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Chapter 296 To live a decent life...

Chapter 296: If you want to live a decent life

The eunuch's residence in the palace is called the Zhifang, and the senior eunuchs all have their own independent Zhifang. In the entire palace, the highest-end Zhifang is in the Yangxin Hall.

In the original historical time and space of the middle and late Qing Dynasty, Yangxin Hall became the core of the emperor's daily life. Not far outside was the military aircraft office, which was often seen in Qing palace dramas.

But in the Ming Dynasty, the Yangxin Hall was just a supporting building next to the Qianqing Palace, with a lot of messy functions and some debris piled up.

For example, it is not easy to set fire to the Qianqing Palace. If the imperial meal is cold when it is delivered or the emperor did not open the meal in time and let it cool down, he will first warm it with a dark fire in the Yangxin Palace before sending it to the Qianqing Palace.

There are also some single rooms for eunuchs to stay in Yangxin Hall. There is an unwritten rule that the first rooms of eunuchs and eunuchs are all in Yangxin Hall. Therefore, the first rooms in Yangxin Hall are the most high-end single rooms in the palace.

After all, this place is next to the Qianqing Palace and closest to Long Live Grandpa. It can be said that all the eunuchs are proud to have their first wives in the Yangxin Palace.

The only exception is probably the eunuch Qin Fuqin. When he was the imperial eunuch, Zhifang was indeed in the Yangxin Palace, and later moved to the Qianqing Palace.

Biyun, the eunuch and governor of Dongchang, the eunuch and governor of Dongchang, woke up early and told his godson Fan Lai, "Go to Qianqing Gate to look around. If you see Qin Fu coming out, come and call me quickly."

Fan Lai knew that his godfather wanted to create an "accidental encounter" with Qin Fu, so he said very unfairly: "Why do you do this, dad!"

In theory, the eunuch who holds the pen and is also in charge of the East Factory is the second-ranking figure in the entire eunuch system, second only to the eunuch who holds the seal.

So Fan Lai felt unworthy of his godfather. Obviously his godfather had a higher status than Qin Fu, but Qin Fu didn't even join the ceremonial department. Why would he bother to "ask" to see him?

Bi Yun scolded: "What do you know? Act quickly!"

He, the nominal second eunuch, was actually very unreliable. He knew very well that the emperor had asked him, the former eunuch, to serve as the second eunuch, probably just to appease the hearts of the elderly people in the palace.

Fan Lai could only obey the order and stood a little west of Qianqing Gate, looking at the inner right gate.

Unless there are special circumstances, Eunuch Qin's daily itinerary is relatively fixed. After coming out of Qianqing Gate, he goes west to the inner right gate, then turns north, and goes all the way to the imperial horse guard outside the palace gate.

This itinerary was passed outside the gate of Yangxin Hall, perhaps eunuch Qin did it intentionally.

Fan Lai, who was waiting at the inner right door, saw Eunuch Qin from a distance, and immediately turned around and hurried back to the Zhihuang Room of Yangxin Hall to report to his godfather.

Then Bi Yun came out of the Zhifang and out of the Yangxin Gate, and happened to "encounter" Qin Fu on the way.

Bi Yun laughed "haha" and said: "What a coincidence. I was thinking that I have nothing to do today, so why not stop by Lao Qin's place to ask for a cup of tea?"

The Royal Horse Supervisor and the East Factory are both located roughly northeast of the palace city. One is to the north and the other is to the east. It is barely possible to go along the way.

Bi Yun actually followed Qin Fu to the Royal Horse Prison, which made Eunuch Qin murmur in his heart.

Could it be that Bi Yun knew about the eye drops he gave to Bi Yun at the emperor's place? So he wanted to have a yin and yang with himself today?

Bi Yun said straight to the point: "Old Qin, you and I are not the emperor's vassal and old friends. You have to help me and say more kind words in front of the emperor."

Eunuch Qin laughed a few times and said, "Master Bi is joking. You are a factory official and hold a position close to the emperor's heart. Why do you need me to help you?"

Bi Yun was very senior in the palace and spoke very directly to Qin Fu: "A wise man doesn't speak secretly. If you help me, I will help you.

For example, regarding your brother's matter this time, I think we can think of a way so that your brother does not have to be punished and can be reunited with you in the capital."

Eunuch Qin: ""

Bi Yun didn't know what Qin Fu was thinking. Anyway, eunuch Qin had an expressionless face most of the time. Regardless of his appearance and temperament, the emperor might just like this kind of elegant appearance.

He continued: "We in Dongchang already have detailed documents regarding Huo Tao and your brother. Do you want to know the details?"

Dongchang's responsibilities are not only to kill, but also to "provoke affairs." On hot issues in the capital or the court, Dongchang will collect objective information as much as possible and independently form a confidential file.

If the emperor has the idea of ​​in-depth understanding, he can read the secret file at any time. If the emperor has no such idea or is too lazy to pay attention, then he can save it for record.

These secret files may not be used, but they cannot be left behind. When the emperor needs them, it would be dereliction of duty not to have them.

Faced with this kind of "good intention", Eunuch Qin nodded with difficulty. After all, it was his "brother's" matter. It would be very strange if he was not interested at all.

There is a word "secret" hanging on the secret files of Dongchang. Of course, Bi Yun could not give written information to Eunuch Qin, so he dictated it from memory.

Eunuch Qin listened, and suddenly said "angry": "So even though my brother moved his hands, he was actually beaten in the end, and even more seriously injured? Those bullshit civil servants actually ignored this and just grabbed

My brother-in-law beats people and won’t let them go!”

Bi Yun nodded, "Yes, that's true. Your brother is still recovering from his injuries in Linqing Prefecture."

Eunuch Qin continued to question "angryly": "Who did it? As the brother-in-law, and with Huo Shilang protecting him, who is so bold?"

Bi Yun explained in detail: "According to inquiring, it was a Nanjing scholar named Qin Dewei who took the lead. He escorted the Feng family north and met your brother in Liaocheng."

Wucao! Eunuch Qin was really angry. He slapped the table and shouted: "Why is he so brave!"

Bi Yun was not surprised: "The literati are like this. They echo each other with the same spirit and branches, so they are often bold.

Although Qin Dewei is a young scholar, I heard that he is very famous in Nanjing and must have connections in the court to protect him."

"That doesn't sound right." Eunuch Qin said suspiciously: "My brother-in-law and Huo Tao must be surrounded by guards, and their identities are here. How come my brother-in-law was easily beaten by a group? A fifteen-year-old boy took the lead.

Do others dare to follow suit? "

The information in Bi Yun's hand was indeed very detailed, "Of course there is another inside story. The Zengzhi County of Liaocheng happened to be Qin Dewei's father, so those government officials worked for Qin Dewei and followed suit."

Eunuch Qin: ""

Seeing Qin Fu's sudden silence, Bi Yun asked in surprise: "What's the problem with this?"

Eunuch Qin gritted his teeth and said, "Explain to me why this Qin scholar's father's surname is Zeng?"

Bi Yun was a little confused. Is your Qin Fu's focus a little skewed?

They, the Dongchang assassins, only discuss matters as they arise, and are not specifically interested in inquiring about family ethics and insider gossip.

So he casually said: "I don't know, it's probably a situation like adoptive father and step-father, so the surname is different.

It is also common for folk women to remarry, after all, if they want to live a decent life."

For some reason, Bi Yun suddenly misunderstood that there was a green light on Eunuch Qin's head. He was probably dazzled by his age.

This chapter has been completed!
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