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Chapter 418 The Inside Story of the Spring and Autumn Jingkui

Generally speaking, the person with the most limelight after the results of the rural examination should be Jieyuan, but in the rural examination of the Southern Zhili Province in the 13th year of Jiajing, Qin Dewei's popularity was no worse than that of Jieyuan.

There was no way, who could have predicted that this might be the first case of a teenager passing the imperial examination in the Jiajing Dynasty. This halo is more eye-catching than Jieyuan.

After all, among the examples given by the previous few teenagers, five out of seven became the first assistant. As for the two who did not become the first assistant, they were not ordinary people.

One was Cheng Minzheng, the examiner who was suspected of cheating in the examination room, and he dragged Tang Bohu into the street.

The other one is He Jingming, one of the Seven Talents of the Retrospective School. He is also the most talented and the youngest among the Seven Talents, ten years younger than Wang Tingxiang.

It's a pity that He Jingming died young before he was forty, otherwise he would be the leader of the serious retro-style literary world now.

Of course, if He Jingming had not died young, Wang Tingxiang would not have forced Qin Dewei to support the banner of the retro style. The fate is so wonderful.

All in all, Qin Dewei was the most popular and popular in the same year, and he also received the most party invitations.

After the Lu Ming Banquet, it was the time for the new imperial examiners to meet privately with the chief examiner and fellow examiners. From then on, they were officially listed as disciples.

The seat teacher's side is more lively. After all, the chief examiner is a Hanlin bachelor, so he will be of some use in the future.

As for the teacher Fang, it's okay to be free. After all, most of the examiners in the provincial examinations are just instructors from various schools who were former supervisors, so they will be of no use in the future.

This is generally the way things are in the world.

According to the rules, new people are required to bring gifts when they go to become apprentices. Qin Dewei is very down-to-earth and doesn't do anything fancy, and just gives money!

By this time, Bachelor Zhang had moved out of Gongyuan and moved into Yingtian Mansion.

When Qin Dewei went to visit, there were still so many people, so he went there again in the evening and finally was able to talk to Academician Zhang alone.

Zhang Xueshi traveled on the road for a month and was detained in Gongyuan for another month. At this time, he had completed the important task of the provincial examination.

He finally felt relaxed and could talk to Qin Dewei unscrupulously without avoiding suspicion.

"Teacher, aren't you afraid of material criticism?" Qin Dewei said as matter-of-factly as money: "Just take care of me a little, isn't it a bit too much to give it to a manager?"

Zhang Chao said nonchalantly: "At the age of sixteen, even if you are not the chief executive, even if you are ranked number 135, you will still be eye-catching."

Qin Dewei had heard this kind of thing a lot in the past two days, so he responded skillfully and pretended to be shy: "It's a compliment, it's a compliment, it's all because of the teacher's praise!"

Zhang Xueshi suddenly said: "Actually, I didn't put you in the Five Classics Kui, but later there were other reasons. I don't dare to take credit."

Qin Dewei asked curiously: "What happened when filling in the exam?"

Bachelor Zhang gave the real inside story in detail: "When the examiners, promotion officers, and supervisors gathered together and started writing the draft list, I placed you in the 91st place."

Qin Dewei always felt that this ranking was inappropriate for him, and he couldn't tell what was inappropriate about it.

He then heard Zhang Xueshi continue to say: "In the first five places on the draft list at that time, the leader of the Spring and Autumn Classics was Bao Daoming from Huizhou Prefecture, and the leader of the Xie Yuan Dynasty and Book Classics was Zheng Weicheng from Qimen County, Huizhou Prefecture.

Therefore, Mr. He, the Nanzhiti academic officer who supervised the examination, had a different view. He believed that it was inappropriate to have two Huizhou people in the Five Classics Kui, and suggested that the Spring and Autumn Classics Kui should be replaced by another person.

The official promoted by the rural examination, Lord Yin Chai of Yingtian Mansion, saw that there were no Nanjing scholars in the first fifty places on the list, and his face was not good, so he begged all the gentlemen to give the imperial capital some dignity.

I combined the opinions of the examiner He Tixue and the promotion officer Chai Fuyin, and I mentioned you to the fifth place in the Spring and Autumn Classics on the main list, replacing Huizhou Bao Daoming.

This only requires a simple adjustment, which not only prevents the top five places of origin from being repeated, but also meets Chai Fuyin's requirements and saves the face of the capital."

Qin Dewei suddenly realized that this was the real inside story!

The reason why I got this economic leader was due to many balanced reasons, and it even benefited from the political status of Nanjing City.

As for what Hu Zongxian said about snatching his managerial position, it’s all nonsense!

Even if he is not the leader of the Spring and Autumn Period, he still cannot be Hu Zongxian who lived in the old Qinhuai courtyard for a month!

Thinking of this, Qin Dewei couldn't help but sigh: "I originally thought that I won the Spring and Autumn Classics with talent and learning, but I didn't expect that it was because of political factors. How embarrassing it is!"

Zhang Xueshi then deeply understood why after arriving in Nanjing, many local people said that Qin was born with a lack of spanking and lacked spanking in the five elements.

After the official deer-crowing banquet and private visits to teachers, people in the New Imperial Examination entered into a complete carnival time, and various year-end banquets sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

As a popular figure in this field, Qin Dewei has to attend several events a day from noon to evening.

When we arrived at the sixth venue, it was getting dark and it was probably the last venue today.

At this time, Qin Dewei was already 70 to 80% drunk. He leaned on the desk and said, "Why don't you see brothers Nian giving me poems?"

Someone laughed and said: "They are all afraid of trying to do something for their own sake!"

Qin Dewei raised his hand and pointed at Hu Zongxian who appeared here for some reason, "Brother Hu! You still owe me, compose a song for me!"

Hu Zongxian was never afraid of trouble, so he stiffened his neck and said, "Stop pretending! Someone told me that at this time, you must be the one who wants to recite poems and write lyrics, so you are just looking for excuses!"

If I want to compose a song, you must first make a mockery of it, and then make a comparison of your own! That’s why you are called a poet!"

Wucao! Qin Dewei was surprised, who revealed his secret routine to Hu Zongxian!

This is the trouble of being a celebrity. Many little habits have become known to others without even realizing it.

Forget it, stop pretending, just write it yourself!

Qin Dewei asked the servant to bring a pen over, and wrote on the wall: "I am happy to move to Yingling, I am sixteen years old when I congratulate Qiujie!"

Tang Xueshi, Li Qinglian, the young master is more graceful. The chief minister in lotus clothes is given the title of Gaoxuan, and his name is written on a red paper.

At the banquet in Qujiang, beside the cherries, we competed to see the purple and white noodle. Chang'e sent little Chanjuan to send flowers to the brim of her hat."

That night, when he was extremely drunk, Qin Dewei was helped to Wang Lianqing's house. He lay there smelling of alcohol and didn't want to move.

Beauty Wang called her maid over to untie Qin Dewei's clothes and wash them.

The drunken Qin Dewei allowed it to happen, and asked Wang Lianqing with a bit of pride: "At the beginning, others said that the lower limit of my prospects was Wen Zhengming, but are there still people who say that now?"

While wiping Qin Dewei's face, Wang Meiren said: "You have already passed the imperial examination, and Wen Zhengming has not. Now when others talk about your prospects, of course they will raise their eyebrows."

Qin Dewei asked with great interest: "What do others say about me now? I think my approach is a bit like the former leader of the literary world and the former chief assistant Li Dongyang."

Wang Meiren threw down her face towel and replied with a smile: "Now people say that your lower limit in the future cannot be Wen Zhengming, at least Tang Bohu!"

Qin Dewei: ""

Is there any essential difference between Tang Bohu and Wen Zhengming?

The world is so big, and the majestic imperial capital of Jinling is so big, can we not just focus on the one-third of an acre of land in Suzhou and compete with each other?

This chapter has been completed!
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