from working at the bottom for many years. He originally thought that he wouldn't be able to use it after he became more developed, but he didn't expect that he would still have the opportunity to use it today.

He was very sure that these people would not beat him to death. The coma was actually a kind of protection for himself.

Lying on the ground, Mai Xiang let go of his body and mind and pretended to be comatose. Countless scenes from his life flashed through his mind. The kapok trees in his hometown must have bloomed. I really want to go back and see them.

His relatives must still be working hard in the fields, but he was being beaten in a northern commercial port six thousand miles away.

Is this what Mr. Huo calls a bitter trick?

Mai Xiang closed his eyes tightly and suddenly heard the voice of the boy named Qin again. He seemed to be standing beside him, as if talking to himself: "Why doesn't Mr. Huo come out? It's useless to just beat these trash. .”

I almost woke up Mai Xiang with anger. Can you look me in the eyes? Are you polite when you speak like this? My brother is the steward of the Qing Palace and the master of the imperial horse. I will scare you to death if I say it!

As soon as the fighting started here, someone hurriedly reported it to Huo Shilang. But Huo Shilang smiled and said nothing and didn't take it seriously.

Feel free to make trouble, it doesn't matter whether you are reasonable or not. What is important is that Eunuch Qin's family had a conflict with Liaocheng County and was even seriously injured. It would be better if they were beaten to death.

Suddenly, several people were shouting and yelling in the corridor inside the inn, which startled everyone in the inn, and the sound also reached Huo Shilang's ears.

"Hitting people, beating people! Huo Tao, the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, let his servants do it! Brutally beating his colleagues and their family members!"

"In broad daylight, oh no, in full view of the moon and stars! Huo Tao, the servant of the Ministry of Personnel, is forcibly tyrannical! He is like a villain! He treats his colleagues like nothing, how can it be tolerated!"

Huo Shilang didn't care at all about this kind of yelling and screaming.

But after carefully studying the content, Huo Shilang suddenly felt that something was wrong?

So Huo Tao couldn't sit still and immediately got up and went to the inner courtyard. Chang Sui quickly pointed and said that the matter was at the door of the opposite courtyard!

Huo Tao walked over again, escorted by Chang Sui.

Qin Dewei stood beside Mai Xiang boredly. Until now, he still didn't know Mai Xiang's identity.

Of course, Qin Dewei didn't care at all, and kept glancing in the direction of Huo Shilang's residence.

Finally, I saw a man with clear features and an official appearance appearing at the gate of the courtyard.

It's really long overdue, just like those police officers who catch thieves. It's the Nanhai Guard under the Guangdong Command and Envoy Department, a certain Qianhu Station under it, and a certain village under it. It's still 450 years ago. After.

Although Qin Dewei had been waiting for Huo Tao to appear, when Huo Tao did appear, Qin Dewei deliberately ignored him and only lowered his head to inspect the injury of the man named Mai, as if he was studying where to make up for the damage more scientifically.

Huo Tao was also surprised when he saw Qin Dewei's figure. He didn't expect that it was a teenage boy making trouble outside!

Looking at the way the county government officials were respectful to this young man, and remembering the urban legend I heard when passing through Nanjing, I instantly realized who this was.

"So it's you!" Huo Tao said subconsciously, no wonder the atmosphere outside is so weird!

But after he finished speaking, he felt that his appearance was a bit weak, so he pointed at a few people on the ground and added: "You are shameless! Let me go!"

Qin Dewei held down the man named Mai with a fire stick and turned to whisper a few words to the government servant next to him.

Then the yamen servant walked towards the outside of the circle, shouting: "Huo Tao openly shields evil servants, is unethical in his official position, and uses his power to beat his colleagues, family members, old and young. He is not worthy of being a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs!"

The inn was full of guests traveling from north to south, including officials who stayed with public funds, and businessmen who spent money to stay. You could hear such loud shouts even while sitting in the house, and everyone suddenly felt no longer sleepy.

Huo Tao's face was livid. Can you, Qin Dewei, look me in the eye and say something back?

He had forgotten who had deliberately hidden in the inner courtyard just now to avoid being seen.

Qin Dewei sighed, holding the water and fire stick and said: "Mr. Huo, people don't tell secrets. Everyone knows which side you are from and which side I am from. If you have any ideas, please mark them down! "

Huo Tao snorted contemptuously, the trap has been laid under your feet, you have fallen into it a long time ago. How dare you, a young and a half-year-old boy, not to talk secretly with me?

Mai Xiang, who had been lying down for a while, couldn't bear it anymore, opened his eyes and shouted: "My brother is the steward of Qianqing Palace and the eunuch in charge of the imperial horse supervisor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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