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Chapter 289 The inside story of the literary world

"If you want to talk about literature with me, your work should be better than mine first!" Qin Dewei blocked Wang Shenzhong back with one sentence.

Qin Dewei's impact with full firepower was so great that he instantly rendered everyone speechless.

People here in the Beijing circle are not like those in Nanjing who have been tried and accustomed to it for a long time. They have never seen such a person at all.

Compared with angry youth, this person is more angry than Wang Shenzhong; compared with business, this person looks more like a host-guest technocrat than Wang Shenzhong; compared with literature and art, this person's works are more brilliant than Wang Shenzhong.

As the leader of the Eight Talents, Wang Shenzhong was beaten unilaterally from beginning to end, and in an all-round, three-dimensional manner from the inside out to the outside. He was beaten to the point where he could not even speak a few words.

What's the use of spouting a few more retro-style literary theories?

In literature, works are the last word. No matter how strong your theory is, if the works you write are not as good as others, then they are not as good as others.

Don't say that Wen Wu is the best, that's a way of comparing works of the same grade. But at first glance, some works are of different grades, and it is a joke to say that Wen Wu is No. 1.

If Wang Tingxiang was not present, some people in Beijing circles could still use their power of speech to help Wang Shenzhong and forcibly belittle the works of Qin Dewei, a newcomer from outside the country.

But Qin Dewei was obviously ordered by Wang Tingxiang, and it is even more ridiculous to want to force him. Who else but the emperor can force Zuodu Yushi?

However, Qin Dewei is very sober and has not forgotten what he came to do tonight. The fundamental purpose is to support Wang Tingxiang!

So he once again concluded with the final word: "The Eight Talents of Jiajing, in my eyes are just a joke. Does it make the voice louder when there are more people? It is far worse than the Seven Talents of the retro era!"

I can understand that you, the Jiajing Eight Talents Group, want to become famous, but please go and have fun on your own and don’t come to Junchuan Gong to try to get rich, okay?

Now Mr. Junchuan is nearly 60 years old, and he is in a high position and is busy with official duties. He has no energy to quarrel with you young people who are not doing their jobs, living in plain living, not thinking about serving the country, and thinking about how to become famous every day!

In addition, if you are obsessed with literature and art, please follow the example of Mr. Kang Duishan and resign from office to go home and study instead of stealing your official position and doing nothing, okay?"

The show ends here!

Qin Dewei patted the dust on his body in a relaxed and comfortable manner, and said to Wang Tingxiang: "I am glad that I have fulfilled my destiny tonight. If there is nothing else to do, I will take my leave and go back. After all, it is a long way to the east city."

Wang Tingxiang: "..."

What the hell is it like that you rush to finish your work and then clock out in a hurry?

Originally, Wang Tingxiang was quite satisfied. Seeing Wang Shenzhong defeated by Qin Dewei, he fulfilled his wish and regained his reputation as a senior in the literary world.

But only then did I realize that Qin Dewei's performance tonight was too simple and crude. Although it made him feel refreshed, it was like fast food and lacked a lasting aftertaste.

If you think about it more carefully, Qin Dewei did not show a delicate level or sophisticated design this time. He just tried to convince people with force, and he didn't even give a role as a villain!

It's so refreshing and so straightforward, without deep details! When I saw you Qin Dewei in Nanjing showing off, weren't you so impetuous?

When he thought of this, Mr. Wang Tingxiang was not satisfied again. A high-ranking official like him likes to speculate about people. Was he perfunctory by Qin Dewei?

Then he said: "Don't leave in a hurry. If you are late, I will send someone to escort you back!"

Young people must remember the word modesty. This essay meeting is an occasion for communication. You can't just speak for yourself, you must listen to other people's opinions, right?"

What? Qin Dewei was confused. The show is obviously over, but you, Wang Dazhongcheng, still want to delay the show?

Subconsciously blurted out: "For such a weak villain, you still want to use the reverse cheat?"

Wang Tingxiang was puzzled. What does the reverse golden finger mean?

Qin Dewei quickly changed his words: "With such a weak opponent, Dazhong Cheng wants to force him to add drama?"

Wang Shenzhong: "..." Are you polite?

Qin Dewei, who was stopped by Wang Tingxiang and couldn't get off work, was a little annoyed. He turned to Wang Shenzhong and said, "Sorry, I'm leaving in a hurry. If you have any last words, tell me as soon as possible!"

Wang Shenzhong's face looked as if he were dead, and he pursed his lips tightly, not knowing what to say.

But Lu Gao, one of the Eight Talents, suddenly spoke to Qin Dewei and said: "These few articles of yours cannot be called masterpieces, but the fact that you went so crazy with a few poems is an exaggeration!"

Qin Dewei didn't mind this criticism at all, but nodded in agreement: "You're right! Among my poems, these tonight are indeed only second- and third-rate!

Then he added: "But for tonight, second- and third-rate poetry is enough!"

Everyone: "..."

Are you saying that everyone is inferior to the second or third rate? You should be a human being as long as you can! If Zuodu Censor hadn't protected you, you would have been beaten, you know?

Wait? Being spanked? Not being spanked? A teenager?

Suddenly someone at the table came to their senses and exclaimed: "I was born in need of beatings from the Five Elements! Could it be that you are a student from Jinling Primary School?"

Qin Dewei: "???"

Is there any misunderstanding? Why did you only suddenly react now?

The exchanges between the two capitals are very frequent, and many people in the capital have heard of Qin Dewei's deeds in Nanjing.

I don't know why, when officials from Nanjing talk about Qin Dewei, their deepest impression is often that he has a bad temperament. As a result, those in Beijing only react to Qin Dewei's bad temperament.

Wucao! This person is actually a primary school student. He is exactly the same as the rumors. He should have thought of it a long time ago!

Besides, didn’t Wang Dazhongcheng just come back from Nanjing a year ago? If you’re looking for foreign aid, you’ll probably have to look for someone from Nanjing!

Wang Tingxiang laughed proudly: "Yes, this person is a primary school student! When he was in Nanjing, he was a strong supporter of our retro-style literature, so he had many disputes with Gu Dongqiao, the leader of the Nanjing literary circle!

You also know that Gu Dongqiao is a native of the Six Dynasties School of Jinling. Although the primary school students are natives of Jinling, they have always opposed Gu Dongqiao’s ideas and admire our retro school!

You can go and find out, did the primary school students in Nanjing often conflict with Gu Dongqiao, but instead got closer to me? What is the reason? It is because of the similarities and differences in literary ideas!"

Qin Dewei: "???"

How come Qin Dewei, the client, doesn’t know the inside story of the literary world that Wang Tingxiang talked about? When did he admire the retro style?

However, Qin Dewei suddenly understood why among the Seven Talents of the Retrospective Period, only Wang Tingxiang had made the most successful official career, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Wang Tingxiang is still saying: "In the spring of the ninth year of Jiajing, as soon as I arrived in Nanjing, I wrote a letter saying that I saw the prosperity of Dongyuan and thought about the sounds of the Han and Tang Dynasties..."

Qin Dewei was speechless. This was two hundred and seventy-three chapters ago, oh no, three years ago. It's hard for you, Wang Dazhongcheng, to still remember it. You deserve to be famous for your extensive knowledge and strong memory.

It's no wonder that Wang Dazhongcheng wanted to delay the show just now. He didn't want to add drama to his opponent, but to create drama for himself.

Now that he was recognized, Qin Dewei didn't mind making some visual expressions and said to everyone: "Actually, compared with managing the country and benefiting the world, poetry and literature are just a minor path, and I really have no interest in literary names.

What I regret in the past few years is that I shouldn’t have wasted too much time on poetry, which delayed me from developing real knowledge.”

Wang Tingxiang: "..."

Seriously, you, Qin Dewei, are really perfunctory tonight, and you actually imitate me when you speak!

This chapter has been completed!
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