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Chapter 281: The Lion Fights the Rabbit

Chapter 281 Lion fights rabbit

What Huo Tao thought was both right and wrong. Qin Dewei did not have any intention of catching Mai Xiang. This was true. However, it was not that Qin Dewei did not dare to catch Mai Xiang, but that he did not want to catch him.

Because it is completely unnecessary. First, there is no point in arresting Mai Xiang, and locking him in the county jail is tantamount to causing trouble for his father.

Second, Mai Xiang's usefulness to Qin Dewei lies in the process, not in the results.

Third, Mai Xiang's beating of people, especially his loyal family members, is a moral crime far greater than a legal crime. In this case, why use judicial means?

Wouldn't it be equivalent to using judicial means to "end" this matter? On the contrary, Mai Xiang was not dealt with in any way and remained at large. This is why this matter will continue to have public opinion.

If you say you are afraid or don't dare, you really don't. This is the Jiajing Dynasty, not the Zhengde Dynasty where the Eight Tigers of Eunuchs are rampant.

So everything that needs to be said has been said, all the harsh words that need to be said have been released, and the public opinion has been created, Qin Dewei has completed his mission.

At this time, he is more like a film director and starring who has just called it a day. His whole body is full of fatigue after high-intensity scene planning and role separation, and he does not want to stay on the set for a moment longer.

Qin Dewei just wanted to go back to sleep and rest, but that night, Huo Tao, the right servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, was destined to suffer from insomnia. Such a big problem had arisen, and he had to find a way to remedy it.

In fact, the biggest mistake tonight was the sudden intrusion of Feng En's family members.

Originally, there wasn't much of a problem with Mai Xiang's beating. Even if it was a bit extreme, beating Zeng Zhixian wouldn't necessarily be a big problem either. Because these actions make sense logically.

Eunuch Pan, the former nobleman of Eunuch Qin, was punished by Zeng Zhixian's son. Eunuch Qin's brother took revenge on Zeng Zhixian. This is a logic that everyone can understand.

But Mai Xiang's beating of Feng En's family members is a huge black mark that cannot be justified. It is a completely illogical behavior, and it is even a bad behavior that harms his family.

In the officialdom, what everyone hates the most is people who are illogical, and sometimes they even boycott them collectively. As someone who travels with Mai Xiang, I will definitely be implicated.

Thinking of this, Huo Tao became very angry! He was originally going to trick someone, but he was tricked instead. For a headstrong and aggressive person, there is nothing more annoying than this.

The matter isn't over yet! You, Qin Dewei, think it's over just because the Minister of Civil Service's face is so easy to step on? No way!

Let you see how much power a meritorious figure who has registered in the emperor's heart, the minister of the most powerful official department in the world, can unleash!

After dawn tomorrow, we will go to Dongchangfu Yamen!

Magistrate Nakao does not have the obvious characteristics of a big faction, and he is not a particularly upright and independent person. He should be able to win over him, as long as he is willing to spend resources!

If you want to be promoted, or if your relatives or friends want to be promoted, or if you want to move your position, you can talk about it!

The Ministry of Personnel is in charge of personnel issues all over the world. Wang Hong, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, is one of our own, so everything is easy to talk about!

If you want to help say a few words in front of the emperor, we can discuss it!

He, Huo Tao, was a hero of the Great Ceremony Conference, so his importance to the emperor was naturally extraordinary! Moreover, he was awarded a silver medal by the emperor and had the right to secretly report!

With such huge political resources, I don’t believe that the prefect Kou will not cooperate!

The first is to ask Kou Fu to come forward to calm public opinion and characterize tonight's incident as a misunderstanding! If someone takes the opportunity to impeach him, let Kou Zhifu testify and explain for him as the highest magistrate!

The second is to find the fault of Zeng Xian, the magistrate of Liaocheng! This was originally what we planned to do. This is what we stayed in Liaocheng for a few days!

Originally, we thought of using private channels, but now that we are using resources to attack the Kou Prefecture, we should maximize their use! The prefecture government should have different perspectives on county government affairs!

Even if the government office refuses to cooperate, you can still find someone to guard the road, patrol the road, or even be the governor, chief envoy, or inspection envoy!

Jinan is only a hundred or so miles away from here! As a minister of civil affairs, you can always find people who are willing to cooperate!

Whether it is Zeng Zhixian or Qin Xiucai, you lower-level people know nothing about real power!

Originally you just wanted to use some easy and dirty tricks, but you insist on forcing me to convince others with force. Under the pressure of Mount Tai, you all should die!

With great anger, Huo Shilang couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Later, he began to imagine the miserable appearance of Zeng Mian and Qin Dewei and his son after being retaliated by him, and then he gradually fell asleep.

The next day, Huo Tao woke up and set out immediately to go to the Dongchang Mansion Office in the city. To be honest, what Huo Shilang did was very condescending, and it was so rare that it was almost shocking.

Compared with the fourth-rank magistrate and the third-rank official minister, although they are only one rank behind each other on the surface, their official status is several grades lower.

For example, if a prefect can be promoted to the rank of Minister of Civil Affairs, even if there is no delay in the middle step, theoretically he will be promoted four times. In other words, there is actually a difference of four levels between the prefect and the Minister of Civil Affairs.

But anger filled Huo Shilang's mind, and he couldn't care less about his face. Moreover, doing so would better highlight his sincerity and determination, and at the same time put tremendous pressure on the government office.

Kou Tianyu, the prefect of Dongchang, was really shocked when he heard that Minister Huo came to visit the government office in person, but he could only open the middle door respectfully to welcome him in.

Before the cup of tea was finished, Huo Shilang had no intention of wasting time, so he directly threw out his own resources, and then smashed the prefect Kou into confusion.

Kou Tianyu has been in the officialdom for many years. He has worked in various places from the sixth department to the local government. He simply doesn't know what to say. How about you, Huo Shilang? Is your approach of lion fighting rabbit worth it?

But looking at Huo Shilang's gloomy face, Zhifu Kou didn't dare to ask.

Huo Shilang was still adding more information: "My brother is just an idle minister now, isn't he? I can try my best to recommend him to serve as governor!"

But the county magistrate was also recommended by Xia Yan! Magistrate Kou was faced with a difficult choice.

And he also understood very well that Huo Shilang had lowered his attitude to such an extent and offered such conditions. If he didn't agree, it would be tantamount to being offended!

I only want to be a Taiping magistrate, so why am I forced to choose a side? Magistrate Kou used the last of his wits, used the procrastination technique, gritted his teeth and said: "Please give me Shaozhongzai to give me a day to think about it!"

Huo Shilang's face looked uncertain. After a long time, he nodded and said, "Yes!"

After seeing off Mr. Huo, Zhifu Kou rubbed his forehead helplessly.

I just felt that the court games in recent years were too dangerous, so I was transferred from outside the Ministry of Justice to a local magistrate. I just wanted stability, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't escape!

At this time, Mr. Kou came in. Huo Shilang ran over to find his father. He was so shocked that he was very curious.

After listening to Huo Shilang's intention, Mr. Kou had some ideas: "It's not wrong for my father to delay, but Qin Dewei from the county government is not easy to deal with either.

So my father might as well give the county government a sneak peek and see how they react today, and then make the final decision tomorrow."

This chapter has been completed!
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