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Chapter 34 Class Differences

The Xu family in Nanjing has gone through seven generations, starting from Xu Da, the hero of the founding of the country, to the current Duke. It is considered to be prosperous and has a large family population. Not only are there direct descendants of the Duke, but they also have many commanders, thousands of households, hundreds of households, etc.

World official.

The main sponsor of the Xu family school is Xu Pengju, the current Wei Guogong. Anyone who is a direct descendant of a senior official of the Xu family can enroll.

There are two main schools in the clan school, one is for those under ten years old, and the other is the one Qin Dewei came into today, which is mainly for those over ten years old and start learning the Four Books.

If you are older, you should go to Jingwei Martial Arts School in the next street to further your studies. Only those who have graduated from school are eligible to inherit the family business. This is the imperial rule.

As for those who do not have the right to inherit honorary officers, such as the third child Xu Shi'an, they can only hope for their own blessings. Some people can still maintain their dignity, while others have become worse than the last generation and have become commoners.

Therefore, even if he is the most distinguished nobleman in the world, Duke Guo of Wei still has many poor relatives.

When Qin Dewei came here for the first time, he couldn't help but ask questions. Sometimes he asked about the clan's academic situation, and sometimes he asked about Mr. Zeng's personal situation.

In this world, milk brothers are also a kind of innate special close relationship. Xu Shian has no airs in front of Qin Dewei and basically answers all questions.

Others were also curious as to why the beautiful maid next to Xu Shian was replaced by a handsome young man? Many people came over to inquire and chat.

Qin Dewei was talking to Xu Shi'an when he saw two more people appearing outside, and they were a man and a woman. Judging from their faces, the man looked about twelve or thirteen years old, and the woman was about fourteen or fifteen years old, and they were both very tall.

In fact, Qin Dewei is not short among his peers. Generally speaking, he is above average, but he is half a head shorter than the young boy who came in, not to mention compared with the almost mature girl next to him.

And this figure is particularly mature... Qin Dewei couldn't take his eyes away. He saw that the front was round and the back was round, making him want to pop out of his clothes. His whole body was tall and curvy.

There is also a narrow red ribbon tied around the waist, outlining two perfect lines at the front and back.

Qin Dewei made a calm judgment. It seemed that this mature girl's family was also very poor. Her coat and skirt were already very narrow but she didn't have any new ones, so she wore them to create this effect.

The two men saluted and greeted Mr. Zeng, and then walked in.

Qin Dewei immediately asked Xu Shi'an dissatisfied: "Why haven't they been beaten? Isn't Mr. Zeng still a playboy?"

Xu Shi'an was sour and replied loudly: "Exactly! If someone is a top student, as long as he is late, it must be because he read too late last night and lives far away."

Dr. Qin, a senior question writer, firmly despised Mr. San. Isn’t it natural that you are a scumbag and don’t have human rights? You still have the nerve to hate a good student, but you don’t have any idea in your heart?

As long as you go to a more serious school that still strives for advancement, this kind of class difference is just and fair!

The mature girl just glanced at Xu Shian with disdain, but the top student boy came over and said seriously:

"This is a school funded by the government. Since you arrived early, you should calm down and study your homework so that you can live up to the high expectations of the government. Why are you chatting and making noise without any dignity in studying?"

Qin Dewei, who saw a scumbag being lectured by a top student and a good student in his previous life, felt very happy. He nodded with a smile and winked at Xu Shi'an.

Then the young man said sternly to Qin Dewei: "It seems that you are supposed to be the one accompanying the students. You should try your best to advise and help with the homework. At the worst, you should help spread paper and grind ink. Why are you just playing and joking? Isn't it your duty to be a student?


The smile on Qin Dewei's face gradually solidified, but the smile of the other milk brother suddenly began to change, and he made a low "hehehe" sound.

When the top student boy finished his lecture and left, Xu Shian proudly pointed at the cloth bag: "Didn't you listen to what others taught you? Go to work!"

Qin Dewei was very sad and woke up from his dream. His identity as a good student was a memory in his previous life. So far in this life, he is just an accompanying student.

He looked at the boy who was an honor student and saw that he was wearing coarse cloth clothes made of the same material as his own. Then he looked at his brother-in-law, who saw that he was wearing fine satin.

This is also an obvious class difference. Qin Dewei said sinisterly: "Aren't you angry at being lectured for nothing? Aren't you going to take revenge? Aren't you going to do something consistent with your status?"

Xu Shi'an rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "I have a higher seniority and am an uncle! What else can we do? Besides, we are guests from the north. How can a host hit a guest?"

Qin Dewei quickly asked: "What's going on here? He doesn't look like he's a member of a noble family, so why can he join the family and learn to read?"

"If you want to ask that woman, just say so." Xu Shian went off topic without hesitation.

Qin Dewei quickly denied: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

His eyes couldn't help but glance over again. At this time, the mature girl had her back to him, bending slightly to help the top student boy grind ink. The circular arc at the back was fuller... Qin Dewei was dazzled for a while.

He was puzzled, how could that young top student still be able to calm down and study in the face of such a devil? What a great concentration this must have, he was either a great sage or a great traitor!

By the way, what does this devil look like? I never bothered to take a closer look at his face... I have a vague impression that it looks good?

Xu Shi'an patted Qin Dewei on the shoulder, then forced Qin Dewei's head back, and warned: "Just take a look, don't provoke her, you can't afford to provoke her!"

"You are overthinking, we are not that kind of people!" Qin Dewei denied even more firmly, "But you didn't even tell me the situation and left me confused. Why can't you afford to provoke me?"

Xu Shi'an looked at Mr. Zeng who was walking up to the podium and said leisurely: "Yesterday, I had a memorization lesson for "The King of Liang Hui, Part 1", but I didn't memorize it... If you can help me pass it, I will tell you."

Qin Dewei was speechless, once again deeply feeling the class differences.

Why was his predecessor expelled from the government-run social school in the first place? Because he was twelve years old and could not recite the full text of the Four Books.

Why do government-run social schools do this? It’s because educational resources are extremely limited, and only the most talented and small group of people can continue to study.

His predecessor was only an average person with an upper-middle level talent, but his talent did not reach the top, so he was forced to drop out of school. Although he could not recite the full text of the Four Books, he could actually recite most of them.

And this naughty brother Xu Shi'an can't even memorize "The King of Liang Hui" at the beginning of "Mencius", and he can still mess around in family studies openly.

What is this if not class difference...

"Okay! I'll try my best to help you!" Qin Dewei could only agree to be a reading companion and help others avoid disasters.

I just have a slight headache. This naughty brother seems to be a college scumbag, and I don’t know how many bad things he will need to "fix" in the future.

Xu Shi'an nodded with satisfaction. The little maid was replaced by the big brother. If it can't be used, what's the point?

Mainly because Qin Dewei's witty performance last night deeply moved him. He must be a perfect dog-headed strategist, no, that's called a right-hand man.

This chapter has been completed!
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