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Chapter 353 Days in Heavenly Prison (Part 2)

As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!

Qin Dewei quickly changed the subject, "Since Duke Guizhou has changed the Ministry of Personnel, who is the Minister of Rites?"

Wang Tingxiang continued to answer: "The minister Gu Dingchen was promoted to the minister of rites!"

Gu Dingchen was the number one scholar in the 18th year of Hongzhi's reign and is currently the representative figure of the Suzhou Gang in the imperial court.

This person later joined the cabinet, and sadly he was made a puppet at the same time as Master Xia Dingfeng.

I don’t know the other talents of Mr. Gu, but he is good at writing Qing Ci, and he has a historical achievement of being the first minister to write Qing Ci for Emperor Jiajing.

Historical records say: Qingci was the master of knowledge, and since Gu Dingchen, people at that time called him the prime minister of Qingci.

Therefore, it was very reasonable for Emperor Jiajing to promote Gu Dingchen to be the Minister of Rites, and Qin Dewei was not surprised at all!

Qin Dewei thought of another person he cared about very much: "Has there been any change in Huo Tao?"

Huo Tao is now the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. If Master Xia becomes the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, you can imagine how uncomfortable Huo Tao will be in the future.

Emperor Jiajing wouldn't be so nostalgic, right? Huo Tao is the backbone of the Yili Sect!

Sure enough, I heard Wang Tingxiang reply: "Huo Tao went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and moved to the left as Deputy Capital Censor."

Qin Dewei could only laugh at this appointment.

Huo Tao's own expectation is that he will control the affairs of the Ministry of Personnel as the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and then succeed Wang Hong as the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel when the time comes.

Now that he has become a pragmatic left-deputy censor, he is starting from scratch, and the official minister still falls into the hands of his sworn enemy, so he will surely suffer a loss.

Wang Tingxiang said again: "Why don't you ask who the new Zuodu censor is?"

Qin Dewei replied without thinking: "You still need to ask, he must be an old and quiet minister! Otherwise, how could the Metropolitan Procuratorate accommodate Huo Tao!"

Wang Tingxiang: ""

It's really shameful that I guessed it right.

Anyway, after hearing this series of personnel adjustments, Qin Dewei silently complained in his heart, as expected of the power-obsessed Emperor Jiajing, what a bitch!

Wang Hong changed his position from the top official department in the outer dynasty to the commander-in-chief of the military department in the capital. At the very least, he should be given the title of Prince Shaobao. This is how he can maintain his honor and dignity.

The result is that there is no increase. It seems that the grade remains unchanged, but in fact it is downgraded. This can be regarded as an explanation of public opinion.

Xia Yan's change from the Ministry of Rites to the Chief of Staff of the Foreign Dynasty can obviously be regarded as a promotion. It was probably used to check and balance the cabinet's first assistant Zhang Fuking and the second assistant Fang Xianfu.

Wang Tingxiang had recently become close to Xia Yan. The Metropolitan Procuratorate was in charge of official inspections, and the Ministry of Personnel was in charge of official assessment. The combination was too powerful, so Wang Tingxiang was sadly transferred to the vacant Criminal Department.

Huo Tao was transferred from the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the Metropolitan Procuratorate in order to use Huo Tao to continue to check and balance Xia Yan. After all, the Metropolitan Procuratorate was responsible for supervision.

Qin Dewei is very clear-headed. He is a pioneer officer. After he is imprisoned, there will definitely be conflicts that he cannot see.

All in all, judging from the results, this wave can be summarized as follows: Master Xia and Huo Tao fought, and the result was that Master Xia won a big victory with the powerful assistance of the plug-in.

But Wang Hong and Wang Tingxiang, who were waving flags from the outside, were depressed by the emperor who was obsessed with checks and balances. Then Gu Dingchen, who could write Qing Ci, took advantage.

What makes Qin Dewei sigh is that his influence on history is getting bigger and bigger.

It turned out to be just a slight change in Mr. Feng's fate, but now it has directly affected the big bosses.

In the original history, Xia Yan had never been the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Wang Tingxiang had not been the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Huo Tao had never been to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will become increasingly difficult to predict the future.

Thinking of this, Qin Dewei suddenly became a little nervous about his situation, and asked again: "What about my sentence? Why hasn't it been approved yet?"

Wang Tingxiang said with emotion: "The emperor hasn't approved it yet, just wait!"

"What do you mean?" Qin Dewei was confused.

If we say that we need to adjust cadres from top to bottom before taking action, then the adjustment has been completed now, so what are we waiting for?

It's just to let yourself out. The emperor only needs to approve it. Is it so difficult?

Wang Tingxiang seemed to be a little gloating and said: "The point you put forward is that the three major officials, the first assistant and the second assistant Tianguan, should be responsible for the disaster of the comet, so Zhang Shoufu and Fang Cifu resigned from office at the same time!

Then the emperor will definitely issue an edict to comfort you. This matter will take several rounds. How can I let you go before it is over?"

Qin Dewei: ""

Anyone who understands politics knows that in this case, the first and second assistants who "pretend" to resign must be retained first, and then Qin Dewei can be released.

If Qin Dewei is released first, it will really force the first and second assistants to leave together.

So Qin Dewei had nothing to say except sighing.

Mr. Feng listened with great interest and commented: "In your words, I have to bear the sins I have done with tears in my eyes."

Before leaving, Wang Tingxiang said in a very wicked way: "Just stay in prison with peace of mind. Anyway, I have come to take up the post in the Ministry of Punishment. I guarantee that you will not die suddenly in prison for no reason!"

Two days later, Qin Dewei, who was extremely bored, was knocking on the iron fence and asking Feng En to read the manuscript.

He was very curious. Mr. Feng kept writing every day and claimed to write a book. What exactly did he write?

Why does Mr. Feng sometimes smile at himself while writing?

Suddenly, the door to the prison opened. Qin Dewei thought it was something sent by the Feng family, so he didn't pay attention at first.

However, he glanced and saw the jailer escorting a person in, and he immediately became energetic. Could it be that a new prisoner had come in?

I'm tired of seeing only Mr. Feng every day. It's good to have a new guy.

When the newlyweds came down the steps, Qin Dewei could see clearly that he was in his fifties, covered in silk, and very gorgeous with gold belt and jade pendants.

It's just that this newcomer has a very arrogant attitude. He didn't even say hello to the old people like Qin Dewei and Feng En after he came in.

He stood at the intersection and chose the outermost cell, which was diagonally opposite Qin Dewei.

Then he took off his jade pendant and threw it to the jailer, as if he were ordering a slave: "It's convenient! Let the outside steward come in and clean up the cell!"

While Qin Dewei was dumbfounded, he saw a dozen servants, carrying a bunch of belongings, and they quickly packed up the cell diagonally opposite into a luxurious single room.

Then I saw the new prisoner telling someone: "Find two beauties who can sing. Come and drink with us tonight."

The inner imbalance of human beings is mostly caused by comparison.

Qin Dewei couldn't help but asked the jailer standing in the aisle: "Who is this?"

The jailer replied in a low voice: "Marquis Jianchang."

Wucao! Qin Dewei was secretly surprised. It turned out to be the Zhang Yanling of the Zhang family who wanted to marry Xu Miaoxuan!

The former second most evil boy in the world was his brother, the rumored richest man in the capital!

I didn’t expect that after living in the sky jail for so many days, I would encounter Zhang Yanling in jail!

Zhang Yanling's case can be regarded as a famous political case in the middle and early Jiajing Dynasty. The emperor kept wanting to kill him, but the ministers unanimously opposed the killing. It took more than ten years to get the result.

But then he remembered something, and Qin Dewei was no longer unbalanced.

I'm afraid this Zhang Yanling still doesn't know that according to history, he didn't just go out for a few days in Tianlao.

He had to live there for more than ten years before he was taken out and executed by Emperor Jiajing.

Qin Dewei was not interested in Zhang Yanling, but he was curious about who sent Zhang Yanling in this time and space?

In addition, I would like to express a moment of silence for Mr. Wang Tingxiang. He had just become the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, but he was involved in such a major case with many inside stories and the emperor's tendency was particularly obvious.

This chapter has been completed!
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