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Chapter 322: Those Who Want to Lose and Those Who Want to Win (Part 1)

Why did this last poem suddenly break Li Kaixian's guard?

On the one hand, the reason is that there was a constant accumulation of emotions in the past, which exploded when it reached the critical point. Qin Dewei's words were really damaging.

On the other hand, the reason is that the political metaphor of this poem hits too close to home. Anyone who can understand the words "Zhongnan Shortcut" and "Prime Minister's Office" will understand them.

What Qin Dewei said above is still within the scope of the literary field, and is basically still limited to the debate in the literary world.

But in the end, this poem not only tarnished the literary achievements of the Eight Talents, but also began to expose Li Kaixian's political background. How could we let Qin Dewei continue to tarnish him?

However, Qin Dewei hurriedly appeared and hid in the crowd. Li Kaixian, who was overwhelmed by anger, wanted to chase him.

At this moment, a censor in his thirties suddenly stood in front, protecting Qin Dewei behind him.

Then I saw this man pointing at Li Kaixian and shouting: "Stop! You dare to commit murder and beat people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It is simply lawless! Do you really think that our Fengxian is just a decoration?"

Qin Dewei heard this person's voice and it seemed that he was the censor who was not afraid of trouble just now.

I couldn't help but be secretly moved, no matter what the world is like, there are still good people.

Li Kaixian was so impulsive that he dared to beat a primary school student, but he did not have the courage to beat the censor in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so he had to wake up and stop.

Bang! Master Zuo Qiandu Yu Shilan, who was in charge of the trial, also had a bad look on his face. He smashed the case hard and shouted angrily: "That's enough!"

This is the imperial court, not the underworld. Even if you want to confuse black and white, you still have to pay attention to a clear narrative logic.

Even if the emperor wants to kill someone, he can't just do it without finding a reason!

With so many eyes watching, Qin Dewei has used his strength to publicly prove that if it was just a quarrel between scholars, he would only be beaten, not others.

Therefore, it is impossible to make a judgment based on Li Kaixian's statement. Otherwise, there might be a batch of memorials tomorrow impeaching him for violating the law.

In the end, Lan Qianxian could only give the final word in a fair and open manner: "Uphold the original verdict of the Ministry of Punishment! Retreat!"

Li Kaixian couldn't care about Qin Dewei anymore and hurried out.

Qin Dewei, on the other hand, left in no hurry. He found the censor who came to protect him and said gratefully: "Thank you for your help!"

The censor, who was not afraid of trouble, smiled heartily: "No need to thank you! I am from Jiangdu, and I passed the exam with your father last year."

So that’s it! Qin Dewei understood immediately that he was from the same county and the same year as his stepfather. Sure enough, there is no such thing as love without reason...

According to the customs of these days, if everyone is an official outside the country and has the same relationship as the same county and the same year, they are basically close friends, unless they are extremely unfriendly by temperament.

So there is no need to say anything superfluous, Qin Dewei can just call him Uncle Shi.

Then Qin Dewei followed this uncle to the public house to drink tea and chat, and learned that this uncle's surname was Sang Qiao. He went north with his father to take the exam last year, and even his own mother had met him.

It was the name of this uncle that made Qin Dewei confused for a moment, not that this person was so famous.

If I remember correctly, Lord Sancho Sang should have a small historical achievement in the future - he was the first minister in the Ming Dynasty to impeach Yan Song, which happened four years later.

At that time, Yan Song had not even joined the cabinet yet. He had only been the Minister of Rites for half a year, and his reputation in the court was not bad.

I don’t know where this uncle Sang Shishu could find out that Yan Song was a treacherous minister. He was indeed a man who was not afraid of trouble.

The ending was probably that a few years later, Yan Song found an opportunity and was sent to the Jiujiang Conflict Army, where he died of old age in the garrison.

While Qin Dewei and Sang Shishu were drinking tea and chatting and having dinner together, the results of the trial spread quickly.

In fact, although this case is very small, and to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a public security issue involving a quarrel between two people, there are many people paying attention to this trial, including high-level bosses.

Some of the censors standing in the courtyard watching the excitement came to see the results for the big bosses.

In the Ministry of Rites, Xia Yan was shocked when he heard the result that "the original verdict of the Ministry of Punishment was upheld". According to his plan, this case should be lost!

His first reaction was, had Wang Tingxiang intervened randomly again? Didn't this horse-rider give the opponent an excuse?

Then, what should we do with the series of follow-up arrangements that were made based on the outcome of the lawsuit?

What a mess! There is no organization or discipline!

Master Xia couldn't sit still in the Ministry of Rites, so he hurried out of the Yamen and went straight to Wang Tingxiang's house.

At the same time, he ordered the chief to go find Qin Dewei and ask Qin Dewei to come over and go directly to Wang Tingxiang's house!

In the palace city, after entering the Meridian Gate and heading east, you will see the Zuoshun Gate. After passing the Zuoshun Gate, you will find the Wenhua Hall, the Emperor's Bedroom.

The Wenyuan Pavilion, where the cabinet bachelors are admitted, is just opposite the Wenhua Hall. Both Zhang Fujing, the first-ranked bachelor of the first assistant, and Zhai Luan, the last-ranked bachelor, work here.

Zhang Fujing, the chief assistant, has overall power and is busy with everything. He will not pay attention to such trivial matters as the fight between Qin Dewei and Li Kaixian. This matter has nothing to do with him.

In other words, only Zhai Luan in the cabinet paid attention to this. When he heard the results from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Zhai Luan was also surprised, but a little pleasantly surprised.

Wucao, Li Kaixian actually lost!

At the beginning, Mr. Zhai Ge and Li Kaixian actually had different opinions. Mr. Zhai Ge originally wanted Li Kaixian to lose again.

Then there was an excuse to criticize Wang Tingxiang and the Ministry of Justice for bending the law for personal gain, and then took the opportunity to insert their own influence into the judicial system.

But Li Kaixian refused to lose face. He was unwilling to lose again and must win.

Although Mr. Zhai Ge has a high status, he urgently needs to recruit eight talented people to become his powerful team. It is not easy to force people, so he followed Li Kaixian.

But Mr. Zhai Ge did not expect that Li Kaixian lost surprisingly.

Could it be that Prime Minister Wang Ting's political IQ suddenly dropped and he intervened regardless of suspicion? If so, this is an opportunity!

Any number of hats can be applied to it - Your Majesty, look at it, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment are collaborating together, a nest of snakes and rats! The judicial system is so united and exclusive that a needle cannot penetrate and water cannot penetrate!

So Mr. Zhai Ge couldn't sit still in Wenyuan Pavilion, so he got up and went home, and then sent someone to find Li Kaixian.

Listening to third-party rumors will always be distorted, which is not conducive to making a correct judgment, so Mr. Zhai Ge has been enduring it and waited for Li Kaixian, the party involved, to directly report the details.

Seeing Li Kai successively, Mr. Zhai Ge forcibly suppressed his joy, first asked his servants to serve tea, and then urged: "Tell me carefully, what is the specific process of your defeat?"

Li Kaixian: "..."

Does Mr. Zhai Ge know that asking a victim to recall the humiliation process in detail is a secondary injury?

But in the face of power, the victim has no right to refuse to remember.

Listening to Li Kaixian's hesitant talk about today's process, Zhai Luan's face became colder and colder, and his heart became colder and colder.

So this result is not because Wang Tingxiang bent the law for personal gain and forcibly interfered with the judicial outcome?

Is it because you, Li Kaixian, are a loser and can't quarrel with Qin Dewei?

So that even if the presiding judge wants to favor you, a court official, there is nowhere to do it?

Academician Zhai has lived to be fifty-five years old. He has never heard of it. Under the circumstances of having the right time, place and people, a quarrel can only become a kind of "evidence" and thus lose the lawsuit!

Zhai Luan pondered for a long time: "Give you another chance, can you quarrel with Qin Dewei?"

Li Kaixian almost knelt down and begged the boss to let him go! If it continues, the Jiajing Eight Talents Group may disappear from history!

This chapter has been completed!
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