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Chapter 421: Detailed explanation and test

Then Qin Dewei said to another person who came with him, Xu Gu, "Are you going together?"

Xu Gu waved his hand and said: "You go to worship your master, what should I do? I will go to worship my master, and I will also talk to Xie Shaonan."

Xie Shaonan is a good friend of Gu Dongqiao and a descendant of Xie Chengju, a famous scholar in Jinling. He won the imperial examination in the tenth year of Jiajing and became a Jinshi in the eleventh year of Jiajing. He was the same age as his stepfather.

Later, he was selected as a Shujishi, and he is still studying in the Hanlin Academy.

Qin Dewei said: "Then let's act separately!"

Chen Feng said that he wanted to visit Master Zhang, but it turned out that he didn't even know where Master Zhang's home was and wanted to find out now. But Qin Dewei was familiar with it and went directly with him.

Chen Feng was thinking about buying some decent gifts, but Qin Dewei said that it wouldn't be so troublesome and it would be most economical to give money directly. What Teacher Zhang's family lacks most is money.

On the road with Qin Dewei, Chen Feng was finally able to confirm that there was definitely a close relationship between Qin Dewei and Zhang Xueshi!

Otherwise, how could Qin Dewei, a native of Nanjing, be so familiar with Zhang Xueshi's home in the capital?

The two were chatting while walking, and Chen Feng said: "Xu Shicheng and I want to be called the two scholars of Jinling together, and become famous in the capital with calligraphy and painting as well as poetry. What do you think?"

Shicheng is Xu Gu's nickname, and Chen Feng's is Yuquan.

Qin Dewei said inexplicably: "If you want to do it, do it. What do I do? I'm not good at calligraphy and painting."

Chen Feng answered honestly: "I'm afraid you might have any opinions. Xu Shicheng's father said that he must ask you.

I also heard from people in the capital that even the eight Jiajing talents who claimed to replace the retro school were torn to pieces by you, how could the two of us survive?"

Qin Dewei: ""

Without such a black man, Qin Banqiao would be like a tyrant in the literary world.

After talking, they arrived at the place. Qin Dewei pointed to the Zhang family gate and said to Chen Feng: "This is Master Zhang's residence!"

Then Chen Feng saw Qin Dewei knocking on the door of Teacher Zhang's neighbor.

Another tall and slender beauty, Qing Shui, wearing no makeup, dressed in plain clothes and wearing hairpins, opened the door. With just a quick glance, Qin Dewei quickly got through the door.

So Chen Yuquan was in a mess in the cold wind of northern winter. Qin Dewei suddenly went to find a woman. So what should he do now? Help Qin Dewei guard the door?

Just when Chen Feng was doubting his life and worried that he was being deceived, Qin Dewei came out in time.

This time I officially visited Teacher Zhang’s house and was led to the classroom.

Academician Zhang was at home and accepted the two salutes with a smile.

We had just said goodbye in Nanjing two months ago, and now we immediately reunited in the capital. Both of us had different emotions.

In fact, Teacher Zhang didn't have much impression of Chen Feng. He only vaguely remembered who it was after reading the invitation.

After a few words of greeting, Academician Zhang took the initiative and said, "You are here in the capital. Are you sure about next spring?"

Qin Dewei said without restraint: "How dare you go to Longwang to Shu? It's just to try your luck."

If you pass the exam with great success, if you fail the exam, you can go back to your hometown and become a country squire and work hard to benefit the country.

Chen Feng replied in a decent manner: "Students are very confused about the examination. Please give me some pointers so that students can clear up the clouds and see the light of day."

Bachelor Zhang then introduced: "Compared with the Spring Wei Examination and the Autumn Wei Township Examination, the examination method and process are exactly the same.

But the biggest difference is that the examiner's personal style is very imprinted.

For example, the questions for the general examination are given by the examiner the day before the exam.

Not to mention that the questions can directly reflect the examiner's preferences, in addition, the examiner will also write a sample essay and send it to the fellow examiners in each room, so that the fellow examiners can choose the candidates based on the sample essay."

Qin Dewei and Chen Feng understood immediately, so if the test paper suits the examiner's style and caters to the examiner's preferences, the probability of being selected is very high.

Chen Feng continued to ask: "Then how does the examiner decide?"

Zhang Xueshi then replied: "Among our Ci officials, there is the theory of the Great Hanlin and the Little Hanlin.

Among the Ci officials, those with high-level official positions such as Zhan Shi Shao, Shu Zi, Yu De, and Bachelor were called the Great Hanlin.

The rest of the official positions such as compilation, compilation, review, and Zhan Shifu's praise are called Xiao Hanlin."

Then Academician Zhang got to the point, "According to the examination rules in recent decades, the examiner usually chooses a senior Hanlin to serve as the examiner.

We have to wait a few days before the exam date, and then the emperor personally appoints the examiner. This is also to prevent the candidates from being leaked in advance, which may lead to fraud."

Qin Dewei said disappointedly: "So who will be the examiner can only wait until the emperor temporarily appoints him before the exam next year. There is no way to know now?"

"That's not entirely true." Bachelor Zhang took out a list and handed it to Qin Dewei: "Look at this."

Qin Dewei looked down and saw a list with several names and positions written on it:

"Dong Qi was the left servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy.

Wen Renhe, the right minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and a bachelor of Hanlin.

Zhang Bi, Zhan Shifu, Zhan Shifu.

Sun Chengen, the young master of Zhan Shifu.

Wang Jiao, the concubine of Zuo Chunfang.

Jiang Rubi, You Chunfang You Yude.

Cai Ang, a bachelor of lectures.

Yao Lai, a bachelor's degree student."

Qin Dewei read it several times and realized that it was a list of the so-called "Great Hanlin".

Zhang Xueshi explained: "I listed out the suggestions of the senior Hanlin, and after careful consideration, I found these eight people.

If my prediction is correct, the examiner will definitely pick out these eight people, but I don’t know who the emperor will pay attention to in the end."

Wucao! Teacher Zhang is so awesome! Qin Dewei quickly saluted again and said: "Teacher is so thoughtful!"

The qualifications of Hanyuan Ci Lin are its own system. If you are not extremely familiar with the internal situation of Ci officials, you will not be able to figure out the proficiency of Hanlin Ci Lin, and you will not be able to make such a valuable list.

It's enough to narrow the scope to eight people. At least trying to figure out the examiner's style won't be a pointless search for a needle in a haystack.

If you still want to expect that you can narrow the list of candidates to two or three people three months in advance, then you are looking down on the Ming Dynasty's imperial examination system to prevent early leaks.

Chen Feng also hurriedly saluted. He knew very well that if he hadn't followed Qin Dewei, he would never have seen such a list!

Teacher Zhang probably just prepared this list for Qin Dewei!

Moreover, Chen Feng also understood why the students and children of Hanyuan Cichen had a much higher chance of becoming a Jinshi than the normal candidates.

He also understood why Xu Gu's father, the hermit Xu Long, had repeatedly emphasized that the two of them should put aside their prejudices and follow Qin Dewei seriously in the capital. This was the old man's wisdom.

Qin Dewei looked at the list in his hand again and couldn't help but sigh: "Why don't you, teacher, appear on this list?

In terms of qualifications, the teacher is a Jinshi in the sixth year of Zhengde. In terms of official rank, the teacher is a bachelor's degree at least, which is enough to be called a great Hanlin."

Zhang Xueshi smiled bitterly and said: "My family knows their own affairs, how can the emperor order me for such an idle and indifferent person?

Besides, I just presided over the Nanzhili Township Examination, and it is impossible for me to continue to preside over the examination."

Qin Dewei said with relief: "Although it won't work this time, there will definitely be a chance in the future!"

This chapter has been completed!
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